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The DMT-Nexus at Aya2014!

Migrated topic.

The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
Help Make the DMT-Nexus Presentation at Aya2014 a Reality

Since its inception, the DMT-Nexus has been at the cutting-edge of research into DMT and other psychedelics. As membership has grown, we have made new and exciting connections, resulting in an ever-expanding series of projects including endeavors such as The Nexian E-Zine, The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook, The Collaborative Research Project, several large-scale sustainability projects, and conference presentations, including last year’s Nexus presentation at MAPS Psychedelic Science 2013.

This year, SnozzleBerry and endlessness have been accepted to present the Nexus’ analytical work on ayahuasca and related preparations at the Aya2014 conference in Ibiza Spain. The abstract can be found below. While they are very excited to attend and share the Nexus’ findings, the financial costs associated with the conference present a considerable obstacle to their attendance.

The cost of this presentation, including airfare, conference tickets, and expenses like food for both of them totals € 674,-

It is important that the Nexus be represented at this conference as we are currently engaged in projects that numerous sanctioned researchers have stated “would be some of the most important work relating to ayahuasca research.” The fact that these researchers both recognize the importance of these projects and are unaware of Nexus research into these areas highlights the need for increased visibility of Nexus research efforts. Aya2014 presents a unique opportunity to not only present our findings, but to also directly engage with sanctioned researchers about the research as well as what the DMT Nexus is, our goals, and our other projects.

There is, of course, an incredible amount of work remaining to be done. Hopefully participation in Aya2014 will help cement the DMT-Nexus within the minds of other researchers, open new avenues of exploration, and sow the seeds for things to come. Please consider donating to help make this endeavor possible!

You can also donate bitcoins: 17Ba5BwYqroaDLYUaYicpb62Nc78o6aJd3

(any donations made until the date of the conference will go towards this funds)

Our abstract for the conference:

Despite numerous published scientific papers and anecdotal reports indicating the presence of DMT in a wide variety of plants, there is much ambiguity, contradiction, and speculation regarding the actual chemical composition of many of these plants. Discussions of indigenous preparations, which include DMT-containing plants, often treat the phytochemistry of the β-carboline-containing plants as fairly uniform. However, new examinations of these plants, utilizing modern analytical techniques, have shown them to contain a variety of compounds in differing ratios.

The DMT-Nexus has carried out unique chromatography and mass spectrometry analyses of specimens reported to contain DMT and β-carbolines, from both novel and previously examined species complexes. Thus far, we have tested species within the Acacia, Phalaris, Psychotria, Banisteriopsis and related genera, as well as Mimosa tenuiflora and Diplopterys cabrerana. This research has elucidated questions and hypotheses regarding: indigenous botanical preparations; identities of plants found in the global market of entheogenic vendors; and the phytochemistry of plants that ethnobotanical researchers encounter in their own geographic regions.

Key results from our ongoing inquiries show that neither Tetrapterys methystica nor Alicia anisopetala contain harmala alkaloids, despite being used in similar manners to Banisteriopsis caapi. Additionally, our analyses of Diplopterys cabrerana have not demonstrated the presence of 5-MeO-DMT, despite numerous anecdotal claims that this plant induces subjectively similar effects to 5-MeO-DMT. Similarly, our analyses of Banisteriopsis muricata leaves have not detected the presence DMT, despite hypotheses by notable ethnobotanists to the contrary. The significance of this research is that it presents the merging of traditional ethnobotanical knowledge into contemporary scientific contexts, while expanding our phytochemical knowledgebase. Through botanical and chemical analyses, we are beginning to correlate plants identified in formal botanical contexts and their chemical constituents with their indigenous classifications and uses. We are also working towards identifying plants with alkaloid profiles analogous to traditional entheogens.

"If we all chip in a small amount we can make big things happen!"

Kind regards,

The Traveler


Thank you all for the refreshing words and the donations!

Here is the list of what has already been donated for the funds:

* 76,-
* 20,-
* 7,-
* 30,-
* 20,-
* 15,-
* 10,-
* 15,44
* 10,-
* 20,-
* 20,-
* 75,-
* 10,11
* 20,-
* 130,13
* 12,59
* 200,-
* 8,-
* 8,-
* 6,23
* 5,-
* 10,-
* 20,-
* 5,-
* 5,-
* 5,-
* 8,-
* 10,-
* 4,-

Total: 775,50 euro
It is my pleasure to contribute as much as I am able to in order to help Endless and Snozz fund this trip. I wish so badly that I could join those of you who will be attending Aya2014, but unfortunately it is just not possible for me. It thrills me that members of this forum are so active in solidifying the DMT Nexus name in the psychedelic community. I wish you guys the best as you make this journey and participate in this conference.

Much love and respect <3
I have donated some monies and I am very happy to have done so. It was really great to meet both Endless and Snozz in person (and the mighty Traveller, and, as ever, the mad and brilliant Infundibulum), and I will be at the Aya conference talking about aya...my talk will be more of a general overview but I think it sounds really great to have some Nexus peeps there discussing the Nexus' analytical work. This is going to be a highly financially draining move on my part with my current income but I simply have to be there. I really hope you guys can make it, and hopefully cross paths there!! 8)
Oh man Id love to go to this. I don't have the money to afford it though this year :(

How long are donations accepted for? I'd like to contribute when I can.
Thank you all for the refreshing words and the donations!

This makes me very proud and if we keep this up we can send endlessness and Snozz to the Aya2014 conference to represent us all.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

I would like to make a donation. What kind of protection do we have for anonymity?
Do I need to use bitcoins to remain anonymous?

joedirt said:
I would like to make a donation. What kind of protection do we have for anonymity?
Do I need to use bitcoins to remain anonymous?
For the better anonymity using bitcoin with an account that was never used for any purchase (that would link your real life address to your bitcoin wallet) would be preferable for your case.

The Paypal account however is not linked in any way to the DMT-Nexus and is used for other fund raising purposes too.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Since the donations are trickling in, I will update the first post regularly to state how much has been donated.

Thank you all so much for this!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
All new donations have been added to the first post.

We are not there yet but with over 200 euro already donated I can only say that you all are doing your very best!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Check your Paypal inbox Trav...More funds for our intrepid representatives!

I think this is important work we are all engaged in and I'm happy to contribute.:thumb_up:
VIII said:
:shock: Go, go, go!
Go, go, go indeed. :)

I have added the newest donations (including a few big ones!) to the first post and we are moving now towards the 500 euro mark!

Thank you all so much for your donations, they are really appreciated!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I think that it would be nice to get past the target figure so that Endlessness and Snozzleberry can take advantage of the hotel mini bar facilities that maybe available.
Thank you very much everybody! We are so happy you guys and gals are making this possible, it would be sad to have this so close to where I live, coincidentally when snozz is visiting, and yet not be able to go. We really think the establishing of a network with the mainstream researchers is a very important thing for the community and this is a perfect opportunity for it! We`ll definitely do our best to represent you all :)

LOL hug46 thanks, though no hotel for us, we`re gonna be crashing in someone`s living room or camping in a backyard or something to save some money :)

But, that being said, if we do get anything over the requested budget, our idea is to use the exceeding money to print some The Nexian magazine copies and distribute in the conference. We are planning to include the latest Dennis Mckenna interview as an additional section in The Nexian 2 before we print, and then give a copy to him personally :) I think that will be pretty cool, having such a quality magazine should give The Nexus even more recognition and legitimacy ! We have found a pretty good option for printing 50 copies of the The Nexian 2 for 252 euros, so any further donation will go towards that!
You all did it!

With another big donation and a few smaller ones, which are appreciated as much as well, we raised the total funds that is needed to send endlessness and Snozz to Aya2014!

As endlessness already pointed out in the previous post of this thread, any extra donations will be used to print a special paper of The Nexian to distribute at the conference.

One important aspect of the issue that we will print is about underground research and how we, the members of the DMT-Nexus, can help legitimate research groups by doing our underground research. You can read more about that in issue 2 of The Nexian.

So if you were thinking about giving a donation then please still do so, that way we can distribute our collective research and raise awareness for it where it belongs: with legitimate research groups.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
this is an excellent project and im not surprised we reached this total so quickly, nice one Nexians:thumb_up:

good luck SnozzleBerry and endlessness, i think you will represent us very well, but can you make sure it gets filmed/recorded in some way as it would be great to see.
Beautiful work guys, I'm so pleased that SnozzleBerry and Endlessness will be representing The Nexus at the Aya2014 conference. The power of community is truly amazing, this thread really warms my heart. ♥

Much Peace and Respect
Remembering how well recieved the brochures were the last time, printing the nexians as a handout would be sweet. I hope we can make the stretch goal. Good to know that both of you are representing the nexus at that conference, endlessness and snozzleberry.
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