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The essay from the being that used to be me

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've been very intrigued by this spirit molecule for the last 3 years or so. I plan to do an extraction soon, but it was not really an option for me before so I read about it on Erowid, BL, HF, etc. I am in grad school and have a Bachelor's in Biology so I naturally look at things from a biological and evolutionary worldview but I'm sure that DMT has the ability to demolish that worldview and replace it with something else, if it sees fitting. Before I had a chance to do an extraction, synthed DMT found me. I have had 2 sub-breakthough experiences and am taking it slowly as I want to give all due respect to this very special spirit molecule. I am endlessly intrigued by this molecule that occurs naturally, in us and other beings, yet has the potential to cause such drastic changes in perception and reality. I hope to read more about this amazing chemical and contribute to this great community. I stated in another post that I think that we have an opportunity to evolve with DMT to steer us in the proper direction. The idea of tapping into a universal conciousness or knowledge base excites me to no end.

I prommise to contribute to this community to the extent of my abilities as I see spreading knowledge of DMT to like-minded individuals important in deciphering all of the knowlege that we can from this amazing molecule.

EDIT: If you don't mind, I'll psste some paragraphs of mine from other posts that I feel add to my overall statement.

My view of god is still a thing of interest to me, but it is currently in flux. I guess you could call me agnostic. I was raised in a SE USA small town with two very good, but very conservative parents. I went to church 2x on Sun, on Wednedsdays and to all of the special events. The church is a "bible believing evangelical southern Pentecostal" type of Christianity that was affiliated with the Church of God(Cleveland, TN) for many years.

I have dropped most of the theological and social agenda that I was brouht up in. Don't get me wrong, my parents are good people. They love me and make a difference in the world for the better. However, we don't agree on most religious, social, political issues. Some of this I share with them and some of it I keep to myself because blind honestly would not make them change their views. Instead, I focus on broadening their horizons by exposing them to other cultures and religions. We've had more of a friendly relationship these last few years, but partially because I hold stuff back. Is this wrong, or is spreading love and knowledge to those who need worth biting your tongue on other things.

That being said, from reading and recent experiences with shrooms, ketamine, nitrous and sub-breakthru dosages of DMT have left me convinced that "reality" is much deeper and more intricate than the average person will admit or knows. I can't wait to breakthrough and experience for myself, but from what I read, DMT seems to point in this same direction. I'm not sure if our human brains can comprehend or visualize the inter-connectedness and interdependentness that exists in the "real world" as they exist now. Perhaps this is a molecule to evolve with as humans and other species have evolved with and use various plants(DMT-producing and otherwise).

If these realities exist then I have to view every religion on Earth in a new light. Buddhism fits nicely with a worldview similar to this. A very liberal christianity could benefit from a similar worldview (Universal Unitarians.

Any ideas/inspirations regarding these subject? I'd love to hear other people's viewpoint.
That's an interesting thought that DMT is some sort of catalyst to evolution. My initial thought was maybe the ingestion of psychoactive substances is how intelligence in all creatures has grown throughout history. Considering what these substances do to us just imagine the effect on chimps and apes and jaguars etc.
Like I said it's just a thought. An interesting one with probably no merit.
Like I said, I'm still developing a lot of these thoughts and theories. I also read "Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot and a few Alan Watts books that got me thinking in different directions. I read a DPT trip report where a guy's dog licked the packaging then was looking for more(it tastes disgusting so he was surprised by this). The dog was much more loving and kept closer to them than he normally did. Not saying to give animals drugs, but it sounds like they may enjoy or have some use for them.
Yeah it's not something I know too much about but I have read accounts of jaguars regularly eating psychedelic roots and vines and then of course there is the story of the rabbit and ibogaine though i think that is a myth.
I also read something along time ago about some gorillas regularly ingesting coca leaves. So animals taking drugs and seeming to enjoy/use them isn't all that unheard of. Like I said it's something I know next to nothing about but it is quite interesting.
Plants providing exercise equipment for the mammalian brain. Evolutionary ecto-plasm for the brain or some such shit.
Rabbit and Ibogaine? Is this like the game Telephone?

I believe you are speaking of the story of how the Bwiti discovered the Iboga root, by observing the boars..
۩ said:
Rabbit and Ibogaine? Is this like the game Telephone?

I believe you are speaking of the story of how the Bwiti discovered the Iboga root, by observing the boars..

Was it a boar? Sorry. For some reason I thought it was a rabbit. Maybe I was confused by Janis's rabbit hole.
Now that I have looked around a bit I'm seeing that gorillas, wild boar, birds, elephants, and porcupines all were eating the root before man.
Everything but rabbits that is.
Opiyum said:
Now that I have looked around a bit I'm seeing that gorillas, wild boar, birds, elephants, and porcupines all were eating the root before man.
Everything but rabbits that is.

I have read anecdotal reports of these as well as reports of native tribes using DMT and similar compounds to communicate with animals for hunting and other purposes. The other thing that lead me to this line of thinking was other examples of animals and plants/virus/etc. coevolving to survive or thrive more so than they would on their own. The ramifications of humans experiencing this with DMT could be great.
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