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The Fact/Opinion Distinction

Migrated topic.
Philosophically it is ofcourse a pretty dificult thing to very accurately define what 'truth' means. However, if there would not be such a thing as 'truth', all we'd be doing is basically saying 'boo' or 'yay' to eachother.

I think only people with bad arguments have an interest in perpetuating the idea that relativity means that there is no such thing as truth. Because it would mean that all arguments, regardless of their content, are equal.
Here's the thing though: science works.

Every time you turn on your computer, take an Advil, or start your car, you are cashing in on the fact that the scientific method does what it does really well: allow us to make predictions about how systems will behave.

Does it answer the deep philosophical questions?

Admittedly, no, it doesn't BUT, here's an unpleasant truth: philosophy doesn't either. People have been asking and failing to answer these questions four literally thousands of years and we are no closer to an answer then then we are now.

If you're quest is to know what's it really all about when you get right down to it really, you're going to go to your grave dissapointed.

As for this...
Valmar said:
For example: human-caused global warming. It's basically a religion, heavily touted as "objective fact" with a LOT of political pushing behind it, with tons of emotional arguments and twisted "facts". Because it's pumped at us so heavily, most just fall into line, thinking that if the corrupt political Establishment says it all the time, so loudly and so insistently, it must be true, right? It couldn't just be a huge scam to steal wealth from the poor and worker classes to give to the rich and connected, right?

You are fundamentally misunderstanding how science and the scientific community work. Speaking as someone who has had to fight tooth and nail to carve out even the most meager funding for my research, I cannot help but roll my eyes whenever I hear people indulge this *patently false* theory that there's some great conspiracy of climate scientists.

Do you know how cut-throat the world of science is? Do you know how happily legions of researchers would fall on each other, jackal-like, to devour the proponents of climate change theory if there was evidence refuting it?

And anyway - in what world does climate change activism steal from the working classes to support the rich? It's a movement almost irrevocably bound up in anti-capitalism and leftist beliefs.

Fact.. the world is warming.

Fact.. the world is our physical home.

Beyond these facts are theories about it, it's good to watch the weather because weather entangles our lives. It's all very concerning because big changes are happening that we can measure.

Anyway.. as our societies become further alienated from this responsibility/stewardship we are going to loose sight of why we are here.

Over population, exploitation, greed, and a total disregard for nature is not a good path to be on.

Mother nature will have the final say. She is not indifferent perhaps but we need to follow the natural ordering of things. That's what we need to understand.

Are we working with her?

I think it's getting to a point in time where we need to learn some respect for the life process and not keep washing it all under the carpet of things to be "used". There is no respect for the sacredness of nature and we are getting further away from the ground of what we are.

Are we the cause of global warming, I dunno. Are we respecting the natural world..some are trying to wake up., some are to busy just trying to survive the changes. Some don't care and say it's not our fault and keep pushing their agenda of greed.😁

Next time you throw your garbage out remember where it goes...
The fact could be that all this responsibility belongs to to the macro as much as it weaves into the micro.

Diffusion of responsibility.. I have my struggle with it to.
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