Rising Star
After experiencing DMT, I sat for a couple hours to contemplate how I could best express my feelings and insight on the trip as a whole and on the drug itself. I wrote my thoughts and ideas down to help out some of my friends who were greatly interested in trying the drug, but wanted to know what it was like and what to expect. This is what i came up with.
Imagine suddenly feeling mentally and physically forgotten and forever lost, in ways your brain cannot even begin to fathom, unable to comprehend where you are at, what you see, and how things are, but at the same time eerily feeling the need to embrace the massive amounts of radiating energy and vividly intricate technicolor dimensions that surround and move throughout your body, spirit, and mind as you fly at 5 million miles per hour through this crazy hyperspace, which is magically unbound by time, or any other logical, credible, or reasonable attribute and where everything is unknown to and beyond the deepest limits of the brain and human thought. Its a place where nothing is or even remotely seems like what it was before, where what your mind and your body sense in any way, shape, or form is not only something you have NEVER been able to sense (Or close to anything you have sensed before), but also something that is completely baffling to every square inch in your body, your brain, and the entire spectrum of your greatest possible imaginations, making everything that is experienced in the trip to become some sort of stupefying mystery which now exists in your extravagant sensorium. I don't feel that it is the objective (Or that there is an objective at all for that matter) to be dumbfounded or in question from the psychedelic kaleidoscopical patters, shapes, and objects and mind altering sensory abilities. I feel one is to be understanding of the lack of a 'normal' in any dimension, to any extremity, and to be one with all dimensions in the euphoric place where everything is perfectly balanced, where complex energy and extreme serenity integrate and flow beautifully together not only through the vast depths of the space and area about you, but through yourself as well, in the most content notion possible. There is no need to comprehend anything at all during the trip, there are no questions, there are no gods or orders, there is no need for priority, there is no need to know. There is simply an opportunity to coexist with the gift of multiple dimensions in the most peaceful state and manner possible.
Imagine suddenly feeling mentally and physically forgotten and forever lost, in ways your brain cannot even begin to fathom, unable to comprehend where you are at, what you see, and how things are, but at the same time eerily feeling the need to embrace the massive amounts of radiating energy and vividly intricate technicolor dimensions that surround and move throughout your body, spirit, and mind as you fly at 5 million miles per hour through this crazy hyperspace, which is magically unbound by time, or any other logical, credible, or reasonable attribute and where everything is unknown to and beyond the deepest limits of the brain and human thought. Its a place where nothing is or even remotely seems like what it was before, where what your mind and your body sense in any way, shape, or form is not only something you have NEVER been able to sense (Or close to anything you have sensed before), but also something that is completely baffling to every square inch in your body, your brain, and the entire spectrum of your greatest possible imaginations, making everything that is experienced in the trip to become some sort of stupefying mystery which now exists in your extravagant sensorium. I don't feel that it is the objective (Or that there is an objective at all for that matter) to be dumbfounded or in question from the psychedelic kaleidoscopical patters, shapes, and objects and mind altering sensory abilities. I feel one is to be understanding of the lack of a 'normal' in any dimension, to any extremity, and to be one with all dimensions in the euphoric place where everything is perfectly balanced, where complex energy and extreme serenity integrate and flow beautifully together not only through the vast depths of the space and area about you, but through yourself as well, in the most content notion possible. There is no need to comprehend anything at all during the trip, there are no questions, there are no gods or orders, there is no need for priority, there is no need to know. There is simply an opportunity to coexist with the gift of multiple dimensions in the most peaceful state and manner possible.