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The first step took me 9 years to get into hyperspace...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First steps... It took me 9 years.

The first time I became aware of DMT, or at least really began to look into it, I was 18, and reading "The Cosmic Serpent," by Jeremy Narby. My love affair with psilocybin was about a year deep, and I found it captivating that many of the experiences recorded through ayahuasca were mirroring some of the more intense trips I had with mushrooms. I consumed as much research on the matter as I could, and slowly a quest to find some DMT. Naturally, I was able to locate some, as I hung out with a crowd of ravers, who fancied themselves "enlightened" due to the considerable amounts of LSD they had taken... Spice acquired. It was time go visit the sand worms on Arrakis.

My friend helped me smoke it the first time. He loaded some up in a tiny bowl with a bit of weed, and held it for me while I died trying to inhale it. While I was hitting the bowl, my vision was crunching inward around the flame, bubbling over with purples. I sat back, and saw bits and pieces of my day, week, year, and life flash forward for about a second. II was surrounded by a gentle sprawl of organic geometry and tendrils waving around, from a bead of light. There was a lion, covered in flames, that ran through my vision, followed by a man on a horse--who was also on fire...he, and his horse, were also visceral images of muscle, bone, and sinew, straight from the depths of an Alex Grey painting. Behind him was a tunnel of light.

I gazed down the tunnel, amazed that I could see the physical beams of light hanging midair, stretching back in a flaming mandala, where a multi armed danced at the entrance. The light was populated by bug eyed creatures, looking like the typical rendition of grey aliens. They were inside of the light, moving back and forth from the other side. When one would get good look of me, it would retreat back to let another by. I was being pulled closer and closer, and right before I got to the end I barred from entrance.

"You can not come through this way," it said something similar to this. "You must take a more traditional route. Come back when you have more knowledge, when you are ready."

Then everything stopped. I was back where I started sitting in front of my friend, who was just sitting there grinning.
I told him what happened, and he was intent on getting me to break through, but it didn't happen. I decided to listen to the voice, and seek out a more traditional method, or at least, wait for the proper time for it way to find me, once I was ready...


I am now 27. I have spent the last 9 years honing my tastes of entheogens, researching and advocating their use relentlessly, and have found myself at a yoga studio in Canada, conducting a workshop... I am demoing a device that I do work with, which uses strobing lights to induce meditative states, through stimulating an optical nerve coupled with a photopigment called melanopsin. The experience triggers endogenous tryptamine production, and produces sensations that are very much like psychedelics. The thought is that it stimulates the pineal gland, and I am prone to believe this. I am not going to say that it makes the pineal gland produce DMT, because that is unknown, but I can say, it triggers the bodies natural response to produce it...Full blown geometry, outer body experiences, entity encounters. I have had this happen to, and seen these produced in others I have worked with. It is a profound device, but that is a topic for another time.

After the demo, I am talking to a couple in the room. We get onto the topic of DMT, as he says it felt a lot like moments during an ayahuasca experience. He has asked me if I had ever tried it, and then proceeds to invite me to some underground ceremonies, after I explained to him what I just explained to you in the first part of this post.

The vine has me in its sights. It has found me. It was time to initiate.


After the first ceremony, which was pretty much an introduction to hyperspace -- not quite fully in it, but a vast presentation of the avenues which I could immerse myself. As if someone was trying to sell me on something:

"Come on now! Step right up! Look down this hall way for a moment! You could go here! But wait, look at that over there! You could integrate with the collective hive mind over through that door! Whoops, don't go too far down there, there are more things to show you! Oh yeah, you had a question coming in here didn't you? What a dumb question, need we remind you how incredibly bless and fortunate you are? You get a gold star for being a human. Great work. Come back and see us again soon...and oh yeah, those massive crystals you brought with you, give one to the shaman, and bare mind, you are about to get really into crystals..."

That was pretty much the take away message I got. I didn't purge, I didn't once feel like I was in too deep (even after drinking three cups), and I didn't really get to hyperspace. The setting for that was not right, but there would be another opportunity.

Come participate in the dieta they say...It will be fun they (did not) say.


Nervous as hell, I am sitting in the ceremony space, which is inconveniently located ten hours east of Vancouver, in the mountains, where no one but the bears, cougars, and fellow dieteros, can hear me purge. In walks the Maestro (we will call him P), to begin our voyage. Sitting down, he says to us, "I only have two rules: One -- No screaming. Two --Don't bite me, because if you do, I will fuck you up. Everyone laughs, if there was a sheet of ice, he would have shattered it.

Song are sung, and the brew is prepared. One by one, we go to drink. I am on the far end of the circle, drinking last as it would seem. P gave a nice little pep talk to everyone before he poured their cup. My mind is running through possible scenarios of what he might say to me. Slowly, I sit in front of him, expecting some sagely directive to cary me through this night. We lock eyes, he starts laughing, and pours me a cup. I drink it, and return to the nest of blankets and amethyst I have made myself.

About an hour in, and I am not feeling so much. Mild visuals, and slight anticipatory anxiety. "The clinic is now open," P says, while shining his flashlight at the ceiling. Again, I am last to go for another drink. I figured that I may need more, as the first ceremony I participated in, I had three glasses, and felt alright to continue. I sit, I drink...and little chunks of something get stuck in my throat, causing me to dive for my bucket, where I immediately begin puking my brains out.

"The energy is now open, the Mother is now here. What you do with this is now up to you."

Things got heavy after this. I went from feeling completely fine, to being absolutely out of my head. I was purging what I felt to be years worth of programming, while I was continuously getting further from my body. I run outside for the bathroom, as the double dragon is upon me. It takes me an infinite amount of time to get there, as I keep dissolving, and reconstituting with each step. My visual field is absolutely overwhelmed by particles that keep exploding, and rearranging into my surroundings. I am sobbing, asking what ever entity is there to please just let me shit, before I have to throw up again...I was miserable, until the thought occurred: this is what I asked for. Immediately, despite the agonizing physical state I am in, all is well.

I am in there so long, I wonder if anyone is going to come out to look for me. I get back into the space, and immediately begin the purge again. Laid out, mostly off of my sleeping pad, I begin to leave my body, drawn out by the songs of the Maestros.

I begin seeing the planet, and the organization that binds each an every organism to this realm. I see bears, dolphins, cuttlefish (specifically these ones
) walking all over my vision. I see life, I see death, and the force that holds all living beings in this realm. All there was was the breath of the universe energizing everything I could see...And then I hear the songs once more. The icarros calling out through out time, their vibrations infinitely resonating through the fabric of space, existing before all life itself, and simply emerging through us, as their vessels. They are calling out for help, for people to step up to fight for the planet, to bring in a new way of thought, so that we can usher in a new era of consciousness, and reclaim our world from the agents of disparity, whom have had more than enough time playing keeper of this realm. They are calling out to me.

The planet sits below me. I have made it into space. I can see the sun, I can see the gravity holding onto me, and the subtle break, when I am no longer in its grasp. I begin getting pulled outward into space. I see cities populated by all sorts of aliens wandering about. I feel as if I am in the game Halo, as the years of playing competitive FPS's is surely burnt into my subconscious. There are massive crystalline structures everywhere....It looks like a video game, but perhaps that is the only way my mind was able to interoperate what I was seeing. Time to move. I leave the cities, go back to space. I need a starship though, and it occurred to me, that I could just create one.

Having your own UFO is probably the sweetest thing ever...I was in the cockpit, that materialized around me, looking around, flying all over the place. Going from start to star, planet to planet, maneuvering in every which way I possibly could. Every possible avenue of physical directional momentum unfolded in front of me -- I wanted to go everywhere, but I couldn't make up my mind, so my ship dematerialized, and I was cast adrift.

"It's time to come back; you have been out here a very long time. It is time to go home." I had been floating there for what seemed to be an eternity. There was a part of me, back on earth, that I hadn't been a part of. A fragment of myself that had remained separated from the fleshy meat bits that I had vague recollections of. Gravity began pulling at me; space opened up, and I was back around the earth, and in my body -- where I promptly sat up, and began making some violent sounds into my bucket.

Somewhere along the journey, I had managed to get puke all over myself...

Normalcy was returning, but there were 10 more days of this I had to look forward to.


Thanks to whomever has read this! My first trip into hyperspace was well worth the wait. What I was a part of has changed me forever, and I am incredibly fortunate to have witnessed it. There are many details that were omitted, naturally. Some revelations, and imagery that I did not touch on--and fuck was there a lot of imagery... This wall of text was all I could do while playing the role of kitchen alchemist. Hope you all enjoyed my first step into hyperspace, it was a long time in the making. Much Love to you all!


Next time on Couch Love's adventures through hyperspace!

CouchLove meets a trickster masquerading as a 4D image of Donald Trump, revealing secrets of shaping reality through manipulation of thought via symbolic constructs of language!

Who is this trickster? Is he friend or foe? Will couch love role around in his vomit again? Did CouchLove just go through time, to see psychic pockets of time-space, collectively constructed by thousands of years of DMT use by the Egyptians?! Did they really show him the process of creating matter through intent!?

Find out next time on CouchLoveBall-Z!
CouchLove said:
I am demoing a device that I do work with, which uses strobing lights to induce meditative states, through stimulating an optical nerve coupled with a photopigment called melanopsin. The experience triggers endogenous tryptamine production, and produces sensations that are very much like psychedelics. The thought is that it stimulates the pineal gland, and I am prone to believe this. I am not going to say that it makes the pineal gland produce DMT, because that is unknown, but I can say, it triggers the bodies natural response to produce it...Full blown geometry, outer body experiences, entity encounters. I have had this happen to, and seen these produced in others I have worked with. It is a profound device, but that is a topic for another time.

Orly? Would love to see a published paper in a scientific journal about that... *cough* Is there any so far?
Here is information about the device provided by the developer, with subsequent information about melanopsin:

They are called Ajna Lights. There are also other devices on the market, The Lucia Light, and Pandora Star, which are used for similar purposes. They are legitimate therapeutic tools, which induce sensations nearly identical to elements of classical psychedelics. Induction of meditative states, dream states, and a whole spectrum of subconscious, conscious, and super-conscious experience. Brainwave entrainment.

Regardless if it makes the brain produce DMT, if it can put me in a deep, meditative state, with CEVS, OBEs, and vast amounts of applicable, sensory input, that I can only equate to experiences I have had on psychedelics, I am not going to split hairs -- I will just continue to use it as a legitimate tool for the expansion and maintenance of the mind :)
The first time we 'remembered' that we do do join the Noorani Noor (clear light of unity every night during deep, dreamless sleep was... when we was electrocuted on the main line in the (so called) nuisance state of uttar pradesh near about 27 years ago. (...seems CouchLove spawned into THE ALL when we was electro-cuted) We have been talking in this nuisance ways ever since. For we it is loike keeping the Noorani Noor doors to Lahoot a tiny crack open (moar loike pin needle size). Perma-opening it moar could lead to fully blown majzoob (i.e. the intezam-kite would become moar/less use-less in the world).....(...we think)
This was an incredible read. It really touched with a large part of my experiences tonight, that I am honestly still digesting. Looking forward to your next post, you've got me on a bit of a cliffhanger!
Very well written, I was captivated.

I have yet to meet Mother Ayahuasca, waiting patiently until it's right. In the meantime, I enjoy reading such magical reports as this! Thank you very much for sharing.

Peace and Love,
Internal_light said:
This was an incredible read. It really touched with a large part of my experiences tonight, that I am honestly still digesting. Looking forward to your next post, you've got me on a bit of a cliffhanger!

smoothmonkey said:
Very well written, I was captivated.

I have yet to meet Mother Ayahuasca, waiting patiently until it's right. In the meantime, I enjoy reading such magical reports as this! Thank you very much for sharing.

Peace and Love,

Thanks you two! I had almost forgotten than I posted this, but I am glad it was enjoyed! Truly a spectacular experience that has launched me into such a beautiful place!

I will certainly get to the second part one of these days!

Much love my friends!
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