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The great Spoon dilemma.......

Migrated topic.


Words keep flowing out like endless rain into a pa
Hello my fellow nexus travelers.

I have a quick question, At the moment i haven't been able to track down a Glass turkey baster ( idk if it's true but a few people on the nexus say that a Glass turkey baster is needed, Since a plastic one would melt )

I did however manage to find and buy a small glass eye dropper.

So my question is, Is it worth attempting to use a glass eye dropper during the pulling stage of an extraction ??

I'd post a picture of it to show you it's size but I'm not sure how to post pics here >,<

Now as well as that, My one litre glass mixing bottle has a big wide opening at the top, Could i just very carefully use a big metal spoon to move most of the top layer to my glass roasting dish, And then perhaps use the Glass eye dropper to suck up any remaining parts of the top layer that i couldn't get with spoon. or is that an incredibly foolish rookie mistake ??

I'd appreciate some feed back guys. I was all confident and mentally prepared to try my first extraction attempt, And not being able to find a Glass turkey baster at a few shopping centers I've visited has been frustrating and has kinda taken the wind outta my sails and rained on my dmt parade 😝😧😧 Yes yes i know, I should be more patient and not have gottn excited and ahead of myself. I'm just being honest here.

Cheers ✌


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Hi there Hendrix87,

You could use this eyedropper to pull the spiced NPS, but if it's a bigger amount it would take quite a while to do so. You could scoop out the bigger amount with a metal spoon and then finish with the eyedropper, yes. You can also wash the metal spoon with a tiny bit of NPS into the already pulled NPS so you can wash off any spice that might stick to the spoon and go down the drain.

A glass Mohr pipette (image 1), sold at a lab glassware shop locally, would be perfect. You could try to find such a shop near you, or you could order such a pipette from many, many online vendors. A Cadence Syringe (image 2) would do too. Other kinds of pipettes that would work perfectly are Pasteur pipettes (image 3) or the one I managed to get my hands on, called a Mohr-Rezilla Pipette (image 4).

There are many that would do perfectly, you just have to find a lab glassware vendor near you, or order one online. Good luck with your extraction, and PLEASE read carefully and strictly follow the Extraction Safety Guidelines

Looking forward to your results! Be well! :love:


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Hendrix87 said:
Hello my fellow nexus travelers.

I have a quick question, At the moment i haven't been able to track down a Glass turkey baster ( idk if it's true but a few people on the nexus say that a Glass turkey baster is needed, Since a plastic one would melt )

I did however manage to find and buy a small glass eye dropper.

So my question is, Is it worth attempting to use a glass eye dropper during the pulling stage of an extraction ??

I'd post a picture of it to show you it's size but I'm not sure how to post pics here >,<

Now as well as that, My one litre glass mixing bottle has a big wide opening at the top, Could i just very carefully use a big metal spoon to move most of the top layer to my glass roasting dish, And then perhaps use the Glass eye dropper to suck up any remaining parts of the top layer that i couldn't get with spoon. or is that an incredibly foolish rookie mistake ??

I'd appreciate some feed back guys. I was all confident and mentally prepared to try my first extraction attempt, And not being able to find a Glass turkey baster at a few shopping centers I've visited has been frustrating and has kinda taken the wind outta my sails and rained on my dmt parade 😝😧😧 Yes yes i know, I should be more patient and not have gottn excited and ahead of myself. I'm just being honest here.

Cheers ✌

Much easier to find what you need on eBay rather than going around to shops.
Glass separating funnels are on eBay.
Glass turkey basters are on eBay, as well as the things mentioned by nydex.

Using a spoon will be difficult and frustrating.
Sep funnels and glass pipettes with bulbs or syringes are ideal, but many countries dont have shops that sell those and in some countries online purchases might get the wrong kind of attention.
At an automotive parts store I found an aluminum 'turkey baster'. Despite the risk of aluminum reacting with lye I've used it a fair amount on cactus extractions that were unfit for going in my separatory funnels. Art supply stores may also have useful items, as artists work with organic solvents too. I've heard americans say they found glass pipettes being sold in gasoline stations and head shops, presumably for smoking crack :lol:
If I had to use a spoon, and the jar wasn't suitable for pouring, I'd tip the jar to almost pouring and spoon out the organic layer until the bottom of the spoon was nearly touching the aqueous layer and I'd stop there [so the spoon bottom didnt grab drops of lye water] then I'd switch to the eye dropper. Or if you didnt like the spoon you could bend it 90° and not need to tip the jar.
Another thing I've seen people do is to use solvent proof tubing and make a sort of reverse siphon. A short tube and a long tube connected to a jar lid. The short tube you blow in to put pressure in the jar headspace and the long tube goes almost to the bottom of the organic layer and pushes it out into another jar.
Thank you very much for the advice guys.

I've decided that since i have 400 grams of root bark, I'm going to try an extraction using the spoon and glass eye dropper to move the top layer onto my glass baking dish.

When there's a will there's a way !! Lol

I will probably order a glass pippete or glass turkey baster from ebay or something in the future.

If for some reason my spoon and eye dropper method don't work, Well at least I'll gain some practice and experience of the extraction process.

Thanks again guys, I'll be very careful not to let my spoon come into contact with the bottom layer, And I'll post my results ✌😃


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If you're inexperienced with extracting, it may be a good idea to start out with a smaller amount than the whole 400g - think 50g. So, if any grave mistakes are made, you haven't wasted all your material. And imperfections in your technique and/or equipment can be ironed out. You may well get annoyed at using a tiny eye dropper for a task such as this.

It would be prudent, also, if the organic solvent were to be transferred into an intermediate receptacle - a Pyrex jug being pretty much ideal for this - before it is decanted into the freeze precipitation container. That way base soup/lye contamination of the final product effectively can be avoided.
downwardsfromzero said:
If you're inexperienced with extracting, it may be a good idea to start out with a smaller amount than the whole 400g - think 50g. So, if any grave mistakes are made, you haven't wasted all your material. And imperfections in your technique and/or equipment can be ironed out. You may well get annoyed at using a tiny eye dropper for a task such as this.

It would be prudent, also, if the organic solvent were to be transferred into an intermediate receptacle - a Pyrex jug being pretty much ideal for this - before it is decanted into the freeze precipitation container. That way base soup/lye contamination of the final product effectively can be avoided.

Hmmmm, Can you please explain the thinking of your advice about using an intermediate recepticle ??

I mean i understood what you meant, But if i am quite careful about not letting the spoon touch the base mix, Then wouldn't it be fine to place the top layer directly onto my glass roasting dish ??

Or are you referring to any last bits of the top layer that i can't get without sucking up a tiny bit of the base mix with it ?? Because yes, In that case then it's best to place it in a tall glass to let the base and top layer seperate.
about the intermediate: i put all the solvent when i take it out of the base soup into a small bottle with a little water with lye. this bottle is very narrow so it is easier to pick up the solvent without any impurities i picked up the first time
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