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The GVG....

One person on the forum reported dripping through with volcano liquid pad.. Has anyone had this problem with liquid pad+GVG(freebase dmt)?
I think if you start cutting it up too much you could get leakage, using the pad as it is i reckon you shouldn't, its quite flexible, when my GVG arrives im just going to try and squeeze it in there as it is, or trim the edges until it fits.
How the hell do you remove the old screens?!?

I've got like 8 of 'em in there and can't seem to get them out. :(

I tried a dry wall screw but that isn't working out too well...

Any ideas?
Needle, pocket knife, knife with thin tip.

I can even take out with my small finger (pinky?), just making round motions and trying to force it to the side, it eventually comes off. But much easier with some tool
tele said:
One person on the forum reported dripping through with volcano liquid pad.. Has anyone had this problem with liquid pad+GVG(freebase dmt)?

I've been having issues with drip with the GVG and Volcano liquid pad as well.

I've been using it with a Bic lighter, so I think that has a lot to do with it.

I'm still waiting on my Arc to arrive... :roll:

I cut the liquid pad in half as per antrocles recommendation and I stacked them on top of each other.

When I try to do the looooooong slow hits, it all just rolls down to the bottom and out the hole...

It seems that with a bic, you really have to hit it hard to get it hot enough to vaporize.

I'm hoping that the Arc will allow me to take the long slow hits w/o any drippage...
hey, please explain what do you mean by it 'just rolls down to the bottom' ? The dmt surely cant be melting through the liquid pad, no ? Is it possible the liquid pad is somehow concave and the liquid dmt is melting through the sides?
i originally posted how i cut one volcano liquid pad in half, folded each half in half again and then placed BOTH back into the GVG. Gibran said that he was fine with one (half) only so i removed the second one to give it a shot. lo and behold- i had spice dripping through the pad and into the neck of my GVG. I went back to the 'both pieces inserted' method and problem solved.

granted- there isn't much room for your magic with both halves of pad stuffed into your pipe. however, it doesn't really matter as the minute you start heating it, it immediately melts into the mesh...

hopefully all that gibberish just made sense....

antrocles said:
i originally posted how i cut one volcano liquid pad in half, folded each half in half again and then placed BOTH back into the GVG. Gibran said that he was fine with one (half) only so i removed the second one to give it a shot. lo and behold- i had spice dripping through the pad and into the neck of my GVG. I went back to the 'both pieces inserted' method and problem solved.

granted- there isn't much room for your magic with both halves of pad stuffed into your pipe. however, it doesn't really matter as the minute you start heating it, it immediately melts into the mesh...

hopefully all that gibberish just made sense....

Actually, I’ve never used a liquid pad. I use a thin (1/8”) disc of copper “Chore Boy” mesh and have never had problems with leakage. If I remember correctly, I asked if such a thick pad was necessary when using the Volcano liquid pad. Apparently it is?

edit: It seems to me that the Volcano liquid pad is not very efficient at holding liquid spice. In a previous thread somewhere I suggested that “Chore Boy” type material (either copper or stainless steel) is more effective because of its rectangular cross-section. The liquid seems to cling better to flat surfaces (maybe due to greater surface area?) than to rounded surfaces. As I said, a 1/8” thick disc is more than enough to prevent leakage, and it doesn’t take up an appreciable amount of space in the GVG chamber.
@ Melodic - Liquid DMT tends to flow from warmer areas to cooler areas, and the glass sidewalls of the GVG are relatively cool. With such a thick pad, you have a large area of the pad in contact with glass. In your case the DMT is flowing from the pad to the glass and then down the stem. That’s a huge amount of pad in there, and a huge amount of DMT as well.
@gibran - That definitely looks more appealing than the liquid pad and if you don't have any problems with drippage I'll give that a shot in the future.

For the time being, I took Ant's advice and folded each half in half and put it back in there. I vaped what was left in the pads but haven't loaded any more spice into it yet. It seems to work better because there isn't as much mesh touching the glass as you pointed out. There is still a lot of mesh in there though and I prefer the sleek look of yours.

As far as the amount of dmt, that was an accumulation of attempts from me and some friends trying different inhalation methods with the bic lighter and the hemp wick thingy. I cleaned it with some HEET and collected all of the excess so none of it gets wasted.
I too have been having issues with bleed through when I use half of the pad folded over and stuffed in on top of 8 screens. I'll try it with the other half on top and report back, but it's so thick that way that I can barely get the diffuser piece to stick.
Why would you cut the liquid pad in half? I would think that will ruin the weave. If you just trim the edges, shake out the loose pieces and shove it down on top of one screen it works perfectly. Absolutely no leakage and it takes up very little space comparable to Gibran2's copper disc.
Uncle Knucles said:
I too have been having issues with bleed through when I use half of the pad folded over and stuffed in on top of 8 screens. I'll try it with the other half on top and report back, but it's so thick that way that I can barely get the diffuser piece to stick.
If you use 8 screens plus so much additional material that the diffuser barely fits, and you still get leakage, then the material you’re using (as used) is ineffective for the intended purpose.

In order to vaporize a dose effectively, the entire contents of the chamber (regardless of what is used) must be brought up to vaporization temperature. (In fact, it might not even be possible to evenly heat the contents of an overly-stuffed chamber.) The more material in the chamber, the more heat/time required to get to that point. Also, I wonder if the GVG even works properly when the chamber is filled almost up to the diffuser. It seems that air flow might be disrupted in an adverse way.

Have you ever tried using a thin disc of stainless steel ribbon? I use copper ribbon, but I’m sure that stainless steel works just as well. One screen (not even necessary) and 1/8” thick metal mesh (ribbon) disc = no leakage. Eight screens plus 3/4” liquid pad = leakage.
So does this come to that even when GVG is used with volcano liquid pad it gets leakage?
Who here uses liquid pad with GVG without leakage and with what method?
I would suppose 1 screen plus normal size liquid pad would be sufficient to prevent leakage?

I wonder about those mesh discs... They have obviously more air going through them than the liquid pad, so does the texture keep the liquid dmt in it?
What store should I go to for finding these copper mesh discs?

Would this sort of steel mesh do the job?:

@ tele - I think that some have used the liquid pad without leakage, but they’ll have to chime in on that.

The stainless steel “pot scrubbers” in your photo should work well (but they're harder to shape into discs than copper). You can buy them wherever household cleaning supplies are sold.
@tele the only thing that worries me about that type of mesh is when you start handling it, little chips of metal start breaking off. At least that was the case with the really cheap mesh I tried to use. Once I saw the quantity of metal flakes I aborted.
The same thing happened to me yesterday. I bought some stainless scrubber and made a VG sized disk. After burning it with a lighter it started flaking really bad, I rinsed it off and flamed it again but it flaked again so I tossed it. I'm going to go on a search for copper chore boy soon.
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