tele said:One person on the forum reported dripping through with volcano liquid pad.. Has anyone had this problem with liquid pad+GVG(freebase dmt)?
Actually, I’ve never used a liquid pad. I use a thin (1/8”) disc of copper “Chore Boy” mesh and have never had problems with leakage. If I remember correctly, I asked if such a thick pad was necessary when using the Volcano liquid pad. Apparently it is?antrocles said:i originally posted how i cut one volcano liquid pad in half, folded each half in half again and then placed BOTH back into the GVG. Gibran said that he was fine with one (half) only so i removed the second one to give it a shot. lo and behold- i had spice dripping through the pad and into the neck of my GVG. I went back to the 'both pieces inserted' method and problem solved.
granted- there isn't much room for your magic with both halves of pad stuffed into your pipe. however, it doesn't really matter as the minute you start heating it, it immediately melts into the mesh...
hopefully all that gibberish just made sense....
If you use 8 screens plus so much additional material that the diffuser barely fits, and you still get leakage, then the material you’re using (as used) is ineffective for the intended purpose.Uncle Knucles said:I too have been having issues with bleed through when I use half of the pad folded over and stuffed in on top of 8 screens. I'll try it with the other half on top and report back, but it's so thick that way that I can barely get the diffuser piece to stick.