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The Highest Elf attempts to slay demon in downtown portland.

Migrated topic.


I love my city.

I want hire THIS GUY to be mascot for the Portland Entheogenic Exploration & Research Society

I love how he was able to contacted and supplied comments to the reporter. Only in Portland!.
cave paintings said:
Awesome, I may be moving up to Oregon soon. Perhaps I will encounter this fellow, but I sure won't be rollin in a BMW!
Good call , the high elves in downtown are pussycats compared to the orcs in felony flats.

If ya make it this waaay check out an awesome entheo discussion group in Portland. .PEERS, or the Portland Entheogenic Exploration Society holds a monthly open discussion group (1st wednesday of the month), a monthly movie night, as well as occasional special events.

Besides freaks like me, members are professionals, academics, home and business owners ( read:normal") who are consciously and practically using psychedelics to grow personally and spiritually as well as a means to effectively manage many different conditions like chronic pain, PTSD, addiction etc. All are welcome, it's about community. Good and weird, but community.

"find the others"
As of yet we don't count elves or orcs as members yet.
:thumb_up: :lol:
I forget where I saw this. Got a laugh for sure. I saw some of the most ridiculous things while I was bumming around there. Once on my way to a job site, talking to this model-grade whore who approached me for a lighter, we watched as this guy in a van, engine smoking and cigarette hanging out of his lip as he hangs his head out the window to look back.. at all the cop cars chasing him as he throttles by at a whopping 30mph down Sandy. I tell her "this place gets crazier and crazier" and she tells me, almost shouting, that she's not a crazy person.. and the day only got more interesting after that.

There are very good chances I will be returning to portland, with my very own car this time, this spring or summer. Might even consider hitting you guys up once I've made some substantial headway on establishing a firm routine with whatever job I find.

Hopefully by then you will count orcs and elves.
null24 said:
cave paintings said:
Awesome, I may be moving up to Oregon soon. Perhaps I will encounter this fellow, but I sure won't be rollin in a BMW!
Good call , the high elves in downtown are pussycats compared to the orcs in felony flats.

If ya make it this waaay check out an awesome entheo discussion group in Portland. .PEERS, or the Portland Entheogenic Exploration Society holds a monthly open discussion group (1st wednesday of the month), a monthly movie night, as well as occasional special events.

Besides freaks like me, members are professionals, academics, home and business owners ( read:normal") who are consciously and practically using psychedelics to grow personally and spiritually as well as a means to effectively manage many different conditions like chronic pain, PTSD, addiction etc. All are welcome, it's about community. Good and weird, but community.

"find the others"
As of yet we don't count elves or orcs as members yet.
:thumb_up: :lol:

Thanks null! I was hoping you might point me toward companions of some sort. My plans are still up in the air, but I may be up there in an academic capacity for a good while. If I make it up, I'll letcha know or check out the groups. :thumb_up:
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