anrchy said:
I just cant imagine, with marijuana, having negative come down effects and still smoking daily. I also have a hard time envisioning difficulty in exercising control over frequency of marijuana use. I admittedly have only ever had a true addiction with cigarettes, but i feel that is different in more than one way. Just my pov not trying to downplay your position.
Would you agree that addiction to sex/pornography/masturbation is a legitimate addiction? In the same way that you can't imagine me having difficulty with Cannabis moderation, I can't imagine having difficulty with moderation of these things. I am not a sexual person. I don't think about sex 24/7 and walk around with an erection all day like "most men" do, at least according to popular culture/popular belief. I can sit in front of a computer for an hour and watch porn with no interest, and I have tried this before when I went through a phase where I believed I was legitimately asexual because my sex drive seems absurdly low compared to the "norm." This may seem like it's coming out of left field and is off-topic, but I feel like this thread has become more about addiction itself, both in physiological and psychological forms, rather than addition to one specific substance or action.
Another example is opiates - every time I've taken one, I end up throwing up after twenty minutes and then falling asleep for a few hours. I have no interest in painkillers, not recreationally, nor medicinally - I'd rather just take a couple Motrin. However, some people will carefully orchestrate stories, exaggerating their pain to their doctors and dismissing any other solutions as ineffective so that they have a steady prescription of these drugs. What one person cannot go a single day, or a single hour, without indulging in, another person may find repulsive.
As far as having negative comedowns and still smoking daily: one of my other points in the original post is that my
perception of Cannabis was one of the major things clouding my interpretation of the matter, ie., the fact that I viewed it as being benign, being just a friendly plant, not being addictive, having no negative effects, and any negative effects, either mental or physical, that I felt while under its influence couldn't possibly be caused by it.
I feel as if some of our interactions in this thread may appear to be hostile, as emotion is difficult to translate through text, but hostility towards you or anyone else is not my intention at all; clearly we are in disagreement on the matter - I am simply just trying to get my point across.
InLaKesh said:
I think that its important to have the right attitude and respect (set and setting...) for cannabis to have a positive relationship with it.
Akasha224 said:
Thanks for all your responses, dudes.
After a lot of contemplation, I feel like the real problem is my own attitude towards hobbies/activities, rather than the hobbies/activities themselves. I tend to have an "all or nothing" way of thinking with things. I can't just have a casual hobby that I do "sometimes." It has to basically consume my life and occupy every free space in my thoughts, otherwise I don't feel like I'm "worthy" of pursuing it. Naturally, obsessing over a hobby and turning it into a part-time job will burn you out and make you sick of it. But then there's always the hardass alpha-male voice in the back of my head telling me to persevere and keep going no matter how much it sucks, because I don't want to give up.
Taken from this thread ( Cannabis was the hobby ???)
I addition i also think that its not a good idea to be obsessed with cannabis while beeing diagnosted with "so many psychiatric illnesses, I've lost count".
Link from the second CSF thread to the first:
I realy hope i do not come across rude or like i want to bash you Akasha , the "Cannabis-Lover" inside of me just could not contain himself this time. Smile
That beeing said , i abselutely can understand the need to break free from cannabis after a longer period of abuse/binge smoking.For me those breaks(and the re-entry) where (and are) good reasons to optimize my relationship with the plant.Its not constant ,its changing and evolving.
You're not coming across as rude at all, and I agree that obsession/overuse with any substance while having psychiatric illnesses is not necessarily a good idea - but at the same time, people who are not necessarily right in the head tend to self-medicate more than a "normal" person.
As far as the first topic of mine that you linked to, no, Cannabis, was not the hobby in question. It was music.