Come what may
The box was laying unassuming in a small corner.
I picked it up. It had symbols on it... It had strange vibration emitting from it...
I shook it. I turned it every which way.. Frustrated, I slammed the box on the ground a time or two trying to force it open. Nothing!!
What is inside this puzzle box? I wondered. It is so strange and odd, this object. I had never seen anything like it before.
I placed the box on a shelf.
I would pass the box daily just giving a glance from time to time. A quick wonderment of the treasures inside. My mind would drift off into a myriad of scenarios of what could be discovered within.
One day I had forgot about the box. It had become a bookend. No longer wondering about it. And I closed my eyes to rest. Sitting in silence.
The box opened.
Excited I jumped up from my silence to retrieve the box from the shelf. This was it! I was about to find out what is inside the puzzle box.
As I peered inside at first all I see is darkness. The darkness gave way to a pin hole of light. The light became bigger and bigger and soon the whole room was a glow. Blinding, boiling light overflowing from the top and pouring off onto the floor. The light was everywhere.
I averted my eyes until my eyes were somewhat acclimated to this bright boiling light. All of the light had spilled out of the box, creating a mess of light everywhere around me. It seemed to cling to everything like a sticky syrup.
I peered into the box again. This time I was hesitant to look inside. What else was inside this box?
The box began to shake in my hands. It rumbled and made a strange noise which pierced my ears. The sound became deafening. The floor gave way to a black void. The roof flew up as if ripped off my a tornado. The walls bended and flexed until they burst into tiny pieces and were blown off into the wind.
Light and Sound. I was covered in sticky light and could not see well. I was surrounded by a deafening sound so I could not hear well. My environment was removed so I could not feel anything. Nothing but light and sound.
I thought that I had opened something that maybe I shouldn't have. I had done it this time. I lost everything. Just because I wanted to know what was inside the stupid puzzle box. Curiosity killed the cat I thought. I became sad at what I had done. I had destroyed the world. I had let loose something that was out of my control.
The pain of what I had done was too much to bear. I looked for anywhere to run. The fear quickly sweeping through me. I had to find a way out. The panic rising I began to feel myself reaching a point of a total breakdown. This was too much. I screamed!! I began to cry. I cried and screamed and screamed and cried.
I felt something pull my leg. Now my arm. Something has a hold of me now. I cannot control my body. I am now a puppet of this force. My body began to twitch and move and vibrate. Pulling and twitching until my arm was ripped off my body. Total fear. Total terror. I was being ripped apart. This thing is killing me! My leg ripped off. My head twisted until it popped off. My body now in pieces began to rejoin in new configurations. Over and over, I was ripped apart and put back together again.
I gave into the pain and anguish. I got used to it. It became my new normal. I was no longer in control. I gave up trying to beg for mercy eons ago. I gave up trying to stop or reverse it. I gave up trying to wake myself from the nightmare. I became numb. The pain that was once so overwhelming had become a dull pinch. I was no longer able to even perceive my own suffering. The thoughts of escape gone. The idea of ever even opening the box a distant memory. Now I was this. I was this light and sound and pain and suffering. I had exhausted every thought in my mind. Nothing more to think about. Nothing more to feel. Nothing more to see or hear. I drift off into a silent void. Now nothing. Darkness. Nothingness. Forgetting everything. I was gone. No awareness. Eternity.
Eternity gave way to a new awareness. I saw a pin hole of light. The light became brighter and brighter. I remember this I thought. I heard a small hum. The sound grew louder and louder. I remember this sound. I felt my fingers touch each other. Weird I thought, as I stared at my new hands and body. What is this thing I am? This is so odd. What was I? I didn't know who or what or where I was. I was this thing. What does this thing do? What's it for?
Then the light began to move and the sound began to hum. Everything began to pulsate. The light and sound I was in began to move upward. It lifted me as fast a rocket. I was flying at the speed of light and sound. I could now see where the light was headed towards. A small puzzle box with weird symbols on it. The top of the box was open and sucking in all the light and sound. I wanted to go inside.
What is inside this puzzle box? It is so strange and odd, this object. Never seen anything like it before.
I picked it up. It had symbols on it... It had strange vibration emitting from it...
I shook it. I turned it every which way.. Frustrated, I slammed the box on the ground a time or two trying to force it open. Nothing!!
What is inside this puzzle box? I wondered. It is so strange and odd, this object. I had never seen anything like it before.
I placed the box on a shelf.
I would pass the box daily just giving a glance from time to time. A quick wonderment of the treasures inside. My mind would drift off into a myriad of scenarios of what could be discovered within.
One day I had forgot about the box. It had become a bookend. No longer wondering about it. And I closed my eyes to rest. Sitting in silence.
The box opened.
Excited I jumped up from my silence to retrieve the box from the shelf. This was it! I was about to find out what is inside the puzzle box.
As I peered inside at first all I see is darkness. The darkness gave way to a pin hole of light. The light became bigger and bigger and soon the whole room was a glow. Blinding, boiling light overflowing from the top and pouring off onto the floor. The light was everywhere.
I averted my eyes until my eyes were somewhat acclimated to this bright boiling light. All of the light had spilled out of the box, creating a mess of light everywhere around me. It seemed to cling to everything like a sticky syrup.
I peered into the box again. This time I was hesitant to look inside. What else was inside this box?
The box began to shake in my hands. It rumbled and made a strange noise which pierced my ears. The sound became deafening. The floor gave way to a black void. The roof flew up as if ripped off my a tornado. The walls bended and flexed until they burst into tiny pieces and were blown off into the wind.
Light and Sound. I was covered in sticky light and could not see well. I was surrounded by a deafening sound so I could not hear well. My environment was removed so I could not feel anything. Nothing but light and sound.
I thought that I had opened something that maybe I shouldn't have. I had done it this time. I lost everything. Just because I wanted to know what was inside the stupid puzzle box. Curiosity killed the cat I thought. I became sad at what I had done. I had destroyed the world. I had let loose something that was out of my control.
The pain of what I had done was too much to bear. I looked for anywhere to run. The fear quickly sweeping through me. I had to find a way out. The panic rising I began to feel myself reaching a point of a total breakdown. This was too much. I screamed!! I began to cry. I cried and screamed and screamed and cried.
I felt something pull my leg. Now my arm. Something has a hold of me now. I cannot control my body. I am now a puppet of this force. My body began to twitch and move and vibrate. Pulling and twitching until my arm was ripped off my body. Total fear. Total terror. I was being ripped apart. This thing is killing me! My leg ripped off. My head twisted until it popped off. My body now in pieces began to rejoin in new configurations. Over and over, I was ripped apart and put back together again.
I gave into the pain and anguish. I got used to it. It became my new normal. I was no longer in control. I gave up trying to beg for mercy eons ago. I gave up trying to stop or reverse it. I gave up trying to wake myself from the nightmare. I became numb. The pain that was once so overwhelming had become a dull pinch. I was no longer able to even perceive my own suffering. The thoughts of escape gone. The idea of ever even opening the box a distant memory. Now I was this. I was this light and sound and pain and suffering. I had exhausted every thought in my mind. Nothing more to think about. Nothing more to feel. Nothing more to see or hear. I drift off into a silent void. Now nothing. Darkness. Nothingness. Forgetting everything. I was gone. No awareness. Eternity.
Eternity gave way to a new awareness. I saw a pin hole of light. The light became brighter and brighter. I remember this I thought. I heard a small hum. The sound grew louder and louder. I remember this sound. I felt my fingers touch each other. Weird I thought, as I stared at my new hands and body. What is this thing I am? This is so odd. What was I? I didn't know who or what or where I was. I was this thing. What does this thing do? What's it for?
Then the light began to move and the sound began to hum. Everything began to pulsate. The light and sound I was in began to move upward. It lifted me as fast a rocket. I was flying at the speed of light and sound. I could now see where the light was headed towards. A small puzzle box with weird symbols on it. The top of the box was open and sucking in all the light and sound. I wanted to go inside.
What is inside this puzzle box? It is so strange and odd, this object. Never seen anything like it before.