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The Most Elegant Answer is Always More Questions

Migrated topic.
Skyblaze said:
Physics is a model of explaining how the universe progressed to where it is now, and how it shall continue to progress. This model may not be accurate, but so far, it seems to explain most nearly everything precisely. That, and it has the wonderful ability of being adaptable.
Yup, that's exactly the same how I explain surroundings to myself. I embrace the physics, yet keep in mind it's just a simplification in order to make something out of this world.

I really love the idea of something much higer, out-of-understanding and unexplained associated with dimitri. Although it probably is simply a hoax : )

I tend to dislike quotes, but hopefully there is more to see than meets the eye.

PS welcome! Also a fresh spirit here.
Well, the universe in which we live is nothing more than a subjective model of what we sense. We can never be sure of any truth other than what's in our heads, so in that sense, every experience should be valued and treated in its own right.
Psychedelics have taught SWIM that even the strongest held-beliefs can be destroyed with simple abstract logic, and that the strongest-held logic can be destroyed with a strong enough belief. Really, one shouldn't worry about what's right and wrong, and show respect to every experience. Spiritually, I find life isn't about faith nor science in entirety these days - it's a balance of what exists in the universe, in your head. Because that's all you can be sure about. And that's You.

If a tree falls in a forest and there's nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Well, since my universe is perceived, and everything founded on knowledge and senses... If I perceive no sound, then in my universe there is no. If I know there will be a sound, there is. If I know nothing of the whole scenario, there is no sound. The concept of sound is subjective and artificial, a construct of consciousness.

The opinion I'm holding to at the moment is, if it matters to me, it matters to me. It doesn't matter if it's true or false, as long as the effects and consequences pertain truly. If SWIM meets with spirits, he has evidence to disprove either argument, but if he suspends belief of their reality, he's insulting either them or himself. Either way, these days, I feel the urge to relax judgement on unanswerable questions, and interact as my existence intends me to. Nothing should be forced. Openmindedness is the key to spiritual expansion. If you can provide me with a proof of either way, with _No_ counterarguments whatsoever, I will believe it.

If the truth can be explained to as to be understood, it will be believed.

Peace out.
The only irrefutable truth is tautology.
^ my summary.

Oh, not to mention all tautologies are tautologies.
by the way if you consider yourself an atheist but also consider yourself open to being wrong then I would consider you an agnostic
I'm atheist, certainly. My belief is of a nihilist universe. I'm just saying that I'm open to being wrong, and when on psychedelic experiences SWIM considers the truth to be that which he is compelled to believe at the time - Since the universe in which I live is a perceived one, I don't believe I have the right to say that my rationalised explaination of the universe is the correct one. The part which makes me atheist is that I don't believe anyone else does either - I believe in no deity.
Maybe this is just a rationalisation to hypocrisy. Either way, it brings me to peace with any conflicting views that have cropped up given recent experiences. I'm sure I'll settle into something slightly more consistent in the future. Perhaps after SWIM has had some Iboga, purportedly that's a good gateway to helping oneself resolve deep issues.
Incidentally (apologies for double-post) SWIM just recently had an Ayahuasca experience. Time has never-before felt so... spongey - in an intimidating way. Things learned: Brew brew to be stronger; DON'T aim for sink when purging; Go back later to check some things which came back with SWIM hazily.
Further apologies for the triple-post and thread-necro, but;

In retrospective analysis, many of SWIM's experiences were... Alone. Little or no contact with any other [seemingly]conscious beings, only patterns, concepts and incarnate thoughts. Any commentry to this - significance or none? SWIM has his own opinions about this, he just feels compelled, almost by the nature of this observation, to seek external insight.
Well, the universe in which we live is nothing more than a subjective model of what we sense. We can never be sure of any truth other than what's in our heads, so in that sense, every experience should be valued and treated in its own right.

Hey Skyblaze I like the theories and wisdom you've been saying in this thread. I feel we're really like minded. If you get a chance would you mind reading my theory on life? It's on the 2nd page of my intro post. I would love feedback!
Edit: Some things in this post I wanted 'removed' from my past [moreover, I wish to view them in a different light and remember them differently]. SWIM has been looking over these posts with infrequence, and has decided that this one should no longer be so.
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