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The Mysterious Toadman's Mushroom Ice Cube Recipe:

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Rising Star
The Mysterious Toadman's Mushroom Ice Cube Recipe

1. pulverize your dose of dried mushrooms and put them in a glass.

2. cover them with the juice from one or two fresh lemons. stir it all up and let it soak for the day.

3. in the evening filter the lemon juice through a coffee filter and wring it out. so you get all the juice.

4. pour the juice in an ice cube form and freeze it.

it is recommended to calculate how much juice is needed for one ice cube. that way you will be able to estimate how many mushrooms are in one ice cube. i like to have a gram per cube.

these ice cubes keep for ages in the freezer.

if however you want to trip on the same day you can also use this recipe to prepare just one dose of mushrooms. for a dose of 1-3g the juice of one lemon is needed. you can then just add the lemon juice to another drink. it is very important that fresh lemon juice is used. if its not fresh it somehow won't do the trick. i don't know why.

i advise to drink it slowly because the effects of this come on somewhat rapid. when you have ice cubes however they will take their time to dissolve anyway. what i do is i just drink the drink the same way i normally would and if it has been drunk up before the cubes are dissolved i just pour in some more of whatever drink you like.

this brings me to the idea of ayahuasca ice cubes.

may you find the light in the middle of the ice cube,
the mysterious toadman from a small planet in the western spiral arm of the galaxy called earth
Awesome post!

How do others store mushrooms?

I think drying them, stuffing them in jar, filling the jar with honey and then sticking the jar in the fridge (not freezer) works really well!!!
yeah.. mushroom honey is lovely! i usually pulverize them prior to sticking them in the jar with honey. that way when mixing it with honey a nice paste will form. this paste can be stirred into tea or just spread out on bread with a little peanut butter or jam. the honey can be even kept outside the fridge with no noticeable degradation.

i love my mushroom paste in between peanut butter and jam.

also i got these tupperware containers with a vacuum pump. i also stick some desiccant bags in the same container as the mushrooms.
SWIM ground up some mushrooms once(an oz) and put them in a jar of honey and let them sit for a month...he then took out the mushrooms that were covered in honey and used them to make nice tea out of...but the left over honey...OH MY GOD..he ate the whole jar in one day..it was soo damn good...the cleanest...nicest...most exciting trip he has had...its worth a try if you have an excess of them
If you just drie them, they will, if properly stored remain their quality for at least half a year. But everyone knows that honey is a miraculous substance. In santorini (a credible atlantis-candidate) archeologists found honey stored in jars, from before the great vulcanic eruption that destroyed the island, something like 3000 years ago. It was still 'fresh', it hadn't lost any of it's quality.
I've used shrooms that were just dried very well and then stored in a plastic bag for a year and they were still fine.
Lorax, is the quality of your tek about the same as eating the mushrooms straight? Do you know how it works? Why does the psilocin move to the lemon juice?
It does not move into the lemon juice. Psylocibin gets converted to psylocin...lemon juice takes the part of your stomach acid, so you're basically taking pre-digested mushrooms ..you get a higher of psylocin at once thus a stronger but shorter experience.
obliguhl, if the tek works as described, the psylocin has to move into the lemon juice, as the OP says to strain all the vegetable matter out.
apparently the psilocin is moving to the juice, I wonder what the final % of magic is in the juice after extraction? I've done a lot of research and it seems that 80% of original magic is acceptable and average. SWIM is very interested in this.
psilocybin does not convert to psilocin.. psilocybin is oxidized psilocin. psilocin takes a shorter time to kick in than psilocybin. thats why fresh mushrooms kick in faster. the ice cubes are just like eating mushrooms but it takes a bit of the bodyload away. a friend has only tried this tek with psilocybe cyanescens. they usually have quite a bodyload which they loose in the lemon juice tek. he feels he can dose higher on them without getting physical issues. don't get me wrong.. i think physical issues are quite a lesson from cyanescens. cyanescens is kind of like the ayahuasca mushroom. if you take 3 grams or more of them it will be an awful body twisting and mind wrenching experience. but the physical peace experienced after they let go of your body is something quite worth the agony.
Does that mean, if one have fresh mushroom on hand, it doesn't worth much or it still a valuable treatment of the alcaloids ?
Ok ive done quite a bit of reading and growing of mushies. My favorite method of storage is now honey. Reasons being 1. Availability, if i want to trip on a whim just take 2 - 4 scoops and your good to go. 2. Honey like tree sap encases the ground/choped up mushies creating an AIRTIGHT seal around them so there is no breakdown of the fruits. 3. it is much easier on the stomach than eating them straight fresh or dried, at least easier on my gullet.

As far as psilocybin and its conversion to psilocin its my understanding that active mushies contain both psilocybin and psilocin as the actives
and that when ingested the body converts psilcybin to psilocin making the actual chemicle that makes you trip psilocin. Psilocybin - Wikipedia When you ingest mushies and after the psilocybin has been conveted the actual ammount of psilocin that the body actually uses is somewhere between 60 and 70% the rest is filtered out through the body within the first couple hours of your trip.

The main reason tea effects you so quickly is because its a tea. Just like when you eat soups when your sick the body can more readily digest the substance. The conversion process began with the slight boil so it takes less time for it to become active in the body.:twisted:
Psilocin Dreams said:
Ok ive done quite a bit of reading and growing of mushies. My favorite method of storage is now honey. Reasons being 1. Availability, if i want to trip on a whim just take 2 - 4 scoops and your good to go. 2. Honey like tree sap encases the ground/choped up mushies creating an AIRTIGHT seal around them so there is no breakdown of the fruits. 3. it is much easier on the stomach than eating them straight fresh or dried, at least easier on my gullet.

As far as psilocybin and its conversion to psilocin its my understanding that active mushies contain both psilocybin and psilocin as the actives
and that when ingested the body converts psilcybin to psilocin making the actual chemicle that makes you trip psilocin. Psilocybin - Wikipedia When you ingest mushies and after the psilocybin has been conveted the actual ammount of psilocin that the body actually uses is somewhere between 60 and 70% the rest is filtered out through the body within the first couple hours of your trip.

The main reason tea effects you so quickly is because its a tea. Just like when you eat soups when your sick the body can more readily digest the substance. The conversion process began with the slight boil so it takes less time for it to become active in the body.:twisted:
Well...Mckenna said that honey would ferment the mushrooms over time and alter their effects. Maybe that was because in the time period he was talking about, they didn't have airtight containers so the sugars would ferment the psilly-honey. Given that honey stored in airtight containers doesn't ferment on its own, I'd guess that was the issue.

As to tea...when you make mushroom tea you use an acid. So you are converting the psilocybin to psilocin by dropping the pH (and essentially doing externally what would happen in your gut). This is why tea comes on faster and has a shorter duration; your body isn't taking the time to process/convert psilocybin. The explanation that "a tea is a tea" so that makes it work better is kinda flimsy...where's the chemical mechanism in that explanation? 😉
SnozzleBerry said:
Psilocin Dreams said:
The main reason tea effects you so quickly is because its a tea. Just like when you eat soups when your sick the body can more readily digest the substance. The conversion process began with the slight boil so it takes less time for it to become active in the body.:twisted:
As to tea...when you make mushroom tea you use an acid. So you are converting the psilocybin to psilocin by dropping the pH (and essentially doing externally what would happen in your gut). This is why tea comes on faster and has a shorter duration; your body isn't taking the time to process/convert psilocybin. The explanation that "a tea is a tea" so that makes it work better is kinda flimsy...where's the chemical mechanism in that explanation? 😉

Never added any acid to my tea. 8oz Water per does of choped up mushies. Set to med heat and steep for like 30 mins or so, my own technique of making tea and wala good tasting potent tea.

There dosent need to be a chemicle mechanism. Tea is tea. Simple as that. If the body has to break down a fruit body it will take longer to digest and absorb the chemicle. If its a tea it starts getting absorbed right away instead of having to be broke down. Its just the way the body works. When sick drink tea, eat soup more absorbtion less work on the body faster results.
lorax said:
psilocybin does not convert to psilocin.. psilocybin is oxidized psilocin.
Nah man, not at all. Psilocybin is phosphorylated psilocin. Under strongly acidic conditions, such as your ice cube recipe, psilocybin will dephosphorylate into psilocin. Normally phosphatases in your body would do this job, as psilocybin is inable to cross the blood-brain-barrier and therefore isn't psychedelic. Therefore with this recipe or any other using acidic extraction, the trip will come on faster, be more intense and have a somewhat shorter duration.
cool idea.. might give this a bash myself.

does anyone know how dried libs compare to dried cubes strength wise?.. gram for gram'ish.
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