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The Nexian...Issue #2 update


Staff member
This thread is to discuss everything related to Issue 2 of the nexian ezine

Here is an overview of what we are thinking so far....not all are completed, obviously, and nothing (titles/order/etc) is set in stone:

Interview with Rick Strassman
A Critical Analysis of the State's Definition of "Ecological Terrorism" - snozz
Tryptamines Beyond Ayahuasca - jamie & nen
Caapi Propogation - Ringworm
Feed Your Head: Harnessing Neurogenesis - Sam Gandy
Criminals and Researchers: Perspectives on the Necessity of Underground Research - snozz
Phalaris - Jamie
DMT-Nexus member interview/s (vote on who to interview here)
Cacti Cultivation - Hostilis
The Art of Changa - Olympus Mon

We could still use a trip report... and a few shorter pieces to break things up a bit (poetry...comedy...etc). But so far it looks like we have the bulk of the material. If you'd like to submit a possible shorter article or trip report to be included, or have any suggestions/ideas for one, you can submit it the nexian site directly or just post the idea here (or PM if you prefer). If something doesn't make it into the ezine we can always see about posting it up on the nexian news site and/or save it for a later issue.

As for the time-frame of the ezine...we are still not sure. No ETA for issue 2 has been set yet. There is talk of it being quarterly, but perhaps it'd be better to just let things flow and do it whenever it happens to come together- for the time being at least.

Also...there was some interesting ideas by WAP and guyo in the interview thread worth discussing further:
Guyomech said:
I'd like to point out that issue 1 actually had two member interviews in two different formats. The Traveler interview was with member submitted questions and the Antrocles interview was a conversation between two members. Both were great formats. So for example, we could have a member-submitted interview with Entropymancer as one feature, with a more conversational one with Nen and Gibran2....

BTW, I like the theme of "research and researchers", nice to have a defined overall direction.

We were going to just do one nexus member interview per issue, but guyo brings up a great point...So far others and myself really like this idea of having one conversational interview with one or a couple of members, AND one member-submitted questions interview per issue.

Also, having an overall theme of "research and researchers" is another possibility we could discuss!

Any ideas or input is welcome! I love the fact that it is really an entire community that is helping this come into being and I think we should keep the input flowing as much as we can :)
Yes! This makes me jittery with excitement.
I look forward to the topics by my fellow nexians!
Thank you everyone who is making this possible!!
You guys are awesome.​
I have an article that's almost completed on "DMT and Sound" if there's room in this one for something like that.
I was also just thinking how many great trip reports are only 1-3 pages long...Which would go great in between the longer articles...especially if its a research-based issue.

Global, I think that would be good, especially since we don't even have one trip report yet (issue1 had several) and I assume you'd be describing some of the experience in it
I think the idea of having a theme is a great one. It would give issues a cohesiveness and perhaps make it a better resource for people researching topics in the future.
Just my 2 cents worth there...
You guys are doing a great job. Pats on your back for everyone. I really like the idea of the two different types of interviews.

If any of my trip reports are quality enough, I def don't mind if one were put in the nexian.
If there is still a bit of time, Snozz and I will try to write a bit (a little review) about the Open Hyperspace Traveler handbook, which we almost have ready for a public release. Not sure if the review or just a little ad-like thing could be placed in the Nexian issue, but I think it would be nice to present it there either way.
Enoon said:
If there is still a bit of time, Snozz and I will try to write a bit (a little review) about the Open Hyperspace Traveler handbook, which we almost have ready for a public release. Not sure if the review or just a little ad-like thing could be placed in the Nexian issue, but I think it would be nice to present it there either way.

I like this idea, and the idea for the handbook.

The acronym OHTH could be pronounced as oath lol. Here, take the OHTH hehe.
I'd like to volunteer as a competent proofreader (some of the spelling/typo's/grammar in issue 1 made me cringe a bit!)

I was going to make a proofread edit of issue 1 but I haven't got a pdf editor together at home yet.

Good spelling makes a publication look much more professional - were the individual authors spelling idiosyncrasies perhaps kept in for stylistic appreciation (as is often the case with Erowid experience reports)?
Remember the talk that Snozz have at MAPS last year? Would some kind of summary or discussion on that fit...?
Guyo, that would be a good idea since its looking like this zine will be geared towards research. We could also include a link to the youtube video of his presentation.

downwardsfromzero said:
I'd like to volunteer as a competent proofreader (some of the spelling/typo's/grammar in issue 1 made me cringe a bit!)

I was going to make a proofread edit of issue 1 but I haven't got a pdf editor together at home yet.

Good spelling makes a publication look much more professional - were the individual authors spelling idiosyncrasies perhaps kept in for stylistic appreciation (as is often the case with Erowid experience reports)?

hey downard,

Things got a bit mixed up at one point when we were giving birth to issue 1, so the next issue will get a more thorough and organized proofread, with more eyes on it as well. There was some obvious errors (even one in an article title! doh!) that we should have caught and perhaps some stylistic things that were left as is, like you say. At this point though the first ezine is already out and it would be a hassle to swap the .pdfs with new versions over a couple of edits that most people probably won't notice anyways. Next time time though we will be more careful and things should go much smoother, as this was only issue 1.

I'm also very new at this and learning 😁 :p

I'd be interested in seeing some of the ones you found though, so if you want to PM some of them to me it would be much appreciated. Could always use some pointers and things to keep in mind for future issues.

Thanks for the offer to help, its much appreciated. We're not sure how the proofreading is going to work just yet, but I'll contact ya when the time is right.
universecannon said:
[...]I'd be interested in seeing some of the ones you found though, so if you want to PM some of them to me it would be much appreciated. Could always use some pointers and things to keep in mind for future issues.

Thanks for the offer to help, its much appreciated. We're not sure how the proofreading is going to work just yet, but I'll contact ya when the time is right.
Working on this now, looking forward to hearing from you!
I'm thinking we could have a page or two of 'Debunking the Myths'

We can finally put all the misinformation and hearsay that is spreading, uncontrollably, round the net to rest.

The whole 'made in the pineal' thing.
DMT release at birth and death thing.
DMT makes you dream
Entity contact is guaranteed
Goo is N Oxide
Etc etc.

Links to credible studies and short summaries should clear things up for the newcomers to the scene.

(wonder how far the 1st issue has spread already?)

Of course I have a number of trip reports that are getting older with titles like "Fishy Fun," and "The Perfect Synaesthesia Machine," etc. I'd love to share again.

I'm not very active in this community currently, but at some time I'd like to try to write down and share with you folks the ineffable. "How do you do that?," "I never know what to say - how do you know what to say (and what not to say)?," etc.

I am a pretty decent lay psychedelic crisis counselor. Even over text formats (i.e. not face to face). Sometime I would like to write up my philosophy and a few techniques and describe how to cultivate empathy along the way.

Let me know if this garners any interest here.
Pandora said:
"How do you do that?", "I never know what to say - how do you know what to say (and what not to say)?", etc.

I am a pretty decent lay psychedelic crisis counselor. Even over text formats (i.e. not face to face). Sometime I would like to write up my philosophy and a few techniques and describe how to cultivate empathy along the way.

Sounds interesting to me :)

We miss you in chat; hope all is well.
I'm wrapping up my DMT and Sound article, which really developed more into "DMT and Frequency". I've managed to weave a handful of experiences into the narrative. I'm excited.
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