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-The Nexian- Member Contribution


Heyo friends!

I’ve been putting some thought into a creative way to re-boot The Nexian, the Nexus’s e-zine. I would like to have a lot more user based content to really make it feel like a community newsletter. So with that being said, I have some categories I will list. If you have anything you would like to contribute, send me a pm with the category as the title. If you have already posted something relevant in the past, just put a link in the pm.

Trip Reports

I would like to include a trip report for each of the more common psyches (dmt/aya, mushrooms, cactus, lsd) per issue. Creative, well written (punctuation/grammar), interesting or containing a lesson are qualities I’ll look for. In title of pm, please include the substance as well as trip report for easier sorting on my end down the road. If you already have one you’ve posted, just send link in the pm.

What The Nexus Means To Me

This is sort of an interview/creative writing piece. I want to know what the Nexus means to you. How has it changed you? What have you learned? I know many here are very passionate about this place, so I wanna know why. Here is the place to tell. And don’t be afraid to get mushy🥰

Learn, Share, Expand

This will be a section pertaining to relevant articles/studies on psychedelics. Anything interesting you find while surfing the mighty web, link it to me.

Now You Know! (And Knowing Is Half The Battle)

This will be a harm reduction section. A couple reminder/tips each issue to keep safety in the forefront. Really, this I can look up a few tips from the harm reduction section in the wiki, but if you have anything extra important to remind people of, send it to me.

The Peanut Gallery

This one should be fun. I want to collect art/poetry/music ect from the nexus members, and feature some each issue. Anything you create, and you’re proud enough to show the world, put it here.

The Community Garden

This will be a section to feature the plant babies everyone has growing in their lives. A digital entheogenic garden.

All Around The World

This section is to learn about each others home countries. Any interesting facts, current events, history, pictures, share it with us. The goal is to learn a little more about the world, and connect each other a little more.


If you have tips or techniques you would like to share about meditation or breathing exercises, please share. I would like to include a section to hopefully inspire more meditation.

Chemistry Corner

Anything any of the nexus chemists can contribute. Tips, updates (procedures, better chemicals to use, ect), maybe a Q&A (volunteer?).

Thanks for your contributions!

Awesome metta :thumb_up: I’ll try to dig up some old experience reports for ya... happy to see the reboot 👍👍👍
I could do a chem Q&A.
This year is technically the 24th year I've practiced chemistry.

Some in the DMT sub were skeptical that acetone separates from basic water, one even cited a Sigma solubility chart, and asked if I was sure I had acetone..

I replied

The second pic is tryptamine in acetone, top layer. bottom layer is basic water, pH 12.62.

How, you ask? Let me explain... acetone only has one proton acceptor, and no donors. It can only participate in H-bond interactions, as a proton acceptor. A basic phase is hydroxanion-rich, and cation-poor (lacks protons), and those hydroxyanions disrupt interactions between acetone and water molecules.
Much appreciated Benz. I will collect questions and consolidate so I can send you a pm as I’m sure your mailbox is pretty active as is. Hopefully this will gain some momentum (wink wink nudge nudge nexians!)
Pm them to me with title community garden. Once I get enough contributions, and get ahold of one of the publishers or another tech savvy person, hopefully we’ll get an issue out there. 🤞😁
Any updates on this? How far along is it/what is still needed? I'd be interested in writing a little something on the increase in popularity of DMT in popular culture.

benzyme said:
I could do a chem Q&A.

That would be awesome!
Hello again!
Yes, I took a few month hiatus from the interwebz for the summer.

But to address machiendome’s question, i haven’t been able to get much traction with this. I haven’t gotten any responses back from the original members who collaborated, and I’m not computer literate enough to publish it myself. The biggest thing I think would be someone who can design and put up the nexian. I have some content stored in messages, as Benz said, he would contribute, and I would collect more content if I felt like it started moving.

I could send you some pics and maybe write down some trip reports if this would help.

I really like the idea of a zine

Have a gud one
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