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The Nexus Community Project

Migrated topic.
I'm so excited to see this project pick up speed again!
So many ideas. Can we unify them into 1?

I am particulairly attracted to the idea of a South American Community.
I am also very excited about an Island Freestate community, but I know less
people seem open to that kind of isolation & independance.

In any case I find a Tropical/Sub-tropical climate absolutely essential.
Overloads of sunlights for animals, people & plants to thrive.
A big year-round available body of water is also a must, obviously.
Ocean-water, Lake-water, River water, Ground water....anything will do.
As long as the supply is plentyfull & constant in volume all year round.

An independant island settlement is defenitely possible.
I too have thought about a big ship to get us to a suitable, desirable island.
But what about a Caravan of smaller ships housing 2 to 4 people each?
Smaller ships are easier to build. People who want to join this community
all across the world could each build their own ship. These ships could
join up in a Caravan and travel to an agreed uppon island. Once landed
on this island the hulls of the ships could be turned upside down and placed ontop of stone/sandbag/
rammed earth-tire walls to serve as roofs. Like Vikings did.

The engines of these ships could be converted into generators as a powersupply for
the houses. Then off course the quest for clean, drinkable water & food begins.
Has anyone thought of a practical trade (if going land route)?

Something we could grow/ construct/ produce to take to town and sell for a few dollars for the essentials (toilet paper, buy cloth for repairing clothes, maybe a new book, etc)
wow, great minds, great ideas. I have read through all the pages and see a lot of energy and hope for something great.

I, too, am on this path- that of leaving the US for SA, becoming a land owning resident, navigating the visa/residency/banking stuff, choosing land, looking at models of systems that have and haven't worked... more for the artistic side of me though, rather than solely for entheogen nuturing and preservation.

Have lots of thoughts to share if you're interested, though I see that some of the realists have pointed out some of the sticky (and itchy) points- getting clear title to land (big), dealing with insects (constant), communal living (affects everyone). My country of choice is Brazil, mostly because I have a lot of friends and contacts=support there.
I have contact with different groups/arrangements in Bahia, Brazil that are trying to incorporate many of the same things that you all are talking about.

I have some work to get done tonight, but will be back to see if anyone is still talking about a Nexus Community further south. It's a great idea, but will take LOTS of work. So many things to consider. I hope it can come together for you- super idea!
Good point about the essentials, Red Eclipse.

Toilet paper could be made in the plenty from Cannabis fibres. Grow plenty of cannabis for
medicines, cooking oil & fibres. Fibres could be used to make (toilet/writing/drawing)paper,
cloth(for clothes, curtains & rugs).

Obviously we grow lots of foods like grain and corn too. After harvesting the edible parts of these plants we'll
be left with plenty of fibrous stem-material. So we may as well use those leftovers to make paper & cloth.

I say: The more self-reliant a community striving for freedom is the better.
Just stumbled on this thread... sounds like a pretty lovely idea! :)

I'm not in a position at the moment to help out at all (I've just moved as it is and struggling with money already ;) ) but this is exactly the kind of thing I've thought about being involved in in the future - it's my idea of Utopia!

Best of luck with the project, and if my situation changes at any point I'll be all over this!
I just stumbled on this thread--I would be more than happy to contribute and participate in any way I can. What's the word on this now, where does this project stand?
I see that there's no shortage of people who want to work together in creating the community this topic is about. What has held all of us back sofar has been the lack of organisation & initiative.

The poll suggests that 36 people are willing and able to help & contribute.
I am one of those 36. I know several other people in my country and 1 in the UK.
Could be about 45 people. But of those +/- 45 people it remains to be seen who is
still serious & enthusiastic about it & who will back down & choose for the
"conveniece" of urban life.. So let's say perhaps 15 are serious and will remain.
A fine number of people with which could be achieved a whole lot financially &

The thing is that we, those serious about founding this community, would need to
speak with one another on a much more personal & frequent basis than we do now, here
on these forums. MSN & email correspondance would be better for communicating & forging
this plan.

Better communication is important because we are going to have to found an official
Organisation so we might buy a piece of land in it's name. We'd have to agree on what
kind of Organisation that should be. Options are:

-Religious/Spiritual Organisation (Claiming right to freedom of religion/lifestyle)
-Human Rights Organisation (Dito)
-Nature Preservation Organisation (Dito)
-Other Organisations? Open to suggestions.

We'll have to agree on Location(Brazil! :D ), the financial plan & the town-layout..etc
This will be the boring, bureaucratic part of the journey.

But once we get through that work and have our minds made up about Location, Layout and all these details, and we have saved up enough money we may then set our sights on a lot of
land or a small island to buy and start building.

I'd like to hear who here, of those 36 that voted like I did, are still as serious &
passionate about founding this Community?
This is such an amazing idea. Wouldn't it be so magical to have a place like this??

Wow.. my imagination is running wild.

LetSoulsDevour said:
I just voted that I can participate and contribute. There is nothing stopping me from walking this path so I would be glad if got started.

Once we have established good contact & communicated/shaped our plans well,
the next step would be to found an official organisation(HumanRights/Religious/Agricultural)
Let's say the location we want to buy land is Brazil. Do we found an organisation in Brazil?
Do we found an international organisation? Must an organisation be based in 1, concrete location/country? How does that work? Anyone?
SKA said:
Email is a pretty good way of communicating plans.
What was that about MSN you said? It'll be down soon? Explain?

The Nexus is NOT a personal meeting ground. Read the ATTITUDE page to familiarize yourself with the rules of this site. The Nexus was created in order to communicate with like minded individuals. If you need to communicate you can use the private message functionality on this website.

Meeting up or communicating with other members off site may put you in jail. You may be communicating with a Law Enforcement Officer trying to bait you into meeting up to do illegal activities(extract/use). Don't be stupid.
Greetings and Salutations my fellow Nexian Brethren.

Apologizes for not being more active in this thread considering I'm the one who initially started it.

I am about to be living in the woods for a couple of weeks for the Rainbow Gathering that is taking place in Ocala, FL.

After that event is over, I will be living full time on an off-grid permaculture farm in order to learn the skills required to make a Nexus Community a sustainable reality.

Being off-grid, I won't have much access to the Nexus or the Internet in general but I'll still make an effort to pop in from time to time to give updates and whatnot.

I just wanted to officially state that as the starter of this thread, I have absolutely no problem with someone else taking lead on this project if they have the resources and gumption to do so.

I'll continue to learn whatever sustainable practices I can in the meantime and will fully contribute my time, labor and knowledge to this project once it gets closer to becoming a reality.

We all have strengths and weaknesses and project management is not in my lists of strengths at this time. Anyone who has a solid background in project management is encouraged to take the lead on this if their spirit compels them to.

Much Love to all of you lovely pioneers. :love:
Great Melcat. Such perma-culture knowledge is most usefull in a sustainable community.
I'd be delighted to hear updates on how it's going and what you learned from time to time.

I am currently havinga pretty hard time financially. Never been any good at organising anything.
But my passion for making this become a reality is so great I will do my best to help organise this.
For one I have alot of ideas/concepts about energy, water-cleansing, construction & infrastructure all
drawn out in blackbooks. These will come in handy one day.

VoidTraveler said:
Meeting up or communicating with other members off site may put you in jail. You may be communicating with a Law Enforcement Officer trying to bait you into meeting up to do illegal activities(extract/use). Don't be stupid.

I never said anything about illegal activities. As far as I know meeting/mailing/chatting with people to found a Human Rights, Spirituality & Ecologic Awareness-organisation isn't an illegal activity.
In such a community I seek to practice Agriculture, Animal farming, BeeKeeping, Botany, Musical &
Graphical arts, Meditation & Yoga. Last time I checked none of these are illegal activities.

The main purpose of the community is to live in economic freedom, in closer harmony with the natural enviroment
to live more peacefull, joyfull & spiritually inspired lives. Seems pretty far from illegal to me.
I don't know how much has already been decided on, but I think it would be best if the property were divided into lots that were owned by individual members of the community. I know that is not in the original spirit of the idea, but it makes the monetary investment of each individual more secure in that they know where there money is going and can recoup on it if the plan fails or if they want to back out. I'm sure the technical aspects of handling multiple peoples' money is a nightmare, and it would be better for each person to handle their own money and their own property in whatever way they choose.

What does this require? Well, for the sake of preserving the purpose of the entire parcel of land, it would be best if the entire thing were bought up by a single person or organization so that left-over parcels are not bought by noncommunity members. Then individual lots would be sold, with buyers signing some sort of contract in which they agree to work for the community in such and such ways. In essence, this would be more like a lease program where, instead of being paid with money, the lease is paid with labor.
If the land cannot be divided into small parcels for individuals to buy and live on, then we would indeed need to pool our money in order buy the property, then we could legally divide the property up afterwards (though I guess keeping it together would make property taxes simpler).

Anyways, what have people decided on in terms of lodgings? Why do this in Peru?

BTW, it seems that at least 15 people who voted said they could contribute. That's $1000 per person. What are you guys waiting for exactly?
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