Ordo Ab Chao
Rising Star
Evenin' folks,
I've been reading this forum regularly for the last few weeks since I first found out about DMT. I wanted to thank the people who created this website, and the people who contribute to it, for providing an invaluable source of practical information and genuinely helpful advice mixed with a good dose of humour. Admittedly I have never tried DMT, never come across it in real-life and have only ever spoken to one person who claims to have smoked it once although, through my own research into this particular tryptamine, I have come to doubt the veracity of his claim since none of his descriptions bear even the slightest resemblance to the various 'common' elements of a DMT experience.
I've joined this site as someone who, until recently, had never even heard of DMT - I've had experience with various chemicals over the years but I won't bore you with the details, suffice to say that I come here with an open mind and no pretensions. I'm a healthy, psychologically stable and rational person. I've learned a great deal already and will continue to do so thanks to the information available on this forum.
So why DMT?
As I said, I've had experience with numerous substances over the years but I had never encountered DMT.....so why does the description of hyperspace, entities and the overall atmosphere strike a chord within me?
Why is it that I feel what I can only describe as a sense of 'missing' this dimension and the entities therein? As nonsensical (and quite possibly insane!) as it may sound, I feel like I've been there before. As I said, I can't fully explain this and I'm very skeptical since it's only my own interpretation of my subjective experience and could just as easily be a figment of my imagination. My only problem with dismissing it as imagination is the strength of the emotions I feel when I think about it. There's a very real and definite sense of wanting to 'return' to this space but I constantly wield Occam's Razor and stick by old Uncle Al Crowley's advice about attributing objectivity to such things.
I read a trip report from a lady who claimed that the entities of hyperspace told her how they contact us when we're children but we loose the ability to communicate with them as we grow up. As a child I had numerous 'encounters' with entities whose appareance (not physical but certainly manifest in this world), in retrospect, bore a startling resemblance to those described in hyperspace. Another odd similarity was how these 'friends' (as I called them) showed me the inner workings of things like cameras and taught me about things that I would not have been able to learn alone at that age. My mother confirmed that I did have what was considered to be an imaginary friend when I was very young, she also said that I would tell her information that I couldn't possibly have known such as the configuration of the hospital room I was born in, from the colour of the curtains to which way the bed was facing (there are no photographs of this room anywhere although this image is still fairly clear in my mind even now at 29 years old). These entities would appear outside the window in the night and beckon me to play with them again, they would pop up over the top of the door too! I'm sure that there was an element of childhood imagination at play and I don't claim that it was anything to do with the entities of hyperspace but I think it's an interesting avenue of thought to explore.
I know a lot of what I've stated above is open to criticism and I can't prove or disprove any element of it. I make no apologies, I just thought that the information was relevant to the discussion of my interest in DMT.
Anyhow, I've rambled on enough.....I look forward to participating on the site and making my own spice in the upcoming year but this site will definitely be my first point of contact for any advice and help from fellow travellers.
All the best and good luck with everything!
I've been reading this forum regularly for the last few weeks since I first found out about DMT. I wanted to thank the people who created this website, and the people who contribute to it, for providing an invaluable source of practical information and genuinely helpful advice mixed with a good dose of humour. Admittedly I have never tried DMT, never come across it in real-life and have only ever spoken to one person who claims to have smoked it once although, through my own research into this particular tryptamine, I have come to doubt the veracity of his claim since none of his descriptions bear even the slightest resemblance to the various 'common' elements of a DMT experience.
I've joined this site as someone who, until recently, had never even heard of DMT - I've had experience with various chemicals over the years but I won't bore you with the details, suffice to say that I come here with an open mind and no pretensions. I'm a healthy, psychologically stable and rational person. I've learned a great deal already and will continue to do so thanks to the information available on this forum.
So why DMT?
As I said, I've had experience with numerous substances over the years but I had never encountered DMT.....so why does the description of hyperspace, entities and the overall atmosphere strike a chord within me?
Why is it that I feel what I can only describe as a sense of 'missing' this dimension and the entities therein? As nonsensical (and quite possibly insane!) as it may sound, I feel like I've been there before. As I said, I can't fully explain this and I'm very skeptical since it's only my own interpretation of my subjective experience and could just as easily be a figment of my imagination. My only problem with dismissing it as imagination is the strength of the emotions I feel when I think about it. There's a very real and definite sense of wanting to 'return' to this space but I constantly wield Occam's Razor and stick by old Uncle Al Crowley's advice about attributing objectivity to such things.
I read a trip report from a lady who claimed that the entities of hyperspace told her how they contact us when we're children but we loose the ability to communicate with them as we grow up. As a child I had numerous 'encounters' with entities whose appareance (not physical but certainly manifest in this world), in retrospect, bore a startling resemblance to those described in hyperspace. Another odd similarity was how these 'friends' (as I called them) showed me the inner workings of things like cameras and taught me about things that I would not have been able to learn alone at that age. My mother confirmed that I did have what was considered to be an imaginary friend when I was very young, she also said that I would tell her information that I couldn't possibly have known such as the configuration of the hospital room I was born in, from the colour of the curtains to which way the bed was facing (there are no photographs of this room anywhere although this image is still fairly clear in my mind even now at 29 years old). These entities would appear outside the window in the night and beckon me to play with them again, they would pop up over the top of the door too! I'm sure that there was an element of childhood imagination at play and I don't claim that it was anything to do with the entities of hyperspace but I think it's an interesting avenue of thought to explore.
I know a lot of what I've stated above is open to criticism and I can't prove or disprove any element of it. I make no apologies, I just thought that the information was relevant to the discussion of my interest in DMT.
Anyhow, I've rambled on enough.....I look forward to participating on the site and making my own spice in the upcoming year but this site will definitely be my first point of contact for any advice and help from fellow travellers.
All the best and good luck with everything!