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the population are very well, and of least concern. I know they die a lot from road traffick. and li

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
the population are very well, and of least concern. I know they die a lot from road traffick. and live longer in captivity than in the wild.
I personally think keeping this toad in captivity is cruel. It cannot experience a natural life at all. You are simply keeping a living creature as a drug machine. You should think very carefully about your actions. A toad is not a pet and you cannot possibly provide it with a suitable environment. This is difficult even for a zoo to achieve. Where can it interact with other toads and breed and live a natural life.:thumb_dow :thumb_dow :thumb_dow
Fidelsbeard said:
I personally think keeping this toad in captivity is cruel. It cannot experience a natural life at all. You are simply keeping a living creature as a drug machine. You should think very carefully about your actions. A toad is not a pet and you cannot possibly provide it with a suitable environment. This is difficult even for a zoo to achieve. Where can it interact with other toads and breed and live a natural life.:thumb_dow :thumb_dow :thumb_dow

I totally agree with this! I would not even dare to have this frog.. its a very powerful and unique being and the slightest thought of mistreat him in any way is in my sense pure heresy.

Stop squeeze him and kiss him instead!:love:
Instead of bashing the guy maybe start giving real advice? :?

Im not into frog keeping but im into tropical crabs.

What do you feed him? Does he eat on the regular?

Do you have enough hiding spots and plants in his terrarium?
Is it bioactive?
Ulim said:
Instead of bashing the guy maybe start giving real advice? :?

Im not into frog keeping but im into tropical crabs.

What do you feed him? Does he eat on the regular?

Do you have enough hiding spots and plants in his terrarium?
Is it bioactive?

Real advice: Go to Mexico and let him go!
Hello, you need to let him get adult.
Feed him crickets usually is good. Is your Toad thé picture you have ? Then it's an authentic bufo alvarius.
Yes, they produce venoms After hibernation period usually. Am not expert in secretions of captive toads. But also you Can PM me and share all your set like size and how it is living, photos and all. Am very interested in life forms, and as long as pet caring goes, it's necessary to give them best conditions.

But true that in wild they get killed by car traffick and pollution. Here poeple will bully you, but I Hope not, but some animals only survive as breed and not in their endemic ecosystems. Because mainly of human Chaos.
Food for thoughts, food for toads.
rOm said:
Hello, you need to let him get adult.
Feed him crickets usually is good. Is your Toad thé picture you have ? Then it's an authentic bufo alvarius.
Yes, they produce venoms After hibernation period usually. Am not expert in secretions of captive toads. But also you Can PM me and share all your set like size and how it is living, photos and all. Am very interested in life forms, and as long as pet caring goes, it's necessary to give them best conditions.

But true that in wild they get killed by car traffick and pollution. Here poeple will bully you, but I Hope not, but some animals only survive as breed and not in their endemic ecosystems. Because mainly of human Chaos.
Food for thoughts, food for toads.

This toad is not a "pet", it is not possible to give them "best conditions" unless it is part of a breeding program in a zoo with as close as possible recreation of natural habitat. Keeping a single toad for your own harvesting is owning a living drug meat machine. To suggest that this is comparable to how "some animals only survive as breed" is ignorant, and it's ok because "in wild they get killed by car traffick" (sic) is not justifiable.
Sorry if you think I am bullying him. I am against keeping all exotic species as pets.
I guessing it doesn't like you or being abused very much and does not want t help you get high.

Why are you getting high on a living creatures natural defense mechanism? I have no interest in your question until you can satisfactorily answer. And there really isnt one.

Synthetic 5 is available if you are smart enough to use this site you can find it. Leave the animal alone.
null24 said:
I guessing it doesn't like you or being abused very much and does not want t help you get high.

Why are you getting high on a living creatures natural defense mechanism? I have no interest in your question until you can satisfactorily answer. And there really isnt one.

Synthetic 5 is available if you are smart enough to use this site you can find it. Leave the animal alone.

If you could speak toad and ask nicely if you may use the venom I think they may say hop it mate, evolve a million years and produce your own...or maybe a hyper-intelligent race of toad from a far off galaxy may be keeping little human beings in tanks to harvest their endogenous DMT...
Fidelsbeard, I have my blood being used as food by leeches. If I use kambo and Toad secretions, but give my blood to leeches, is it that different ?
Treat them good, but we use each other in ecosystem. That's life. no matter how much you want to romantize it, it works this way.

Love and light... and spice.
Also, I get your point, and where you are coming from, but you know all pets, dogs and cats and so on, once were just wild animals... Human would never had live this way if they didn't worked closely with wild life in first instnce. Now you can be against it, don't have pet, hunt game meat, or go vegan cause in your opinion it's not nice and you better leave the medecine, working associates ( working dogs, horses etc ..), but you'll not chage the human history, and prehistory, that is lined to animals, and plants. Even your daily veggies were wild and been "domesticated".

I wuold anyway not breed one to have a drug machne to get high. You can grow pot for that. Buy cheap ethanol and do a ot of things. Toad and frogs secretions, as well as my pet leeches who actually use my blood, bite me and all, are highly therapeutic. You certainly missed this point here. But yeh, so are most animals venoms, secretions and of courses plants and mushrooms ...
II think philosophically, you can't say it's selfish to breed any animal, or hunt or breed them. Bees are going extinct too, as exemple, is it better to leave it doing it's death or still ok, to beekeep ? Of course extinctions can be seen as natural, but I think human being are being used by a host of microorganisms and animals and plants, but you think you are too conscious to play consciously the game of life. Better feed off Prana. Then, yes, you'll just be food and tool. But still, you'll breed bodily bacteria that don't need food but you.
tjruddhks said:
Hey how to winter sleep ?
Wintering animals is a difficult thing to do but when you live close to his natural habitat you can just move his home outside in a rather protected space and then also change up some of his terrarium to make it more wintering friendly.

You should really post a picture of the toad and the terrarium you are keeping him in.

Reptilians and amphibians have many special needs like uv light. Temperature gradients. Basking spots. Special nutrition and more so its highly likely your toad is missing something and if you dont change that it will prolly never produce any venom.

And also guys. Could you just stop with the hate? The toad is at his place. And he will prolly not be able to release it in its natural habitat. Also releasing it would probably kill it in less than a month. You cant just release animals especially not if this one was captive bred. Also releasing an animal is hard because you first need to find their actual habitat. Just releasing it in the same reagion is not enough. You need to find a population and then slowly train it back to be self sustained.
Its true that some animals should not be kept. But a toad is not one of those animals. Toads rarely travel long distances and are pretty happy with food water and shelter.
You are acting like a toad is a horse who needs big plains to migrate. A toad will prolly never even fully use the pond he is living in. A corner is enough. And most movement only happens because of food search.

You should rather help to make the life of the toad better instead of just spamming shit into this thread that doesnt add to the discussion and only makes you seem like very superficial internet group bullies.

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