I've felt the power of the moon directly on more than one occasion (especially while awakened by psychedelics).
Here is a recent experience I wrote. I think you'll find it very relevant :
My first time taking Mescaline went like this : (If you read the whole thing you will get the point)
Took 250mg and walked up to my local graveyard to watch the sunset over the valley.
Sat next to my ancestor's graves and sang and poured my soul out in all directions.
Great energetic vibes. I felt they were pleased with my visitation.
Called a friend and told him about it.
As soon as I got off the phone with him I felt such an incredible darkness and sickness just flood my conscious field.
The Earth began to open up and the decaying corpses under my feet were bubbling up to the surface.
It felt like all the whole graveyard was coming to life and crawling up out of the ground.
Surrounded by a powerful impending dark earthy painful doom.
I felt all of the pain of all of the families and souls that mourned loss here.
It suddenly dawned on me that cemeteries are not happy places.
So needless to say I left as quickly and calmly as possible while repeatedly mumbling to myself "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" while dark spirits swarmed me and the dead rose from the ground.
Each barefoot step on the cold grass of the cemetery brought with it the feeling of walking in an endless ocean of decaying corpses and suffering.
When I finally reached the road at the top. I looked over the horizon of the mountains and BAM there it was.
The biggest full moon I can remember seeing reflecting and vibrating its energy right through and all around me.
Prior to the moon rise, everyone and everything in the world was very lighthearted, happy, and positive.
Passerbys would cheer me on. Smiles were everywhere. etc
Afterwards, not so much. People swerved and honked to scare me. Stuff was thrown at me.
I felt surrounded by chaos. Like I was going to die.
I can go much more in depth about this trip but that's the part that's relevant to your post.