may this thread run for the long haul my brothers and sisters! i think this one has been coming for awhile and i think that having all of this channeled wisdom consolodated into one thread will make it easy to access beautiful pre-flight words of wisdom as well as everyday koans, mantras, observations and "keys to the kingdom(s)".... 
there have been so many wonderful things i have read during my time here on the nexus. sages, gurus, great thinkers, movies, books, FELLOW doesn't matter the source....if it's wise, if it touches you, if it helps others....POST IT HERE!
i will be quoting many of you on this thread...and perhaps if this gets enough responses we will even start an actual ROOM and begin categorizing these little gems to make your search for inspiration that much easier to navigate...
i will begin with a few i've quoted in the recent past:
"no harm can befall a self-free person" - tao te ching
"unhappiness is defined as a feeling of being trapped in one's one's own mind.." - buddhist teaching
"it is only to the extent that we are willing to expose ourselves over and over to annihilation that we are able to find that part of ourselves that is indestructable" - pema chodron
there have been so many wonderful things i have read during my time here on the nexus. sages, gurus, great thinkers, movies, books, FELLOW doesn't matter the source....if it's wise, if it touches you, if it helps others....POST IT HERE!
i will be quoting many of you on this thread...and perhaps if this gets enough responses we will even start an actual ROOM and begin categorizing these little gems to make your search for inspiration that much easier to navigate...
i will begin with a few i've quoted in the recent past:
"no harm can befall a self-free person" - tao te ching
"unhappiness is defined as a feeling of being trapped in one's one's own mind.." - buddhist teaching
"it is only to the extent that we are willing to expose ourselves over and over to annihilation that we are able to find that part of ourselves that is indestructable" - pema chodron