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The [redundant] use of SWIM

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am sure there has been a thread on this in the past. However, I'd like to raise it again if only to rant and vent.

SWIM! Is useless and redundant. Do you really think that if someone were to actually come knocking on your door, the fact that you have used SWIM instead of 'me' or 'I' on an interwebs forum, that it is going to make them go away?

If you must use SWIM you will find that once you have used it, from that point on you are allowed, by the grammatical rules of English to refer to that SWIM as he, she or it. This would be easier on the eye to read. You can also alter your writing style to include a minimal number of references to SWIM. I don't have a problem with this at all.

When I read a post and all that jumps out is SWIM, I see this

SWIMBlah blah SWIM Blah blah blah SWIM. SWIM blah SWIM blah Blah blah SWIM blah SWIM. Blah blah SWIM Blah blah SWIM Blah blah SWIM Blah blah SWIM.
SWIM Blah blah SWIM. SWIM Blah blah SWIM Blah blah Blah blah SWIM. SWIM SWIM SWIM SWIM.

Thanks, peace and love :)
I am just waiting for some newbie user to come along and call himself SWIM :d

The law will come down on that poor bastitch like a Steinway and Sons hitting a Baked Alaska.
:lol:. Right on, brother. I too ain´t afraid and spit on all the police forces. (Your joke) reminds me ot the Shining as much as one Monty Python crazy sketch (the one with spam). Let us all forget SWIM. It´s dishonesting at least for me to hide my obsession with altered mind because of oppression.

I don't know about other places, but in the USA, yes...it is very useful. If you say I or me its called self incriminating, as you have already admitted it was you doing illegal activity. Where using SWIM says someone else, not incriminating. Me and I is a confession.
Cheeto said:
I don't know about other places, but in the USA, yes...it is very useful. If you say I or me its called self incriminating, as you have already admitted it was you doing illegal activity. Where using SWIM says someone else, not incriminating. Me and I is a confession.

I doubt that.

This would be like someone using 1 instead of I. There is as much of a difference between 1 and I as there is between SWIM and I.

1 smoked some DMT today.

I think if the filth come knocking, SWIM won't stand in there way. I can understand being vague when talking about manufacturing something, but already having consumed something makes no difference.

Could you be arrested and charged if you went and stood in Times Square with a board around your neck that said

'yesterday I smoked pot'

ghostman said:
Cheeto said:
I don't know about other places, but in the USA, yes...it is very useful. If you say I or me its called self incriminating, as you have already admitted it was you doing illegal activity. Where using SWIM says someone else, not incriminating. Me and I is a confession.

I doubt that.

This would be like someone using 1 instead of I. There is as much of a difference between 1 and I as there is between SWIM and I.

1 smoked some DMT today.

I think if the filth come knocking, SWIM won't stand in there way. I can understand being vague when talking about manufacturing something, but already having consumed something makes no difference.

Could you be arrested and charged if you went and stood in Times Square with a board around your neck that said

'yesterday I smoked pot'


Hey, maybe it´s useful in the States!
ghostman said:
Could you be arrested and charged if you went and stood in Times Square with a board around your neck that said

'yesterday I smoked pot'


It dosen't matter, the law is the law. If you had that sign...yes, you could be charged possibly. If you had the same sign with SWIM in place of I, then no, you have not incriminated yourself, as no where does it say you were the one who actually smoked an illegal substance. It would arouse suspicion though, they could test you to see if you had illegal substance in your body, they could get a search warrant to search your house, but you still have not incriminated yourself, so if all checks out fine your good to go.
What's redundant are threads like this. They pop up every few months and it's always the same rants with the same responses. Most get along just fine and understand what's being said without strain. Members should take care to use it correctly and not to overuse it, but it's an acronym that some find helpful and should be allowed to use without badgering.
amor_fati said:
What's redundant are threads like this. They pop up every few months and it's always the same rants with the same responses. Most get along just fine and understand what's being said without strain. Members should take care to use it correctly and not to overuse it, but it's an acronym that some find helpful and should be allowed to use without badgering.

Here is a good example.

if people want their posts read, then make them readable. I supposed asking people to use paragraphs would be considered badgering too?

I object to the derogatory use of the word badger, I like badgers.
Hmm, an excited debate deep down here on the Nexus forum... I´m ashamed I wanted to ban the use of SWIM. If it´s useful in the States...
Honestly, i thought of one other thing.

Even using I and Me on a forum is not a confession, because you could say that you lie about what you do to fit in and make friends. You would have to confess to a court room or person in law, like a police officer.
Cheeto said:
Honestly, i thought of one other thing.

Even using I and Me on a forum is not a confession, because you could say that you lie about what you do to fit in and make friends. You would have to confess to a court room or person in law, like a police officer.

Most people have the 'i am a compulsive liar...' as a disclaimer in their signatures, which technically constitutes redundancy. :)
ghostman said:
Here is a good example.

if people want their posts read, then make them readable. I supposed asking people to use paragraphs would be considered badgering too?

And that merits a whole new thread that retreads this old worn-out path? Try not responding to such posts, perhaps. No offense to the OP of that thread, but most would likely never bother with such a post.

Cheeto said:
Even using I and Me on a forum is not a confession, because you could say that you lie about what you do to fit in and make friends. You would have to confess to a court room or person in law, like a police officer.

I'm pretty sure that if you gave someone a motrin and told them it was E, you could still wind up with drug charges. It matters very much what you say and write.
amor_fati said:
ghostman said:
Here is a good example.

if people want their posts read, then make them readable. I supposed asking people to use paragraphs would be considered badgering too?

And that merits a whole new thread that retreads this old worn-out path? Try not responding to such posts, perhaps. No offense to the OP of that thread, but most would likely never bother with such a post.

Which would be a shame. Better to try and point people in a direction that their voice may be heard as opposed to ignored, or not?

But you're right and I know it, I'm flogging a dead horse here.
ghostman said:
Which would be a shame. Better to try and point people in a direction that their voice may be heard as opposed to ignored, or not?

Going off and starting a thread that they can't respond to that mocks their posting style is hardly that. I contend it's better to look the other way and give them time and space to grow. In any case, your response to the thread could have been a bit more helpful by being a bit less biased in the matter.

For instance, an example of how he could have posted that would make it easier to read would go something like this:
SWIM did it. Oh my God he did it for the first time and couldn't believe it.
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