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Ime so far with Lemon EO (anywhere from 6 to 10 drops or so), it does help with vomiting at least (i use Cannabis for nausea, but Lemon EO i'm sure helps with it as well), but i have to test it out a bit more to know for sure, and at least with Aya/Pharma it seems to alter things a bit last i checked, though not really undesirably just different but interesting, but i've been on a break from things so i look forward to getting back to my experimentation and trying it out some more.

Ginger root, nor tea, nor EO seems to help me with Harmala-related nausea/vomiting and altered things in an undesirable way, so idk about that.

I also tried Peppermint tea, and EO a few times, and i think it may have helped more than the Ginger but because of some of Menthols effects i felt things didn't synergize right, although it could've just been a dosage thing.

I need to test out the Clove bud powder, and EO, though. Haven't tried Lavender yet.

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