A compelling and enjoyable article about the connection between Star Wars and shamanism. :thumb_up:

Don't be so overoptimistic, Jar Jar Abrams is a Sith lord. I've seen the movie and I can say that the negative ratings on IMDB all nailed it precisely. I even assume Disney bought the movie from a complete mercantile view. Like:null24 said:Commercialism, Disney, blah blah, I'm not even a big fan of Star Wars but am one of those guys that grew up with it. I saw it 21 times the summer it came out, I was 7. (I said shameless) so yeah, nostalgic reliving of childhood blah blah. Sure it's going to rehash the story. This movie is going to an awesome hell of a lot if fun.
ROI in 36 months with a $1bn surplus, not bad. And who knows how many billions the next years and movies will generate... The $4bn purchase price for Disney was really a bargain. The $200M production costs are negligible at this point.Buying Lucasfilm had one purpose: to acquire the rights to Star Wars. It’s the world’s most lucrative franchise, and it has been sitting on the shelf for 10 years since Star Wars Episode III: Return of the Sith.
Star Wars merch is expected to bring in $5 billion in sales over the coming 12 months, rising to as much as $20 billion in the next five years.
There will be two more "saga" films in 2017 and 2019, plus the "anthology" series — three standalone films within the Star Wars universe.
Disney is already the world’s biggest licensor, selling more than $45.2 billion in 2014.
Star Wars will make its real money in the mall, not the cinema
Disney will make a lot of money from ticket sales, but it's likely to make even more selling Star Wars–branded merchandise.www.vox.com
In fact, Lucas has tried to dispel the myth that Star Wars is a remake of The Hidden Fortress, insisting that his saga was much more directly influenced by Seven Samurai. He claims that the parallel element of the princess and the general was more of a coincidence than a direct inspiration.
Star Wars creator George Lucas has admitted to being inspired significantly by the period works of Akira Kurosawa, and many thematic elements found in Star Wars bear the influence of Chanbara filmmaking. In an interview, Lucas has specifically cited the fact that he became acquainted with the term jidaigeki while in Japan, and it is widely assumed that he took inspiration for the term Jedi from this.[1][2][3]
Jidaigeki - Wikipedia
"Bushido" is a modern term rather than a historical one. The "way" itself originates from the samurai moral values, most commonly stressing some combination of frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery, and honor until death. Born from Neo-Confucianism during times of peace in Tokugawa Japan and following Confucian texts, Bushido was also influenced by Shinto and Zen Buddhism, allowing the violent existence of the samurai to be tempered by wisdom and serenity.
Bushido - Wikipedia
Ufostrahlen said:Isn't this how theater/cinema has worked for thousands of years? I liked the movie. I guess I am brain dead.null24 said:But this event reminded me why cinema is dead for me and why the new VR goggles are the future. Consuming pictures for 2h without interaction or a story, plus annoying seat neighbors for good money? You have to be brain dead if you can enjoy this imo.
As for the narrative... I often think of my decisions in terms of the force. Like specifically, Star Wars style force, where I can use the dark side to make what I want happen by manipulating those around me or causing them pain (my MO for many years). Or I can acknowledge the light in all of us and know that trying to control others is never beneficial, and that if I have allowed someone into my life they deserve to be trusted. I am glad to say that I am moving toward the latter.
Obi wan - remember, a jedi can feel the force flowing through him.
Luke - you mean it cotrols your actions?
Obi wan - partially, but It also obeys your commands
Being is excited for this I was, I wish I could say different. something I couldn't quite put my finger on, something missing.Jin said:they killed "star wars" with this release
null24 said:Being is excited for this I was, I wish I could say different. something I couldn't quite put my finger on, something missing.Jin said:they killed "star wars" with this release
Jin said:they killed "star wars" with this release
- also, in the novel of the original (now New Hope) which actually came out before the movie, Obi-Wan (in his desert hideaway) draws on a 'water pipe' and gazes thoughtfully...
Ufostrahlen said:You have to be brain dead if you can enjoy this imo.
null24 said:Commercialism blah blah blah
I think of this more like a manual instruction than a criticism.Orion said:Ufostrahlen said:You have to be brain dead if you can enjoy this imo.
null24 said:C I'm not even a big fan of Star Wars but am one of those guys that grew up with it. I saw it 21 times the summer it came out, I was 7. ..