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The spirits came to me.

Migrated topic.


The future's uncertain and The End is always near.
We are the convergence points for infinite realms & spirits to condense into the present moment.
We have the ability to filter what we manifest in whatever dimension we inhabit.
Universes move through and around us.
We are the divine fractal drops of water in the boundless ocean of consciousness.
We are black holes. We are portals.

40 mg Vaped in GVG :
temporary blackout.
I stand up.
The dark forest around me surges and swarms with the intensity of many entire universes converging into one location.
The world around me morphs into an endless sea of infinitely diverse spirits/beings/aliens (all of the above).
I am the shaman. I am the gateway. I am the receiver and transmitter. We all are whether we realize it or not.
The universe is resolving.
Universal truth is finally coming to light.
I am standing in the universal intergalactic interdimensional spotlight.
Countless conscious beings are observing me.
I lose control of my words.
I speak and move fluidly.
The universe speaks through me.
I laugh freely.
I am the madman in the woods.
The world is ending. I opened the black hole. Everything is converging.
The end game is now.
I was conceived here. How ironic. What a way to discover that.
This is the alpha & omega.
Deja vu. English can't capture this moment.
This is where language advances.

I define a breakthrough as transcending out of old blockages/realms into new dramatically different states of consciousness.
I did not leave my body but I certainly had ego-death.
It seemed as though all worlds were colliding into one and I was the receiver and transmitter.
We all are.
It seems as though all worlds are converging into one and we are the receivers and transmitters.
Right now.
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:
I stand up.
The dark forest around me surges and swarms with the intensity of many entire universes converging into one location.
The world around me morphed into an endless sea of infinitely diverse spirits/beings/aliens (all of the above).
I am the shaman. I am the channeler. I am the receiver and transmitter. We all are whether we realize it or not.
The universe was resolving.
I was in the universal intergalactic interdimensional spotlight.
Countless conscious beings were observing me.
I lost control of my words.
I spoke and moved fluidly.
The universe spoke through me.
It still does.
I laugh freely.
I am the madman in the woods.
The world is ending. I opened the black hole. Everything is converging.
I was conceived here. How ironic. What a way to discover that.
This is the alpha & omega.
Deja vu. English can't capture this moment.
This is where language advances.

I define a breakthrough as transcending out of old blockages/realms into new dramatically different states of consciousness.
I did not leave my body but I certainly had ego-death.
It seemed as though all worlds were colliding into one and I was the receiver and transmitter.
We all are.
It seems as though all worlds are converging into one and we are the receivers and transmitters.
Right now.
I love this. thanks for sharing it.
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:
We are the convergence points for infinite realms & spirits to condense into the present moment.
We have the ability to filter what we manifest in whatever dimension we inhabit.
Universes move through and around us.
We are the divine fractal drops of water in the ocean of consciousness.
We are black holes. We are portals.

40 mg Vaped in GVG :
temporary blackout.
I stand up.
The dark forest around me surges and swarms with the intensity of many entire universes converging into one location.
The world around me morphed into an endless sea of infinitely diverse spirits/beings/aliens (all of the above).
I am the shaman. I am the channeler. I am the receiver and transmitter. We all are whether we realize it or not.
The universe was resolving.
I was in the universal intergalactic interdimensional spotlight.
Countless conscious beings were observing me.
I lost control of my words.
I spoke and moved fluidly.
The universe spoke through me.
It still does.
I laugh freely.
I am the madman in the woods.
The world is ending. I opened the black hole. Everything is converging.
I was conceived here. How ironic. What a way to discover that.
This is the alpha & omega.
Deja vu. English can't capture this moment.
This is where language advances.

I define a breakthrough as transcending out of old blockages/realms into new dramatically different states of consciousness.
I did not leave my body but I certainly had ego-death.
It seemed as though all worlds were colliding into one and I was the receiver and transmitter.
We all are.
It seems as though all worlds are converging into one and we are the receivers and transmitters.
Right now.

Absolutely beautiful!! 😁
Thank you both for appreciating this.
I feel a tremendous amount of alienation from society.
I'm writing poetry and music to integrate my experiences.
I truly do believe we can all channel infinite dimensions.
I love you all. Thank you for understanding :)
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:
I feel a tremendous amount of alienation from society.

Just in case you haven't read this one before:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." J.Krishnamurti
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