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The Sun and the Disappearing Bees

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
You've all probably heard about the disappearance of the bees, the below article links this to sunspots and other cosmic activity. There are a lot of comments on the article, here's one: The complete loss of the honeybee will felt over the next 4 years. The sunspots are just starting, they will peak in 2011. Many things will change in the next four years. Expect a shortage of food, much death, followed by new dawn of enlightenment. This is how the 4th epoch of man ends and the 5th epoch of man begins after, you know this date as Dec 21st, 2012.<< Hmm, we shall see... - Jen http://www.synchronizm.com/blog/index.php/2007/03/29/the-bees-who-flew-too-high/ The Bees Who Flew Too High March 29th, 2007 | Category: solar [excerpt] ?Honeybees and Sunspots may be interacting in one of the most unwatched ballets since television was created. Metaphorically speaking of course: Imagine an aquarium containing a fish. Imagine also that you are unable to see the aquarium directly and your knowledge about it and what it contains comes from two television cameras, one directed at the aquarium's front and the other directed at its side. As you stare at the two television monitors, you might assume that the fish on each of the screens are separate entities. After all, because the cameras are set at different angles, each of the images will be slightly different. But as you continue to watch the two fishes, you will eventually become aware that there is a certain relationship between them. When one turns, the other also makes a slightly different but corresponding turn; when one faces the front, the other always faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of the full scope of the situation, you might even conclude that the fish must be instantaneously communicating with one another, but this is clearly not the case.1 If there are processes in this universe of which we are unaware of the full scope, perhaps the only way to observe them is using the multi-camera metaphor. In this ballet - which has the tragedy of the prospect of agricultural collapse, the triumph of the idea of biological interaction with quantum processes, and the drama of far away forces dancing within our presences - we can become part of the dance as we expertly shift our camera views like an experienced television producer. In the process, a mystery may be solved, one making many of us (and perhaps not enough of us) nervous lately. [...]
Fascinating! So this seems to explain it... I was beginning to wonder... My father tended several hives on the farm where I grew up. Honeybees are amazing. Dance till the sun rises... honeybee...!
wow. idk if any of you actually read the article, but the implications of this "dance" and it's meaning to all forms of life and self-aware systems may, and likely will be profound. perhaps we ought to shift our focus out of the lenses of paradigm, and recalibrate our sights on something that may seem a little crazy. i mean after all, we said galileo was wacked only a few hundred years ago, and that notion of writing his theories off was largely accepted due to not only the contextual paradigm of christian thought, but because the implications to that carefully tailored cosmology would have been as a nuclear bomb to a tootsie roll. i think our dominant western paradigm is the tootsie roll, and the intrinsic awareness of foundational systems that govern our realities (whether we're aware of them or not) that the bees have granted us the tip of the iceberg of insight is that nuclear bomb. i'm usually an advocate of disarment, but hell lt's detonate this 8)
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