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The tale of Syrian rue, it's relevance, historical and modern uses

Prima Materia

The Calcinator

I was thinking about a possible article that could be included in the next issue of The Nexian. The idea I came up with is about the very well known and appreciated plant in the dmt-nexus community, called Syrian rue (Peganum harmala), Harmala, ... etc.

This article would contain a variety of topics from the plant's history, historical uses, importance in religion, medicinal value, different ways of preparation and use of the plant, information about it's main constituents, descriptions/reports about the subjective experience, it's pharmacology, biological effects, possible use as a pest control, how to grow the plant and other interesting topics of relevance.

It seems there's a lot of information available on this plant and the idea with the article could also become a small booklet where all the important information is available in a useful/practical way.

We had a chat in the chat room with some of the members about this idea. I felt that it was well received and some members expressed they would be interested to help creating it.

I have started to gather various articles, books and other sources of information. A lot of information is contained also in the forums which deserve a proper searching and reading. If anyone has some files with good information we could share it.

I've made a simple word document file which contains a very crude index of the article/booklet. Different topics are mentioned, you can add new topics, and you can add text into the file, add pictures, etc.

We can have further discussion and brainstorming in the thread. I'm sure there will be good ideas which I'am very open and looking forward to.

Please join in with your ideas how the article/booklet would be designed, which topics would be more interesting and what would be the progression of the plant's story we want to tell.

:) :) :)


  • peganum+harmala.docx
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Harmal: The Genus Peganum* by Ephraim Shmaya Lansky, Shifra Lansky, & Helena Maaria Paavilainen (2017) is an excellent reference, and full of pictures!
*edited, fudged the name first time

Here are some of the medicinal uses listed within the text. Enough for you? 😁

Leaf: narcotics; antiseptic; wounds; abscesses; throat inflammation; rheumatism; facilitating birth

Branches: counterirritant

Stem: facilitating birth

Root: alkaloids; pediculoside; gingivitis; toothache; hemorrhoids

Flower: abscesses; throat inflammation

Fruit: common cold; epilepsy; mental and nervous illnesses; digestive; stomach complaints; pregnancy/birth

Seed: alkaloids; panacea; alterative; disinfectant; antiseptic; bactericide; antimicrobial; anti-inflammatory; analgesic; antispasmodic; antihypertensive, hypotonic; stimulant; psychoactive; narcotic; hallucinogen; CNS stimulant; hypnotic; sedative; soporific; sudorific; relaxant; purifying; blood purifier; cicatrizing; wounds; neoplasms; subcutaneous tumors; ulcers; rheumatism; sciatica; back pain; muscle pain; joint pain; arthritis; for baldness; strengthens hair; skin diseases; common cold; rhinitis; laryngitis; bronchitis; asthma; bronchodilator, expectorant; toothache; suppresses saliva during sleep; eye diseases; otitis; epilepsy; hysteria; neuralgia; parkinsonism; paralysis; asthenia; nervous illness; mental illness; cardiac disease; lactagogue; diabetes, hypoglycemic; emetic; digestive; indigestion: stomachache, intestinal pain, intestinal complaints, colic; gas; diarrhea; jaundice; diuretic; dysuria; involuntary urination in prostatitis; urinary disorders; anthelmintic, against tapeworms, vermifuge; leishmaniasis; hemorrhoids; aphrodisiac; menstrual problems; emmenagogue; sexual disorders; impotence; sexual stimulant; against infertility; abortifacient; antifertility agent; pregnancy/birth; uterine pain during pregnancy; prolapse of uterus; syphilis; fever; malaria; as frictions and applications; veterinary: diuretic for camels

Whole plant: depurative; anticonvulsant; sedative; narcotic; analgetic; anti-inflammatory; vulnerary; skin disease; purulent conjunctivitis; toothache; headache; arthritis, rheumatism; neurotic pains; arterial hypertension; common cold; antitussive; emetic; diuretic; hemorrhoids; abortifacient; emmenagogue; leishmaniasis

Part not mentioned: panacea; alterative; for general weakness; sudorific; depurative; astringent; hypotensive; stimulant; CNS stimulant; CNS depressant; narcotic; intoxicant; soporific; antispasmodic; analgesic; antiseptic; antibacterial; antifungal; antiparasitic; pediculicide; wounds; burns; skin diseases; dermatitis; folliculitis; strengthens hair; joint pains; rheumatism; neonatal tetanus; alopecia; improves eyesight; eye diseases; eye inflammation; suppurative conjunctivitis; blepharitis;

Not sure if I can post the pdf here legally, but a preview is available on google books.
If I am allowed to I would be happy to.
I propose that we try to conduct an interview with nexian 'mahan', who I suspect may have a greater perspective on the evolution of the use of Syrian Rue in the past thirty years. The Nexus supports their family owned business Rueshop; distributors of live P. Harmala seeds worldwide.

I am trying to do as much research as I can in order to formulate relevant questions and I will update this post with ideas for such questions. any critique or editions, very much encouraged, in the spirit of community effort.

Proposed questions in no particular order:

When did you first learn of the plant P. Harmala, and by what name?

The authors Of Harmal: The Genus Peganum suggested that as Indo-Iranian culture approached modernization the "built-in" influence of such drug plants within the culture became ambiguous. This is proposed as reasoning for why the 'hoama' plant of the pre-abrahamic tradition of the region, has not been identified unanimously. In the past thirty years modernization has placed a spotlight on this plant, which is considered by many to be the historal Soma. Given your experience, would you agree with this proposition?
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