Morphing Interstices
What is real anyway?
Yep, check it out....8) There is (correction WAS) no one claiming to be a shaman here and the average age actually seems (correction SEEMED) to be over 18!
fractal enchantment said:For what it's worth..there seems to be alot of people on this forum who do have TONS of experience working with these plants and have logged alot of time on that "other side"...just becasue someone claims to be something does not necessarily mean they are talking big..
Do you really think that traveling to some foreign country or living in the jungle ourside of the context of someones real life is what someone has to do to be a shaman?
No no - I don't think there is not much point calling oneself a 'shaman' at all outside the cultural contexts in which that term has an agreed social meaning. Perhaps no such contexts actually exist at all....
Personally I think that what would make you a shaman in THIS culture requires that you do it in a way that is relevant to this culture..
To WHICH culture exactly? I thought this was a global forum and that it represented many cultures...?
If others in your cultural context agreed that you were a soccer player and validated your role as one socially then the claim to being a soccer player would be totally uncontroversial. If you define your 'cultural context' as the narrow circle of people who are your friends and agree with your worldview, and they agree that you are a shaman, then sure, knock yourself out. But don't be surprised if others outside that circle who you talk to smirk a little at the term, because it actually DOES NOT have and agreed social meaning for most people. I too have led others to take dmt, have fed them the mushrooms I grew or hunted, have had experiences that most people would never dream of and have let those experience touch me deeply. Does that make me a shaman? I think it just makes me someone who likes these kinds of drugs and likes to share them with friends and find meaning in them.
Morphing Interstices said:Hey Fractal...Eliade is hardly new! I have found that term in early 20th century anthropological texts. I agree it has no 'traditional' meaning. I just don't think it has a coherent current one either!
obliguhl said:This thread irritates me.
Morphing Interstices said:Yep, check it out....8) There is (correction WAS) no one claiming to be a shaman here and the average age actually seems (correction SEEMED) to be over 18!
۩ said:In all honesty, my reply was just a playful retaliation.
Sometimes I am a shaman, sometimes I'm a musician, other times I'm a beast, while on other occasions I am absolutely nothing.
ambi-lysergance said:lets play nice:d