Rising Star
well there seems to be some confusion about this subject!
i ca nt post on the official changa site yet,
so ill start or continue it here.!
Ok, so how many people were actualy there at that time
in australia.
in the golden years of dmt reserch in australia.
I was.
and CHOCOBEASTIE definately was.!!!
and so was LIMOLORDS.
i dont believe that guy that said he was given
by name (changa in 1994)in the states.
im sure he smoked somthing but it wasnt called changa,!
where are outher people that have heard this at that time in history,???
anyone who was around in OZ in that time and was part of
the great( CHANG-AH experiments)..
and there were many who partook,
and i was there when johnathon ott came to oz and smoked
dmt infused herbs ,and so was chocobeastie.
and im telling you they didnt call it CHANGA.!
it is a well and widly known fact that choco
came up with that name.
i was there,
and so were manny outhers that can testify.
and endlessness,
conserning your post on dmt is dmt.
that is bullsharks mate.
ill take that double blind organic pure dmt test all day long bro.
choco wouldnt bother i dont think.
but ill make that bet with you mate.
i can tell the differencs between obtucifolia, courtii,
acuminata atleast 2 or 3 different varients ,
phleb ,from synthetic ,
blind folded and spun around 3times before smoking.
thats why i say (oils aint oils),
they all have totally different qualitys and energys.!
and choco is right in the fact that they all
have quite different visual aspects as well that you
can fully become acustomed to the differences over time.
which alot of people i know can fully tell the difference too.
i ca nt post on the official changa site yet,
so ill start or continue it here.!
Ok, so how many people were actualy there at that time
in australia.
in the golden years of dmt reserch in australia.
I was.
and CHOCOBEASTIE definately was.!!!
and so was LIMOLORDS.
i dont believe that guy that said he was given
by name (changa in 1994)in the states.
im sure he smoked somthing but it wasnt called changa,!
where are outher people that have heard this at that time in history,???
anyone who was around in OZ in that time and was part of
the great( CHANG-AH experiments)..
and there were many who partook,
and i was there when johnathon ott came to oz and smoked
dmt infused herbs ,and so was chocobeastie.
and im telling you they didnt call it CHANGA.!
it is a well and widly known fact that choco
came up with that name.
i was there,
and so were manny outhers that can testify.
and endlessness,
conserning your post on dmt is dmt.
that is bullsharks mate.
ill take that double blind organic pure dmt test all day long bro.
choco wouldnt bother i dont think.
but ill make that bet with you mate.
i can tell the differencs between obtucifolia, courtii,
acuminata atleast 2 or 3 different varients ,
phleb ,from synthetic ,
blind folded and spun around 3times before smoking.
thats why i say (oils aint oils),
they all have totally different qualitys and energys.!
and choco is right in the fact that they all
have quite different visual aspects as well that you
can fully become acustomed to the differences over time.
which alot of people i know can fully tell the difference too.