I heavily enjoy Nietzsche, and if you haven't read Thus Spake Zarathustra (most important work created by man to date, imo), please do so.
i should start off by saying this is all from a dream that swim had
Isn't it strange to think that everything that hitherto has been interpreted as the world -- as reality, could be smashed to bits by say..a mass ayahuasca trip?
swim was thinking, with so many forces of evil at bay, what if a pleasantist (counter terrorist lol..) group orchestrated something like dosing main water supplies? For instance, if some one where to some how (if even possible) have dmt + an maoi in the water, and the next thing you know, everyone is tripping balls for some timeless period.
One could only imagine the type of shift in consciousness that this would set off, if it were to happen somewhere like NYC, or Los Angeles or something.. I mean, you can't deny the light
I reckon the dream was inspired by this passage
or maybe swim is just a little nutty --
the mighty oak tree, too, was once a nut like me
i should start off by saying this is all from a dream that swim had
Isn't it strange to think that everything that hitherto has been interpreted as the world -- as reality, could be smashed to bits by say..a mass ayahuasca trip?
swim was thinking, with so many forces of evil at bay, what if a pleasantist (counter terrorist lol..) group orchestrated something like dosing main water supplies? For instance, if some one where to some how (if even possible) have dmt + an maoi in the water, and the next thing you know, everyone is tripping balls for some timeless period.
One could only imagine the type of shift in consciousness that this would set off, if it were to happen somewhere like NYC, or Los Angeles or something.. I mean, you can't deny the light
I reckon the dream was inspired by this passage
The author of "Zarathustra" never lost sight of that egregious example of a transvaluation of all values through Christianity, whereby the whole of the deified mode of life and thought of the Greeks, as well as strong Romedom, was almost annihilated or transvalued in a comparatively short time. Could not a rejuvenated Graeco-Roman system of valuing (once it had been refined and made more profound by the schooling which two thousand years of Christianity had provided) effect another such revolution within a calculable period of time, until that glorious type of manhood shall finally appear which is to be our new faith and hope, and in the creation of which Zarathustra exhorts us to participate?
or maybe swim is just a little nutty --
the mighty oak tree, too, was once a nut like me