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The "War on Morality"

Migrated topic.
Yes there's injustice happening, but it's not systematic anymore. Anyone who claims it is is a fool and will not be able to provide you any evidence, just the typical "I feel.." sentence start and deluded monologue from there. The idea that we are all equal is lie too. We all have different physical and psychological attributes, not to mention massive cultural differences. The whining that some people aren't getting the breaks into fields where they want to be because of ism's, but in fact aren't suited for, is typical SJW nonsense. Do not be fooled. It is true that gang-bangers aren't getting jobs as CEO's and that 5ft tall Jews aren't paying in the NBA. It's not racism or antisemitism. Only a fool would say it is.

Extremism of both left and right politics is repugnant to most people. The far left holds no shimmer over the far right. Anarchism and communism are far left ideologies, which I think you will agree are not a core principle for most modern people Dragonrider. Don't be sucked into the hype, there is no moral high ground of left over right.

Systemic racism, along with sexism, everyism, the gender pay gap, male privilege and more are all false constructs created by faux victims in modern Western society. There's nothing to address. So yeah, logical people try to avoid people who are addressing imaginary stuff in real life.

Like with bullies, crappy people do exist though, and if you called out a specific person for being crappy as they are causing ongoing damage I think your support base would be pretty good. Conversely, if you are trying to string up a person socially because they said or did one thing that wasn't "right" you would find your support base evaporate. That's firmly the realm of the SJW's.

I'd say the #1 reason most of us hate political correctness is because it bullshit. Disempowerment is just another one of it's malicious side effects, but it appears most people don't even realise it is happening to them.
Northerner said:
Yes there's injustice happening, but it's not systematic anymore. Anyone who claims it is is a fool and will not be able to provide you any evidence, just the typical "I feel.." sentence start and deluded monologue from there. The idea that we are all equal is lie too. We all have different physical and psychological attributes, not to mention massive cultural differences. The whining that some people aren't getting the breaks into fields where they want to be because of ism's, but in fact aren't suited for, is typical SJW nonsense. Do not be fooled. It is true that gang-bangers aren't getting jobs as CEO's and that 5ft tall Jews aren't paying in the NBA. It's not racism or antisemitism. Only a fool would say it is.

Extremism of both left and right politics is repugnant to most people. The far left holds no shimmer over the far right. Anarchism and communism are far left ideologies, which I think you will agree are not a core principle for most modern people Dragonrider. Don't be sucked into the hype, there is no moral high ground of left over right.

Systemic racism, along with sexism, everyism, the gender pay gap, male privilege and more are all false constructs created by faux victims in modern Western society. There's nothing to address. So yeah, logical people try to avoid people who are addressing imaginary stuff in real life.

Like with bullies, crappy people do exist though, and if you called out a specific person for being crappy as they are causing ongoing damage I think your support base would be pretty good. Conversely, if you are trying to string up a person socially because they said or did one thing that wasn't "right" you would find your support base evaporate. That's firmly the realm of the SJW's.

I'd say the #1 reason most of us hate political correctness is because it bullshit. Disempowerment is just another one of it's malicious side effects, but it appears most people don't even realise it is happening to them.
Well, i must say that i cannot realy judge how the situation in america is. Both in terms of inequality as well as in how political correctness affects society.
The general impression i get that it is more extreme over there in both ways.

In continental europe, except sweden maybe, political correctness is not realy a big thing. It is just, as you say, bullshit. But bullshit is something you in most cases can just shrug off.

I believe that in america, people have actually lost their job for saying basically the same things you are saying here. So that's a totally different situation and may explain why my perspective on the phenomenon is different as well. I don't see that happening over here though.

I find it hard to judge to what extent inequality or injustice today is institutional. And harder even to judge from this side of the atlantic, to wich extent that is the case in america.
Something like excessive use of force/violence by the police is such an issue...is that institutional? Or that the police often get's away with excessive violence, even when video footage shows up that contradicts the official statements by the police? These things do happen. In europe it is generally a little less extreme. But i must say that i don't know what i find more shocking...that a single policeman fucks up realy bad, or the fact that the authorities try to cover that up with lies, and let him get away with it.

When something like that happens, i think it totally deserves to be in the spotlights. And in the light of my previous post: riots and hysteria and comparizons with the nazi's aren't realy helpfull then, most of the time. But those spotlights should be pretty bright. In court, the statement of a police officer can get you to jail, so a police force getting away with lies is pretty serious shit.

So i mean, are things like this systematic? I don't know. Are they wrong? Most definately, yes. Are they besides wrong, also dangerous to society as a whole? Absolutely.
P.S. socio-economic inequality is a much more complicated problem ofcourse. I do not think you can accuse someone of racism because he is against more public spending on public education. That accusation would be totally out of place, even though the socio economical layout of a society may lead to a situation where the lack of equal opportinities is structural, and even though some ethnic groups may be more affected by this than others.

The core of the problem in that case is unequality between rich and poor, and not race. And people just happen to think differently about the role of government in society.

Though it remains a bit odd that in america, so many people have always fanatically defended trickle down economics and tax cuts for billionaires and so on, as a sort of social darwinism. "Survival of the fittest", "let the winners take all". Republicans in america have always defended economic inequality as a desireable outcome, and accused everyone warning about it of being a commie. And now, after a couple of decades, they have exactly the economic inequality they always wanted, and they seem to be unhappy about it.
Redistribution of wealth and government regulations where always bad, and a total lack of it was always good because..."capitalism". So now now the rustbelt is poor while sillicon valley, hollywood and wallstreet are packed with money, wich is exactly what they always wanted. So why complain about it now? It's a bit of a mystery.

You would almost think that economic inequality only equals "freedom" and therefore justice, as long as only others are affected by it. But in case people would want to argue along those lines....that is not the way justice works. Justice goes like this: if something is justice for me, then the same thing is justice for you. Or it wouldn't be justice.

But this is a bit offtopic ofcourse.
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