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The Worst Pharmahuasca Experience Ever

Migrated topic.
Jeez, sorry about your bad experience, and I'm glad you're ok, but there is no reason why this should have happened. Why would you use phosphoirc acid? Let that be a lesson for people, don't sue phosphoric acid for ayahuasca. The truth is, a lot of people don't use any acid at all for ayahuasca, and claim equal potency. It's not worth it ingesting strong acids for a tiny amount of extra alks you may or may not get from using acid. Furthermore, when one uses acid, not a lot is necessary. You don't need a half vinegar brew (and note that store vinegar is only 5% acetic acid and 95% water, and it still has a ph of about 2.5.)

But, if you do want to use an acid, there are 3 perfectly safe grocery store acids to use. Vinegar, citric acid, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). A vitamin C tab should do just fine for a brew, and it won't burn a hole in your stomach. It's meant to be ingested, pure phosphoric acid is not.

I won't disagree with your idea of checking the ph before you drink, but man, if you just used a pinch of vinegar instead this wouldn't have happened.

The problem probably stems from a notion that people seem to have that stronger acids are necessary for good yields in extractions or brews. Well, let me just say, there is no reason to use hydrochloric acid, or phosphoric acid for extractions or brews. Vinegar or vitamin C work just as well. Heck, some people are getting 2% yields from stb.
I have used phosphoric acid without any problems when brewing. I used 10% phosphoric acid. I hope you didn't use 90%.

Your experience sounds like it was very strong, even after purging early. Could it be that what you experienced was not mainly from the acid? I know that if you start to worry about something on ayahuasca, such as taking too much acid, and couple that with a very strong dose, you might be in some trouble.
sb, im affraid i owe you no explanations.i just experessed my opinion with respect and did not break any of the foum rules.I live in a free world and i tolerate many things i dont like, i iterpretate censorship as a kind of dictatorship, if you dont like something i said, deal with it.any way, i apologized not because i needed to, but because i wanted to.I belive you are taking my words to seriously, probably using me to let go the pressure of something else.I say this because i dont think my words are that relevant, they are just that : an opinion in a certain moment, with a certain judgement.so what.

I don't understand where that came from or why you feel the need to share it now...but ok.

I think it's rather clear that I was not trying to censor you, but was requesting that you elaborate on your claims. You stated he was disrespectful; I disagreed and still do. It's that simple. Where did I attempt to censor you? Please show me.

You passed a judgement that simply doesn't help anyone in this sitaution...I didn't tell you to shut up or that you couldn't share your opinion, I merely asked you to cite evidence to support it (you could call this the "dealing with it" you suggested I do if I didn't like your words 😉 ); which you still have not done. This was a simple mistake that could happen to anyone, there's no need to pass judgement. period.

My point was this...when a fellow psychonaut returns from a harrowing journey, support and comfort are what are needed; not attitudes of superiority and ridicule. That IS clearly stated in the attitude. Don't tell me your words don't matter when you're posting on an internet forum where the sole means of communication is those words; that's laughable. Don't tell me I'm taking your words too seriously when you choose to comment on a medical emergency in an unhelpful way...this is not a thread for criticism/joking...levity, perhaps, once the issues are resolved, but not until the OP has made that abundantly clear (i.e. is no longer experiencing stomach cramps and other aftereffects).

There's nothing more for me to say on this

SnozzleBerry said:
gibran2 said:
Yes – this is an easy mistake to make. The chemists among us can correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s my understanding that some acids will evaporate when heated (acetic, hydrochloric) and others will not (citric, fumaric)...Anyhow, if phosphoric acid doesn’t evaporate and instead becomes more and more concentrated when a brew is reduced, then one could potentially consume an unsafe quantity/concentration of acid.
Dead on gibran, phosphoric is very likely to remain in solution and become more concentrated, just as you mentioned. Mistakes, especially when learned the hard way do not need further chiding, but rather support from the community. Especially in cases like this where someone not only has a medical emergency, but also winds up in the hospital while under the influence of pharma. That is an experience I would not wish upon my worst enemy.

Maybe good to add that even though hydrochloric will eventually evaporate, it will still get concentrated before it gets out of the solution. Something that could easily be overlooked when handling an evaporation dish for instance. Once on low heat evaporated a 2% HCl solution and someone would say by the smell of the fumes the liquid was becoming concentrated. While im at it let me also remind or warn that the HCl fumes are very corrosive, and should not be evaporated in a place without proper ventilation (like indoors).
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