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There IS a political party that vows to end prohibition!

Migrated topic.
Deadlizard said:
Why does it serve you right? Because you caused harm and didn't provide remedy. All matters can be settled out of court. Adjudication is only required when there is controversy, and that is when you wind up in jail.
You're not causing harm by smoking DMT, but that's still illegal. If you get arrested for doing something illegal, it doesn't always mean you're in the wrong, and so you don't deserve it.

Deadlizard said:
'social contract' cannot be revokedNo contract can be entered into in ignorance. If you later find out that equal consideration was not given, i.e you gave up your rights so they can give you permission to exercise them,(That doesn't seem like a contract I would knowingly sign.) you can notifiy them that the contract is invalid.
Try telling that to the court. They don't allow people to opt out of being subject to the law, whatever your philosophical outlook.

Deadlizard said:
And are you really an aboriginal Australian? Or just joking around?
aboriginal is a term that means "Not original". I am from of the original people of this land but not of their culture. The Commonwealth of Australia's government did a great job of destroying the culture in a lot of areas. And I have only been interested in finding out about my heritage recently.
Ab doesn't mean not, it means from, as in 'from the beginning' or 'the first inhabitants', and it refers to people of any area who were the first humans to inhabit that area. The term was first used in 1540-1550 to describe a race of pre-Roman inhabitants of Italy. Of course I'll refer to native Australians by whatever word you like if you don't like that word :)
ohayoco said:
You're not causing harm by smoking DMT, but that's still illegal. If you get arrested for doing something illegal, it doesn't always mean you're in the wrong, and so you don't deserve it.
illegal is NOT the same as unlawful. Statutes and Acts are not LAW, they are the legislated rules of a society given the force of law within that society.
(Why do you think members of other societies are excused from jury duty)

ohayoco said:
Try telling that to the court. They don't allow people to opt out of being subject to the law, whatever your philosophical outlook.
Indeed, you're not opting out of the LAW, no man could do that, youre telling them to take the rules of "their" society and shove them someplace ... else :p

ohayoco said:
Ab doesn't mean not, it means from, as in 'from the beginning' or 'the first inhabitants', and it refers to people of any area who were the first humans to inhabit that area. The term was first used in 1540-1550 to describe a race of pre-Roman inhabitants of Italy.
I'll concede that point. thank you. (a word starting with a vowel and followed by a doubble consonant means "No" so I must have been thinking "abboriginal" :p )
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