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Rising Star
There has been only a little bit of discussion on using THH to potentiate mushrooms. SWIM is wondering if anyone has experimented with this combo, and if so, how much THH is needed?

For example, would it be possible to take 1.7g of mushrooms with X amount of THH to make the experience feel like 3.5g of mushrooms?

SWIM has also been pondering smoking some DMT in the midst of a THH+Mushroom experience. Do you know anyone who's tried that?
SWIM has smoked spice at the end of a harmaline+mushroom trip..it was really sweet...it was extremely smooth and the visuals were wicked sweet...it was very enjoyable..

on the other side...SWIM was sharing some of his mescaline with a friend..and they just werent getting much effect from it...shes quite the hard head...anyway..he decided to give her 100mg of THH and another 80mg of mescaline acetate...she continued to not feel much of anything...so then he gave her some mushrooms that had been soaking in honey for a long long time...6-10 months..and she only ate like 1/3 of a dose of mushrooms..but she said that she immediately felt like she was tripping out..and the mescaline kicked in as well..because SWIM feels she just wasnt aware of what mescaline feels like...so it wasnt coming into her consciousness..but the mushrooms helped her body understand what mescaline was supposed to feel like...she said she had a great trip with some very deep thoughts regarding colors and what they meant..so even though she only ate a small dose of mushrooms...the THH must have allowed them to be more powerful and also enabled her to experience the mescaline
Maybe SWIM will have to be the guinea pig. He only has 3.5g's of mushrooms.

Perhaps he will try taking 150-200mg of THH orally, then moments later eat 1.7g's of mushrooms.
TheNtt said:
Maybe SWIM will have to be the guinea pig. He only has 3.5g's of mushrooms.

Perhaps he will try taking 150-200mg of THH orally, then moments later eat 1.7g's of mushrooms.

may the force be with you..
I love shrooms and rue!! It takes you so far into the trip it is awsome. I have taken as much as 10 grams with 300 mg of rue extract that i bought online. I should note 10 grams is a strong dose for me but i am used to taking that much. My friend just tried this combo with 3.5 grams shrooms and 200 mg rue and had visuals for the first time from shrooms. I have done this combo many times and with aya vine also many times, I personally like rue better though. give it a shot you wont be dissaponted as long as you just let it flow!!
Passionflower (which contains harmala alkaloids) goes REALLY WELL with LSD. It completely blocks the nasty electric feel of LSD, smoothes out the rough edges, and gives it an ayahuasca like feel making visions far more possible.
swim tried 3g rue with 3.5g cubies - longer, darker earthy colors , longer peak, very different but very enjoyable.
69ron said:
Passionflower (which contains harmala alkaloids) goes REALLY WELL with LSD. It completely blocks the nasty electric feel of LSD, smoothes out the rough edges, and gives it an ayahuasca like feel making visions far more possible.
That sounds great!
[quote='Coatl]O god.... Mushrooms and Syrian Rue... O GOD!

I concur. 2grams Syrain Rue and 3grams cubes produced an 8 hour very weird experience. That electric feel (I for some reason relate it to a metalic feel) that 69ron just posted about was present for the first time with the rue+mushrooms. Visuals were much more pronounced, but it was very weird.

I haven't gone back to that combo.
69ron said:
Passionflower (which contains harmala alkaloids) goes REALLY WELL with LSD. It completely blocks the nasty electric feel of LSD, smoothes out the rough edges, and gives it an ayahuasca like feel making visions far more possible.

that sounds interesting... i sometimes really like that electric feel but i can sure understand why one would want to block it... how was the passionflower used? recommend any particular variety or vendor? (i havent looked much into passionflower i thought concentrations were low)

im hoping sometime this summer ill find "THE SOURCE" its been too long...
oh to lay hands on a bible of fluff :D

edit- noticed this was my 420th post as im hitting the bowl.. hell yea!
SWIM has wanted to try the passion flower LSD combo for a while but the LSD has disappeared. SWIM dislikes the "electric feel" of LSD as well in higher doses.

would THH or rue extract help with nausea that accompanies mushrooms at all?

SWIM experiences extreme nausea with mushrooms... SWIM is not new to mushrooms and it happens almost every single time he takes them, no matter how he takes them (he's tried everything). He knows it is very common to have nausea, even horrible nausea, but sometimes it is absolutely unbearable and produces a really unpleasant trip. Is there a strain SWIM could grow that are notoriously gentle on the stomach? Any suggestions would be great because SWIM really enjoys the mushroom trip!
970Codfert said:
SWIM has wanted to try the passion flower LSD combo for a while but the LSD has disappeared. SWIM dislikes the "electric feel" of LSD as well in higher doses.

would THH or rue extract help with nausea that accompanies mushrooms at all?

SWIM experiences extreme nausea with mushrooms... SWIM is not new to mushrooms and it happens almost every single time he takes them, no matter how he takes them (he's tried everything). He knows it is very common to have nausea, even horrible nausea, but sometimes it is absolutely unbearable and produces a really unpleasant trip. Is there a strain SWIM could grow that are notoriously gentle on the stomach? Any suggestions would be great because SWIM really enjoys the mushroom trip!

i have heard of a steaming process from 69ron that is supposed to make it less nauseating and more effective.. i think it may of been that it converted the psilocybin into psilocin i forget exactly how it was or even what i was trying to say.... im tripping again.. (five days abstinence zero tolerance is regained)
970Codfert said:
SWIM has wanted to try the passion flower LSD combo for a while but the LSD has disappeared. SWIM dislikes the "electric feel" of LSD as well in higher doses.

would THH or rue extract help with nausea that accompanies mushrooms at all?

SWIM experiences extreme nausea with mushrooms... SWIM is not new to mushrooms and it happens almost every single time he takes them, no matter how he takes them (he's tried everything). He knows it is very common to have nausea, even horrible nausea, but sometimes it is absolutely unbearable and produces a really unpleasant trip. Is there a strain SWIM could grow that are notoriously gentle on the stomach? Any suggestions would be great because SWIM really enjoys the mushroom trip!

1-2 Datura stramonium seeds should completely block the nausea, but it might also make the trip stronger. SWIM tried 3 seeds with 74 mg of mescaline (isolated from San Pedro) and it made the trip much more psychedelic. 2 seeds were enough to completely block the nausea from 100 mg of bufotenine taken orally (oral bufotenine always causes nausea), so I'm sure it will block the nausea from mushrooms too. But only take 1-3 seeds and no more than that. You should never take more than 10 seeds in a day to be on the safe side (26 is the maximum safe dosage).
psychosisdoses said:
i have heard of a steaming process from 69ron that is supposed to make it less nauseating and more effective.. i think it may of been that it converted the psilocybin into psilocin i forget exactly how it was or even what i was trying to say....

Yeah, that's the theory anyway. SWIM says it works, but there's no proof to back it up. Psilocin causes less side effects than psilocybin, so it's always preferred.
psychosisdoses said:
69ron said:
Passionflower (which contains harmala alkaloids) goes REALLY WELL with LSD. It completely blocks the nasty electric feel of LSD, smoothes out the rough edges, and gives it an ayahuasca like feel making visions far more possible.

that sounds interesting... i sometimes really like that electric feel but i can sure understand why one would want to block it... how was the passionflower used? recommend any particular variety or vendor? (i havent looked much into passionflower i thought concentrations were low)

1-3 teaspoons made into tea is all that's needed. It's not the MAOI effects that are doing it. Passionflower at that dose has almost no MAOI effects. It has mild harmala-like psychedelic effects though, and that's what does it.
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