Taken from The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, by Tom Wolf.. pg 161..
"The pranksters got preaty close to several of the Angles as individuals. Particualarily Gut and Freewheeling Frank and Terry the Tramp. Every now and then somebody would take one or another of the angles up into the treehouse and give thema real initiation into psychedelics. They had a huge supply of DMT. As somebody once put it, LSD is a long strange journey, DMT is like being shot out of a cannon. There in the treehouse, amid the winking googaws, they would give the angles DMT, and Mountain girl saw some of them, like Freewheeling Frank, after they came down. They would walk around in no particular direction, listing slightly, the eyes buggingwide open, glazed.
"they were as naked as an Angel is ever gonna git," she told Kesey."