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Third Times A Charm(Hopefully)

Migrated topic.
SWIM didn't know about any issues with surface area, he dove into the process with shot glasses and small cups, and they've worked just fine. SWIM figures, from his knowledge of chemistry and crystallization, that less surface area = less progenitor crystals = fewer, relatively large crystals; conversely, more surface area = more progenitor crystals = many smaller crystals.

If anyone can jump in and offer factual, rather than theoretical, advice about surface area and freeze precipitation, it would be very helpful.
If you mean my Blue Bear, nothing much. Just being patient, waiting for the naphtha to evaporate.

As for you question about surface area, my Blue Bear asked Entropymancer this question on the shroomery a while ago and this is what he said.

The only crystals not stuck to the glass are generally a very very small amount of dust-sized crytals, which are negligible.
Normally, in order to use a filter you first have to break all the crystals off the sides to get them suspended in the naphtha.
I don't recommend collecting your crystals by filtering. It's often messy, product sometimes melts, and you'll almost always lose some that absorbs into the filter
Therefore the inference is that the more surface are you have the less needs to be filtered. And as was said, filtering is no good.
Hmm. That makes sense. When SWIM freeze precipitated in a shot glass instead of a normal glass, he did notice loose crystals/dust in the solution. But SWIM filters his solutions, so that wasn't a concern. Next time he'll use a normal glass and skip the filter step and see what happens.
SWIM uses baby jars. 50ml of Naphtha in each and plenty of crystal formation. SWIM uses a spoon to scrape of the crystals stuck on the bottom/sides and then pours them through a coffee filter.
Nzym said:
SWIM didn't know about any issues with surface area, he dove into the process with shot glasses and small cups, and they've worked just fine. SWIM figures, from his knowledge of chemistry and crystallization, that less surface area = less progenitor crystals = fewer, relatively large crystals; conversely, more surface area = more progenitor crystals = many smaller crystals.

If anyone can jump in and offer factual, rather than theoretical, advice about surface area and freeze precipitation, it would be very helpful.
Factual/practical evidence shows that putting the jar of alkaloid doped naphtha in the farthest back-bottom corner of the fridge, away from the heat exchange device (cold blowing part) makes for large non-dust-mote DMT that does not need to be filtered.

This can be done ideally after a re-xtallyzation step when the naphtha contains a high-order of quantity/saturation. My sugar glider left his jar in for 17 hours when crystals started to form just as they would in the freezer, except they were more cloudy [amber] and visibly larger. Then transferred them to his freezer overnight to recover the bb-sized grains of jungle spice.

The progenitor of this tek says one should leave it in the fridge for 24 hours, in the freezer for 24 hours, then [with 1mm air lid holes] evaporate the rest of the naphtha away in a cool dry place. My sugar glider did not do this final evaporation step.
pyx said:
Guards951 said:
SWIM uses baby jars. 50ml of Naphtha in each and plenty of crystal formation. SWIM uses a spoon to scrape of the crystals stuck on the bottom/sides and then pours them through a coffee filter.

SWIY doesn't combine their pulls into a single jar?
No, the amount of DMT that falls out or precipitates is directly related to how much DMT is supsended in the naphtha. Combining earlier more saturated pulls with more sparsely pulled 3rd 4th 5th+ 50ml of naphtha would dilute the original solution and would stop a lot of DMT from falling out of this less-than-saturated combined naphtha solution.
Faust said:
pyx said:
No, the amount of DMT that falls out or precipitates is directly related to how much DMT is supsended in the naphtha. Combining earlier more saturated pulls with more sparsely pulled 3rd 4th 5th+ 50ml of naphtha would dilute the original solution and would stop a lot of DMT from falling out of this less-than-saturated combined naphtha solution.

Correct. I was just saying I use baby jars. Perhaps I elaborated a bit too much :p
Well finally some news. The last bit on the bottom took a long time to evaporate. I can't find my USB cord, but there isn't much to brag about anyway. Before, my Blue Bear assumed it was his fault that his yields were so low, which was partially true. But now he did everything right and judging by his eye it looks to be maybe.4-.5% of yellow goo. Let's just say that SWIM won't be ordering from 100herb anytime soon. Before anything is used, purification is in order.
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