physics envy
Rising Star
Some thoughts for conversation...
Prior to finding Salvia, I had attempted astral projection/oobe techniques with minimal success. I currently practice lucid dreaming techniques off-an-on with moderate success. I have also used self-hypnosis successfully, but mainly focused on the relaxation techniques.
Basically, astral projection/oobe's involve building up your 'energy' body over time with mental and physcial exercises, then attempting to put your body to sleep while you stay consciously awake, then pulling/projecting your energy body out of your physical body. While there are tons of techniques, a common one is to envision pulling yourself up a rope attached to your ceiling while your body is asleep.
Self-hypnosis techniques are also used to put yourself in a similar very relaxed body-asleep/mind-awake type of state.
While I only had very limited success with OOBEs, I found the personal body subtle energy itself to be quite noticeable. And it was even easier to feel the energy when cannabis was used.
Salvia seems to allow us to tap into a similar subtle body energy. At low doses (especially with quids), the energy is rather slow, although it can be pretty strong. I've found it is also somewhat controllable. For example, I can focus energy on a neck pain and a swirling energy will start gently moving my head/neck in particular circular patterns if I don't resist. It feels similar to swirling water in a pool. It's like having a built-in chiropractor
I also notice, especially when quidding, that I feel almost exactly the way I do when I try to put my body to sleep and keep my consciousness awake for astral projection/OOBE and similar to self-hypnosis. My eyelids are almost locked shut, breathing can become deep, and visions are very hypagogic-like. The difference with Salvia from OOBE is I can still move my body around and not 'wake up'. When trying to astral project, any movement tends to kill any opportunity to get out of body. Salvia alleviates that problem.
At higher doses, especially when new to Salvia, it seems like our consciousness is moved to our energy body or somehow detached from our physical body, and the Salvia energy is so strong and fast it's like being in a turbulent ocean riptide. We get tossed and turned and thrown all over the place. Everything is always spinning...
Perhaps separate from the energy, the other thing I've noticed is that every time I use Salvia, I get to experience a different consciousness state or level while still awake, and it's the same level every time. For the sake of argument we could say that dreaming consciousness is different and separate from waking consciousness. Of course there is some cross-over, especially while lucid dreaming, but in general they are two different consciousness states.
There is Chris.Awake and Chris.Dreaming. And there is also Chris.Salvia. Chris.Awake is always the same, Chris.Dreaming is always the same, and Chris.Salvia is always the same.
The .Salvia version always seems parental to the .Awake and .Dreaming states.
It also feels like at the .Salvia level, we should be able to communicate with others also at the .Salvia level, although I've never had the chance to experiment with this as of yet. If mental telepathy is real, it seems like this is a level where it could happen. While quidding, it is not difficult to keep a verbal conversation with those around me, and there is plenty of time to experiment. I'm looking forward to an opportunity to experiment while simultaneously quidding at some point in the future...
Prior to finding Salvia, I had attempted astral projection/oobe techniques with minimal success. I currently practice lucid dreaming techniques off-an-on with moderate success. I have also used self-hypnosis successfully, but mainly focused on the relaxation techniques.
Basically, astral projection/oobe's involve building up your 'energy' body over time with mental and physcial exercises, then attempting to put your body to sleep while you stay consciously awake, then pulling/projecting your energy body out of your physical body. While there are tons of techniques, a common one is to envision pulling yourself up a rope attached to your ceiling while your body is asleep.
Self-hypnosis techniques are also used to put yourself in a similar very relaxed body-asleep/mind-awake type of state.
While I only had very limited success with OOBEs, I found the personal body subtle energy itself to be quite noticeable. And it was even easier to feel the energy when cannabis was used.
Salvia seems to allow us to tap into a similar subtle body energy. At low doses (especially with quids), the energy is rather slow, although it can be pretty strong. I've found it is also somewhat controllable. For example, I can focus energy on a neck pain and a swirling energy will start gently moving my head/neck in particular circular patterns if I don't resist. It feels similar to swirling water in a pool. It's like having a built-in chiropractor
I also notice, especially when quidding, that I feel almost exactly the way I do when I try to put my body to sleep and keep my consciousness awake for astral projection/OOBE and similar to self-hypnosis. My eyelids are almost locked shut, breathing can become deep, and visions are very hypagogic-like. The difference with Salvia from OOBE is I can still move my body around and not 'wake up'. When trying to astral project, any movement tends to kill any opportunity to get out of body. Salvia alleviates that problem.
At higher doses, especially when new to Salvia, it seems like our consciousness is moved to our energy body or somehow detached from our physical body, and the Salvia energy is so strong and fast it's like being in a turbulent ocean riptide. We get tossed and turned and thrown all over the place. Everything is always spinning...
Perhaps separate from the energy, the other thing I've noticed is that every time I use Salvia, I get to experience a different consciousness state or level while still awake, and it's the same level every time. For the sake of argument we could say that dreaming consciousness is different and separate from waking consciousness. Of course there is some cross-over, especially while lucid dreaming, but in general they are two different consciousness states.
There is Chris.Awake and Chris.Dreaming. And there is also Chris.Salvia. Chris.Awake is always the same, Chris.Dreaming is always the same, and Chris.Salvia is always the same.
The .Salvia version always seems parental to the .Awake and .Dreaming states.
It also feels like at the .Salvia level, we should be able to communicate with others also at the .Salvia level, although I've never had the chance to experiment with this as of yet. If mental telepathy is real, it seems like this is a level where it could happen. While quidding, it is not difficult to keep a verbal conversation with those around me, and there is plenty of time to experiment. I'm looking forward to an opportunity to experiment while simultaneously quidding at some point in the future...