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Throat signing with the spice...

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Hi y'all,

I've actually just posted this on the forum...but it might be better in here.

It has been my experience, that self generated sound...simple throat signing can have a very profound effect on a DMT or mushroom trip. One's heightened awareness is very sensitive to self generated, droning sounds.

Vocalising/throat signing is easy, and good for spice explorers for the following reasons:

a) It deepens, expands, and drives the unfolding visual realms to an amazing extent

b) It provides some way of navigating these chaotic realms - one is not just an observer.

c) It seems to produce an amazing afterglow feeling of bliss following the experience.

I would encorage anyone hasn't attempted vocalising on the spice or sacred fungus to give it a go...its completely up to you what you do...droning, warbling, hissing...just go a bit crazy...

This is roughly what I aim for though...

I'd be really interested to hear of people's experiences with it...

Peace 8)

PS That should read Throat 'singing' with the spice...d'oh
Very interesting. It honestly has never occured to SWIM during all his fungi/spice experiences to just do a mantra/ vocalization of such.....But

SWIM will try this very soon and report back to ya.

The spice is very low so SWIM will have to try it with the fungi.
DMTtripn2Space said:
Very interesting. It honestly has never occured to SWIM during all his fungi/spice experiences to just do a mantra/ vocalization of such.....But

SWIM will try this very soon and report back to ya.

The spice is very low so SWIM will have to try it with the fungi.

The very first time SWIM ever recorded his throat-work was his first time on steam-treated fruits.
amor_fati said:
DMTtripn2Space said:
Very interesting. It honestly has never occured to SWIM during all his fungi/spice experiences to just do a mantra/ vocalization of such.....But

SWIM will try this very soon and report back to ya.

The spice is very low so SWIM will have to try it with the fungi.

The very first time SWIM ever recorded his throat-work was his first time on steam-treated fruits.

And how did that go for SWIM? Was there a noticebale difference in the visual aspect of the experience when there was throat singing?

Just kind of curious? SWIM has done spice many times and could easily see how some sort of throat vocalization could enhance or possibly "direct" the experience in different ways, but with fungi the CEVs are a more subtle (but strkingly similar) to spice.

SWIM will try it closed eye and open eye when they seem to peak.

5 grams down the hatch next weekend! :)
swim navigated mushiespace with overtone singing - will try with hyperspace.
seems to be our best tool for navigation there. it really works extremely well - better than anything else swims tried so far.
Phlux- said:
it really works extremely well - better than anything else swims tried so far.

you obviously haven't tried a compass 8)

but ye I'd agree that vocalising noises is a fulfilling experience while under the daze.
DMTtripn2Space said:
And how did that go for SWIM? Was there a noticebale difference in the visual aspect of the experience when there was throat singing?

Just kind of curious? SWIM has done spice many times and could easily see how some sort of throat vocalization could enhance or possibly "direct" the experience in different ways, but with fungi the CEVs are a more subtle (but strkingly similar) to spice.

SWIM will try it closed eye and open eye when they seem to peak.

5 grams down the hatch next weekend! :)

Well it wasn't so much about the visuals for SWIM at the time, as it wasn't the strongest dose he could've taken (surprisingly potent though, presumably due to steam treatment). SWIM just felt incredibly inspired. It also happened to be the first time he'd recorded anything at all in a couple years. He felt a similar level of inspiration from sublingual THH and smoked DMT. His first time taking extracted mecaline, not too long ago, was much the same but more-so in terms of productivity and ingenuity. It's really hard to explain...certain psychedelics just really get him going, and his trips have been more about actually doing things, while the visuals just help guide him along and stimulate him.
Awesome feedback guys! For the most impressive results, it may help to be in a dark environment, with eyes closed, from my previous experiences anyway.

My most profound spice journey to date was vocalising in the woods on a beautiful LSDMT synergy...my friend met a giant alien cuttlefish, of seemingly friendly and inquisitive dispostion, who came and checked him out during the experience, feeling out his brain with his tentacles (anyone else met any octopoids?? Met one on mushrooms once...quite a character)...the afterglow was very profound and mystical...one could only lie in pure oneness, and feel like they had just been reborn...I'm not sure if this aferglow I experienced was due to breathing deeply during the voclasing, the experience itself, or the combination of the two...

This was the trip I picked up the skill, and applied to mushrooms it seems to have a similar spectacular effect. I can recall one experience on libery caps, where my same friend's vocalisng on the otherside of the room was transforming the architecture of the visual realm behind my closed eyelids...fascinating stuff. 8)
Bancopuma said:
I can recall one experience on libery caps, where my same friend's vocalisng on the otherside of the room was transforming the architecture of the visual realm behind my closed eyelids...fascinating stuff. 8)

Dude! That same thing had happened to SWIM twice while coming back from the DMT realm. SWIMS buddy started singing to this trance song that was playing in the background and when SWIM was coming back he could see the twisting geometric maze of designs n' colors take specific shapes and textures according to how SWIMS friend was singing!! Crazy stuff indeed
This evening i tried using my voice in hyperspace.I was by no means throat singing but just humming really.What should have been a mild dose was transformed into a full blown trip into a wonderful, magical, cosmic candyland.Total bliss.The humming took on a life of its own and did not sound like my voice.I think it really helped enhance the trip somehow.That dose should not have taken me that far in.Thanks for this thread bancopuma.I will definitley experiment with self generated sound again.
pinche said:
This evening i tried using my voice in hyperspace.I was by no means throat singing but just humming really.What should have been a mild dose was transformed into a full blown trip into a wonderful, magical, cosmic candyland.Total bliss.The humming took on a life of its own and did not sound like my voice.I think it really helped enhance the trip somehow.That dose should not have taken me that far in.Thanks for this thread bancopuma.I will definitley experiment with self generated sound again.

VERY cool. This thread may turn out to be something important and revealing for a lot of people!
okay....i've been on youtube for the past 2 hours now listening to all kinds of throat singing.....i'm officially obsessed and absolutely HAVE to be able to do this. it's not even an option. can you even imagine how deeply introspective/meditative you could go with that kind of chanting???

thank you so much bancopuma for turn me on to this!!

How can one learn to throat sing?I did a quick google search and could not find anything very detailed.If anyone has a good link to a site or youtube video please post it.

And if anyone tries this with spice please give a report.
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