Time travelling into the past may be physically impossible. Also no where in those articles did they say that human beings were time travelling and sabotaging the expeirments. Look at this article more like a joke and terrible case of NY times reporting. Because it is.
I think some things are just left alone.Science has helped us get to where we are today,but it does not hold the answers to everything and cannot propose experiments on that basis.I think the whole Hadron Collider,as impressive as it is,is a far bigger step than we should be taking.
This is a terrible attitude towards science and human curiosity in general. The LHC is one of the most impressive machines ever built. Building it required long term international cooperation which is always nice. It also required advances in computer and networking technology which will wind up benefiting future computer systems technology.
The LHC should be looked at as modern humans pyramids except its not a testament to livings gods who enslaved populations but to the creativity and intelligence of free thinking human beings.
So lets say,for instance,all the doom sayers envisioning the world being swallowed by a black hole generated by the collider.Is this possible ? in my opinion,No.
No its not possible.
But then science can be unpredictable,as can almost anything in nature.We don't have all the answers.We just theorise.
The point of the LHC is to provide experimental evidence that will confirm or deny certain theories about the nature of our universe. Of course experiments are unpredictable thats the point. To find out what theory is correct or incorrect without experimental data you can't really say for sure.
We do get answers by doing experiments. Sometimes those experiments lead to more questions but thats a good thing I think.
Secondly,if this experiment proves succesful,we indeed recreate the 'big bang',what next ?? Yes we are a step closer to science fiction possibly becoming science fact.But are we prepared for the intellectual aftermath.What will this do in the face of religion ? Charles Darwin's Origin of Species and evolution will have a greater impetus.
How will the worlds religious leaders react ?
Who cares how the worlds religious leaders react? They are a bunch of deluded idiots.
I for one am completely prepared for the intellectual aftermath. Probably because I accept evolution and modern cosmology as being on the right track and religion being a joke.
I think some of you have a terrible attitude towards science and what it actually has done for mankind.