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Migrated topic.
DeltaSpice said:
Today i reduced my concoction down to 15 ml and added some sweeteners then i took 6 drops under the tongue..
Mild effects, although im not looking for a life changing trip.

Maybe a further reduction is in order. Maybe halve the 15ml.
Have you looked into doing sublingual HPBCD DMT?
shroombee said:
DeltaSpice said:
Today i reduced my concoction down to 15 ml and added some sweeteners then i took 6 drops under the tongue..
Mild effects, although im not looking for a life changing trip.

Maybe a further reduction is in order. Maybe halve the 15ml.
Have you looked into doing sublingual HPBCD DMT?
I am not sure what HPBCD is exactly .. I am happy with my traditional methods :)
DeltaSpice said:
I am not sure what HPBCD is exactly .. I am happy with my traditional methods :)
HPBCD is hydroxypropyl-betacyclodextrin. It's a cheap, easily obtainable powder composed of a sugar molecule. It is used to increase the bio-availability of poorly absorbed substances like medicines (and DMT). It may be especially useful for sublingual dosing of DMT. Check out the thread since you seem to be interested in the sublingual dosing method.
shroombee said:
DeltaSpice said:
I am not sure what HPBCD is exactly .. I am happy with my traditional methods :)
HPBCD is hydroxypropyl-betacyclodextrin. It's a cheap, easily obtainable powder composed of a sugar molecule. It is used to increase the bio-availability of poorly absorbed substances like medicines (and DMT). It may be especially useful for sublingual dosing of DMT. Check out the thread since you seem to be interested in the sublingual dosing method.
I have this reduced down to 10ml now.. The key i think is to keeping it under your tongue for as long as possible without letting the liquid find its way to the top of the tongue or down the throat.

I will go for a final 5ml reduction..

Maybe next time i could use lemon juice & sweeteners instead if awful vinegar ..The coffee/tea sweeteners do make a difference to the taste.. Something else that has a big effect is CBD oil during the experience.
Lastly one other factor that enhanced my last experience was intentions..Ask and you shall receive :)
DeltaSpice said:
I have this reduced down to 10ml now.. The key i think is to keeping it under your tongue for as long as possible without letting the liquid find its way to the top of the tongue or down the throat.

I will go for a final 5ml reduction..

Maybe next time i could use lemon juice & sweeteners instead if awful vinegar ..The coffee/tea sweeteners do make a difference to the taste.. Something else that has a big effect is CBD oil during the experience.
Lastly one other factor that enhanced my last experience was intentions..Ask and you shall receive :)
Perhaps you could dry an individual dose down to a goo and put it on the end of a spoon, holding it under your tongue, or something else that won't dissolve like a small plastic disk. The sticky goo should migrate a lot slower.
What i would do to keep the tincture in one place under my toung preventing it from going down my throat prematurly..

I would get a bag of clear gelitin capsules or just buy some geletin powder at the store ......figure out how much geletin i would need to make one fast desolve sublingual tablet.. or wafer small enough to fit under my toung..

I would add a very small amount of hot water to the geletin and mix it till it becomes a liquid geletin...then..i would slowly pour my tincture dose...into the liquid geletin...and stir till its a uniform color..then pour the geletin into a small pill shaped mould...or just into a small bottle cap and let the geletin dry overnight....

By morning or noon ..[next day].. the geletin should have hardened to a flexable plastic like consistancy....

You will have a pill shaped lozenger or just cut a windowpayne shaped peice the right size to fit under toung...

The ..[geletin tincture lozenger]... will stay where you put it under your toung..[without running down your throat like water... .and readily melt slowly absorbing sublingualy or bucally in your mouth...

this is really simple to do .....
starway7 said:
I would get a bag of clear gelitin capsules or just buy some geletin powder at the store ......figure out how much geletin i would need to make one fast desolve sublingual tablet.. or wafer small enough to fit under my toung..

I would add a very small amount of hot water to the geletin and mix it till it becomes a liquid geletin...then..i would slowly pour my tincture dose...into the liquid geletin...and stir till its a uniform color..then pour the geletin into a small pill shaped mould...or just into a small bottle cap and let the geletin dry overnight....
This is a great idea and I'm gonna try it myself. Thanks for the inspiration!
BongQuixote said:
starway7 said:
I would get a bag of clear gelitin capsules or just buy some geletin powder at the store ......figure out how much geletin i would need to make one fast desolve sublingual tablet.. or wafer small enough to fit under my toung..

I would add a very small amount of hot water to the geletin and mix it till it becomes a liquid geletin...then..i would slowly pour my tincture dose...into the liquid geletin...and stir till its a uniform color..then pour the geletin into a small pill shaped mould...or just into a small bottle cap and let the geletin dry overnight....
This is a great idea and I'm gonna try it myself. Thanks for the inspiration!

Hot water..[hotter the better] will readily desolve geletin...

You must have your tincture dose on hand ready to .. [mix compleatly].. into the liquid getetin...because the geletin will quickly try to thicken up as it cools...

If it does try to thicken up on you too fast you can heat it in a microwave for 5 seconds at a time..but that can get messey....

Just make shure your ..SMALL..amount of water is very hot and the geletin will desolve and mix into a liquid....

Actually it may work better/.. to just pre heat your tincture.. and pour it directly on top of the geletin powder...or capsuls and quickly mix it till uniform...

You can also add DMT or other actives into this fast desolve lozenger.....

I thought about doing this with melted hard candy till liquid...but all that sugar is bad for the teeth...and used Geletin instead...

let us know how it goes!
That is a good idea but i think i mastered the art of sublingual today.. Firstly make sure that you have not just had a drink or food so there will be no auto salivation on the go..Add the drops and keep the tongue is place , no swallowing actions etc.

Then do or watch something that distracts you for 10 minutes, then rise out your mouth with water.

I did try to get my tincture down beyond 10ml but it started to form goo..The goo would be a good idea also as Shroombee stated but i like the idea of drops in a dropper.

The effects of this this method are much more in the realms of medicine by my reckoning..
Thanks everyone :)
I have been using my drops every Sunday and it has been beneficial. My diet has changed , i feel what it good for me and what is not..
The experiences are mild though, lasting over a day usually..
One thing which is on my mind..When i am reducing my potion down from say 20ml to 10ml, am i losing DMT in the vapours leaving the potion?
I have a Yellow & Black tincture, the yellow being more effective in certain aspects.
Cheers..I hope you are all well..
I think I have discovered something which I will get to.
Firstly I have been making many tinctures with different vine varieties. Reason being is that I am in need of pain relief. I have vowed never to take prescription opiates again.

The tinctures are working very well. Typically I use 1g spice + 2g vine alks. Yellow vine / Yellow shipibo vine / Black / Brazilian Capuri / Napo red.

What I have discovered is that if the vine Alks are dissolved completely into the vinegar then the effects are not as potent as when some of the Alks are still granular in the mixture.

Today I made a potion with 2g spice & 2g vine Alkaloids totally dissolved or 99% dissolved. The effects I could tell were lacking.. I decided to take some freebase alks under the tongue and then add the drops of the tincture . Sure enough the effects are amplified .

This means that dissolving the Alks and taking sublingually is not as effective as un dissolved alks sublingually .
I hope this makes sense. If i am wrong then please tell.
Edit: I think that dissolving vine alks into vinegar renders them useless which begs the question , why use foul vinegar at all. Alcohol seems better.
1g spice + 1g Vine Alks + 10ml Whiskey

5 drops under my tongue for a very powerful experience. Vinegar renders 90% of the ingredients useless from my experience. Alcohol gives 100% ..Try it and you will be surprised .

I've found that mixing the tincture with ~½ tsp of corn starch and a couple of drops of boiling water makes a paste which is easy to use and effective. I think it's gentler than applying straight tincture although it does still burn somewhat.

This was inspired by ava69's HPBCD complexation threads; corn starch is far easier to obtain than HPBCD.

It's probably a good idea to give the harmalas a bit of a head start so it may be worth trying a caapi-alk-only tincture sublingually 15 minutes before the combined one.
DeltaSpice said:
1g spice + 1g Vine Alks + 10ml Whiskey

5 drops under my tongue for a very powerful experience. Vinegar renders 90% of the ingredients useless from my experience. Alcohol gives 100% ..Try it and you will be surprised .


5 drops...of spice ...and what type of vine?...and whisky as a carrier?

Its posible...whiskey could absorbe transdermally and make you drunk..but how different is whiskey

compaired to IPA ..or grain alcohol..for sublingual use?

Are you saying that you are having a strong experiance sublingually ..[tripping]... using drinking alcohol as a carrier?

drinking Alcohol may not burn as bad as IPA or grain alcohol? ....

I know vinegar doesnt really burn sublingually...

[[[sublingual use of alcohol is listed below.......]

10 Ways People Get Drunk without Drinking
Learn about how people are getting drunk without drinking to avoid the calories, feeling a hangover, or other side effects.
Written by: Editorial Staff
Updated: April 10, 2020
clock7 min read
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that, as of 2015, 16 million adolescents and adults in the United States struggle with alcohol use disorder (AUD), an addiction to alcohol. More statistics show that nearly 27 percent of people binge drink (have more than four drinks over the course of one event) at least once per month, and 7 percent of people drink heavily, meaning they drink two or more alcoholic beverages per day on average. The vast majority of people who consume alcohol excessively drink it, sending it through their digestive system, absorbing the high number of calories, and causing damage to their livers.

Recently, however, some people who abuse alcohol have tried to find ways to get drunk without the calories, hangover, or other side effects. These are actually even more dangerous than drinking, and they can cause serious harm to the body very quickly. Medical conditions may lead to sudden death or chronic health problems.

If you or someone you know has frequently engaged in any of the following dangerous methods of alcohol consumption, it may be time to get professional help. Help is just a phone call away: our Admissions Navigators are available 24/7 to discuss treatment options with you today at 1-866-752-4689 . For information on treatment during the pandemic, we’ve put together a guide that answers some of our most frequently asked questions:

info iconTreatment during COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Here are 10 ways that people get drunk without drinking alcohol.

1 Snorting IconSnorting: When most people think about snorting substances, they probably think about cocaine or crushed prescription painkillers. They’re not likely to think about alcohol, but some people have attempted to get drunk faster by snorting alcohol. Reports about snorting liquid alcohol, usually a high-proof vodka or similar liquor, date back several years, but when Palcohol, or powdered alcohol, was released on the market, some people abused it by snorting it. Snorting any kind of alcohol is dangerous because the alcohol is not processed into smaller molecules; instead, it is sent directly through the bloodstream to the brain. Additionally, snorting a liquid can cause a person to drown if the alcohol enters the lungs.

3 Inhaling IconInhaling: Aside from snorting, inhaling vaporized alcohol can get the chemical into the bloodstream rapidly. Vaporizers used for tobacco or marijuana may evaporate alcohol, or just boiling it over a stove can cause some alcohol to get into the steam. An invention out of Europe, called Alcohol Without Liquid or AWOL, is similar to other vaporizer technology but allows the user to inhale alcohol vapor rather than other drugs. The lung’s alveoli will absorb many chemicals in a breath, not just oxygen, so alcohol quickly passes through the bloodstream and, as with snorting, hits the brain hard.

2 Under the Tongue IconUnder the tongue: Sublingual absorption, or placing something under the tongue, is an increasingly popular method of taking medications. Because the mucous membranes under the tongue absorb drugs rapidly, some people now use sublingual absorption to abuse alcohol. When you drink alcohol, a small amount enters the bloodstream through the mouth anyway; however, holding alcohol in the mouth rather than swallowing it is not an efficient or enjoyable way to get drunk, and it is more likely to harm the mouth, potentially leading to ulcers.

4 Enema IconEnemas: Like the above forms of alcohol abuse, an alcohol enema assumes that the intoxicating chemical will be efficiently absorbed through sensitive mucous membranes. Also called “butt-chugging,” reports of enemas with alcohol do suggest that alcohol can be rapidly absorbed through this part of the body; however, people have killed themselves with this method because alcohol hits the brain very quickly, which can force the person to pass out with alcohol still in this cavity. Their body continues to absorb the alcohol and they can’t do anything about it, such as vomit the toxin out of their body so their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can rapidly rise, leading to spontaneous death.
Tampons IconTampons: Similar to enemas, alcohol is absorbed into a tampon, which is then placed in the vagina with the assumption that this thin mucous membrane will quickly send alcohol into the bloodstream. This process is less efficient than enemas but less dangerous; however, it can be very damaging to the body, and it can cause infections, scarring, and loss of fertility.
6 Eyeballing IconEyeballing: This practice is pretty much what it sounds like – pouring a high-proof alcohol, usually vodka, directly onto the eyeball. While this likely does not work, the theory involves rapid absorption of alcohol through the capillaries in the eyes, directly into the bloodstream. However, little is actually absorbed, and doing this is much more likely to damage those delicate arteries as well as other parts of the eyeball and cause inflammation. Doing this long-term will lead to blindness.

7 Injecting IconInjecting: While some medical researchers apply intravenous ethanol to their subjects, this is only so they can control the exact amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. Factors like how rapidly alcohol enters the brain and affects other body systems is carefully controlled in a research laboratory. Doing this just to get drunk is very dangerous, and, like other forms of rapid absorption, it can cause sudden death.

8 Eating IconEating: Alcoholic gummy bears, Jell-O shots, popsicles, and even fermented foods or drinks like kombucha can cause drunkenness. While these are a little safer because they move through the digestive system so BAC does not spike suddenly, too much can still be dangerous, especially Jell-O-O shots or gummy bears, where a lot of alcohol can be eaten at once, digested, and hit the bloodstream with more potency than binge drinking.

9 Household Products IconHousehold products: Huffing gasoline or aerosol sprays may lead to a spike in BAC because these products contain types of industrial alcohol. On top of the other detrimental chemicals in the products, isopropyl, methyl, or ethyl alcohol can cause damage to the brain and lungs. Other household products like mouthwash or cough syrup also contain alcohol, and some people drink these to get drunk.

10 Auot-brewery SyndromeAuto-brewery syndrome: Unlike other points on this list, auto-brewery syndrome is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of yeast and bacteria in the digestive system. This imbalance causes the body to ferment foods, especially sugars and starches, into alcohol in the stomach; the alcohol is then absorbed into the bloodstream and will cause the person to feel and act drunk – because they are! Fortunately, antifungal medications can treat this condition, so it is not a lifelong problem.
Harmala alkaloids in a freebase form are very effective sublingually. No need to dissolving it in anything.

IPA should not be consumed, it's toxic (more than ethanol).
doubledog said:
Harmala alkaloids in a freebase form are very effective sublingually. No need to dissolving it in anything.

IPA should not be consumed, it's toxic (more than ethanol).

yes im aware Harmala works well sublingually ..

I was comenting on post by . [Deltaspice] post above..

....1g spice + 1g Vine Alks + 10ml Whiskey

5 drops under my tongue for a very powerful experience. Vinegar renders 90% of the ingredients useless from my experience. Alcohol gives 100% ..Try it and you will be surprised .


In Deltas post...it appeared that dmt was working well sublingually..unless i misunderstood the post... sorry
Jameson's 10ml + 1g spice + 1g Yellow Caapi Shipibo vine , under the tongue. It does burn a bit but i put that down to previous damage done with vinegar?

This hits me hard, more like pharma but without the visuals, 5-8 drops and I'm not moving for about an hour which is great from a psychedelic point of view but useless for pain relief whilst I'm at work.

From all the vines it is only the Shipibo yellow (6g Alks per 500g ( A yield worth doing))with vinegar and DMT that takes all my pain (bulging spinal discs) away and allows me to work all day. 3 hits per day 2-4 drops for 15 mins, then discarded and an apple takes any discomfort away. I do not really feel it unless i stop, pause, calm myself and then realize this stuff is coursing through me :)

This is so typical , like changa, there is no reason to mixtures and successes
Jameson's 10ml + 1g spice + 1g Yellow Caapi Shipibo vine , under the tongue. It does burn a bit but i put that down to previous damage done with vinegar?
Nah, this will most assuredly burn anyhow - both from the alcohol, and from the DMT freebase which can be considered to be a caustic amine.
Thanks for all of your work Delta Spice (and everyone else who contributed). Sounds like it would be worth a try for me. I’ll make sure to post here if/when I get a chance to try.
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