Rising Star
All experiences have the following in common:
Loaded the bowl with ashes
-> added brownish-waxy crystals of DMT in varying amounts (scalpel scoops)
-> enough blueberry haze to cover
Experience 1: 1 scoop
Length of trip- 5 minutes
Consciousness: normal- visuals superseded normal space, like a filter. VERY happy after trip, could not remove smile
Visuals: Objects in room changed to resemble people. Grain on walls changed to
Setting: Afternoon, 1 window open with indirect sunlight
Experience 2: 2 scoops
Length of trip- 5 minutes
Consciousness: cloudy- visuals more intense
Visuals: more people appeared this time. My whole room was alive. Computer screen was VERY bright
Setting: after 7pm. With gf, only lights were from movie (Baraka) on computer screen
Experience 3: 2 scoops
Length of trip- 10 minutes
Consciousness: Very hard to remember this trip. Confused, felt like I dreamed the whole day. I realized I was psychic, I can predict the future. Very happy
Visuals: melting of lines, plaid colored pants became like rivers, lines were nonexistant. Walked upstairs to pitch black attic, darkness was insane.
Setting: after 7pm. With gf, only lights were from movie (Baraka) on computer screen
Experience 4: 3 scoops
Length of trip- 15 minutes
Consciousness: confused, scared. felt like I had to pee. I wanted to pee myself for some reason, I thought it would feel good. Felt like I had to puke, told myself I was mistaken and I felt fine. In the bathroom I thought I had to piss blood but nothing would come out. Entire vision turned red at times, saw pluses and minuses everywhere. Decided to go to bed afterward
Visuals: Can't remember too well
Setting:after 7pm. With gf, only lights were from movie (Baraka) on computer screen
This is much different than my previous experiences with DMT. I had much lighter yellow crystals before (self-extracted) and I was completely clearheaded. Can anyone comment on the last two trips? They seem foreign to DMT.
Loaded the bowl with ashes
-> added brownish-waxy crystals of DMT in varying amounts (scalpel scoops)
-> enough blueberry haze to cover
Experience 1: 1 scoop
Length of trip- 5 minutes
Consciousness: normal- visuals superseded normal space, like a filter. VERY happy after trip, could not remove smile
Visuals: Objects in room changed to resemble people. Grain on walls changed to
Setting: Afternoon, 1 window open with indirect sunlight
Experience 2: 2 scoops
Length of trip- 5 minutes
Consciousness: cloudy- visuals more intense
Visuals: more people appeared this time. My whole room was alive. Computer screen was VERY bright
Setting: after 7pm. With gf, only lights were from movie (Baraka) on computer screen
Experience 3: 2 scoops
Length of trip- 10 minutes
Consciousness: Very hard to remember this trip. Confused, felt like I dreamed the whole day. I realized I was psychic, I can predict the future. Very happy
Visuals: melting of lines, plaid colored pants became like rivers, lines were nonexistant. Walked upstairs to pitch black attic, darkness was insane.
Setting: after 7pm. With gf, only lights were from movie (Baraka) on computer screen
Experience 4: 3 scoops
Length of trip- 15 minutes
Consciousness: confused, scared. felt like I had to pee. I wanted to pee myself for some reason, I thought it would feel good. Felt like I had to puke, told myself I was mistaken and I felt fine. In the bathroom I thought I had to piss blood but nothing would come out. Entire vision turned red at times, saw pluses and minuses everywhere. Decided to go to bed afterward
Visuals: Can't remember too well
Setting:after 7pm. With gf, only lights were from movie (Baraka) on computer screen
This is much different than my previous experiences with DMT. I had much lighter yellow crystals before (self-extracted) and I was completely clearheaded. Can anyone comment on the last two trips? They seem foreign to DMT.