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To the brink of Death... to find freedom.

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Esteemed member
Again, another experience I could not have expected, given the simple intention of wanting what I needed most. Here comes some more rambling, but I hope it conveys the basics of the journey that I can recall.

I smudged my unit, and at 6pm, I consumed the equivalent of 8 grams of Syrian Rue and 15 grams of Chaliponga again. The experience lasted from dusk until the crack of dawn, a good 11 hours... even though I could swear I imagined the time that passed was much less. Talk about losing track of time, LOL! XD

It would seem like the ego can only remember fragments of the experience. I do remember certain strong aspects of the experience, if only the sheer feelings of it... for a while, I could recall the experience with ease, but that ability slowly fades over time, as the ego boundaries properly settle back into place. I know that I can recall it all once I re-enter that expanded mind-space, however, so I'm at peace...

I let go of another major energy block around my Heart Chakra, which felt like the center of my body had been removed and the remainder of the two halves were plastered together, lol. An oddly amusing feeling! After all the removal of these major blocks, my energy feels much expanded! It's so much easier for me to do the things I once resisted before... my willpower is much stronger, allowing me to flow through my inner negative emotional energies instead of being stonewalled, inhibited and boxed in by them.

Chaliponga created some very damn powerful illusions for me, which seemed all too real... how I did not lose my sanity, I know not, but my Spirit Guides told me to trust my instincts, my intuition and Chaliponga's and their guidance, in taking such an extreme dosage.

At one point, I thought I had died psychologically... I could feel my body and mind, but it felt like I just... wasn't there, even though I knew I was. The feeling is too strange for me to convey, even though I no longer can properly recall it...

All in all, a journey that has allowed me to break free of my previous emotionally-crippled state, allowing my strength of mind to suffuse throughout my body. To be free like this... the feeling still feels so very unfamiliar and slightly awkward, but I know that I just need time to readjust. :)

Thank you for reading! :)
As I have started to be more conscious of my body and explore it with an energetic concept in mind, I too have discovered some major blocks in my chest area.

allowing my strength of mind to suffuse throughout my body.
This also has been a major insight or me, once you break through some threshold blocks, its amazing how much energy you can move through your body just with intention.

I am wondering if you working with psychedelics have been reliable for you in overcoming energy blocks? And if results like the one you described have actually lasted?

To me while psychedelics definitly move alot of energy, but they seem hard to control, and for every block they release I wonder if they dont also can make some damage on another part of the energy field.
woogyboogy said:
This also has been a major insight or me, once you break through some threshold blocks, its amazing how much energy you can move through your body just with intention.

I am wondering if you working with psychedelics have been reliable for you in overcoming energy blocks? And if results like the one you described have actually lasted?

To me while psychedelics definitly move alot of energy, but they seem hard to control, and for every block they release I wonder if they dont also can make some damage on another part of the energy field.
Hmmm... excellent questions! I read your post a while ago, and decided to examine the short-term results before replying.

I can say that I definitely flow more easily with making certain choices ~ although once the ego falls back into place, some of the older, somewhat harder to displace habits can creep back before you know it. Something that seems to have stuck, however, is my being more calm and observant of some my more rampart thought patterns. They may only be slightly easier to manage, but I'm not quite as easily as unconsciously possessed by them as before.

In the end, it is best to overcome some of the harder habits soberly, and the Medicine seems to feel that this is the best course. The Medicine helps give me strength to keep going, thankfully. When I no longer need to Medicine to help me keep pushing forward, I will know, I suspect. For now, I keep feeling drawn to drinking the Medicine. :)

I don't think that it causes damage so much as unsettle firmly set energies, causing some unrest and anxiety, though that is a natural happenstance. It can feel like it has damaged us, whereas really, it is stirring our deep inner energies so that we can heal and integrate them in the longer term.
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