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Toxic DMT Extract

Learning Project

Rising Star
First of all excuse me for my bad English.
I'll start with a bit of a background story.
My idea was to make Pharmahuasca because of a purge with the Brews.
Around 2 years ago I extracted DMT from Mimosa via STB method with Lye and Hexane,
Than I get the crystals and make ethanol (90%) tincture from them (1 drop 5 mg dmt)
and I also made Harmala extract from Rue with Lye and natrium carbonate.
Around that time (2 years ago) i made several pharmahuasca sessions and short
after that I had to made some Liver tests at random.
The results were very bad, my liver enzymes (ALT, AST, GGT) were around 10 times bigger than the norms.
Month after that everything was fine. I was pretty sure that the problem was
the DMT Tincture (because i also used some Psilocybin tincture (90% ethanol) around that time).
For about 2 years I do nothing (except that a few times I smoke/vape a little bit of that dmt tincture (nothing spectacular)).
and about 2 weeks ago I made 2 weekends, 2 pharma (with same dmt tincture) sessions and I decided to make some liver tests again
and basically was the same thing, some of my enzymes were 5 times bigger than normal.
So I have a few suggestions:
The first one is that this is something from the cap of the jar (gland) that I made the STB in.
The second is that this is something from the lye. The third one is that this is something from the Hexane (I am pretty sure
that this is the reason) although i bought the most clean product that I've found I am pretty sure that wasn't
evaporated clean (on the spoon there was very very thin layer (ring trances) of something).
The fourth one is something from the ethanol (Very unlikely IMO 6 8 drops of 90% ethanol to make that).
The fifth one is something from the rue extract (from lye or from the natrium carbonate) the frying pan,
that I made the natrium carbonate (from natrium bicarbonate) get burned in the process and a little bit from its cover fell off but i decided to use it any way )
I don't think its possible to be something from the mimosa or rue it self ...
Now I'll wait two weeks for my enzymes to get back to normal and I'll try only rue extract two days in a row and than
I'll do the liver tests again and after that i'll try only the DMT tincture (without MAOI) and than i'll do the
tests again. And finally I think i'll evap some DMT in a row and do the liver tests again.
(EDIT) I'll take also psilocybin tincture again and then I'll do the liver tests (to see if ethanol is the problem).
I am pretty sure that hexane is the problem but after all I have to find it out (if its possible).
So my questions are:
If the DMT tincture is the problem, should I try to clean it or I have to throw it away?
Can I clean it without using Hexane/Heptane/naphta
And is it ok to continue evaporate it if the liver test are ok after I evap some and do the tests ?
And also if I have to throw it away what to do next time to prevent that if I decide to extract again ?
Its not that much (about a gram and a half) but I don't want to throw it away if there are any chances not to do that.

After all I think from now on I'll do only ayahuasca brews and not pharma, but I'll be happy if I can use this for evaporation only somehow (without hurt myself).
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The fifth one is something from the rue extract (from lye or from the natrium carbonate) the frying pan,
that I made the natrium carbonate (from natrium bicarbonate) get burned in the process and a little bit from its cover fell off but i decided to use it any way )
Sodium carbonate will not burn, you have degraded the coating of a PTFE frying pan and very possibly ingested organofluorine gunk.

Prudence would dictate disposing of the contaminated DMT (or rue) tincture as toxic waste.

In future, always use a spotlessly clean STAINLESS STEEL pan without fluoropolymer coating if converting sodium bicarbonate into the carbonate, or bake it in heat-proof glass in a clean oven.
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