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Transcendental Meditation and Health updates

Migrated topic.


The White Haired Cat
Has anyone learned the TM technique if so share an experience or your thoughts on it.

Same goes for Ormus. Both these things have entered my life recently and I'm just wanting to see if anyone here has any info on either subject.

I've been taking atomic ormus for 2 weeks now and I enjoy it, as far as TM I'm actually about to learn that today for the first time so I'll probably ending up posting what happens afterwards on here.

Time has passed a decent enough to update this.

TM Update: Works well for me! Seems to help the mental/physical aspects of stress buildup. Keeps stress lower and my mind more at ease. This is the first kind of meditation I've gotten instructions by a teacher to do. I enjoy it and look forward to other benefits of it expanding my awareness.

Ormus Update: It had seemed to work well in helping mediation and when taking it I felt a bit more energy. I heard ormus has the ability to convert into certain things that your body may need help in. Can't wait to buy more when I can.

On a side note I've bought Algae Oil that helps give Omega 3s better than fish oil and no heavy containing metals, can even help inflammation and joint pain. Read some reviews on how this 45 year old dude had really bad back pain and after taking this he's never felt better. So I may use to thread to write that down too in the future.

Algae Oil update: My poop is healthier. Guess I could've thought of the other benefits first but that's just what came out.. QUITE LITERALLY. Humor aside the algae oil seems to make my back and neck pain lessened so far in the process. Joint pain isn't as noticeable in those areas. It says that it also supports, heart, brain, and eye health but nothing that I've felt different in that aspect.

Sananga eye drops: So to start this off I'd like to say ms_manic_minxx what the hell did you get me into! So the sananga arrived and I waited the following morning to start my first session before my contacts are put in. I put the first drop in and WOAAAHHH. Spiritually painful my ass that hurt so much! The pain was borderline intolerable. So I spent roughly 5 or less minutes writing in pain on my bed. Once that died down a little I rode the pain train once more and with the next drop in my other eye. That was wild. In my next session I found a viable way do both drops at once so my suffering will be decreased a little but I guess more pain in little amount of time is better in my opinion. Also I did try rolling my eyes around as noted as best as I could during the process. Ironically I just got a tattoo of an eye on my hand that looks just about how my eyes felt on an intensity scale. I do still greatly want to thank ms manic for showing this to me and I'm looking forward to the benefits of sananga and I am happy to experience this. Painful as it is I will keep on going with my sessions because for temporary pain now its going to be worth it.
I cant say Ive done a course on TM. But I deeply enjoy listening to Maharshi's videos on YT. That man was very deep and seemed to be abiding in heavenly realms while alive on Earth..you just cant fake that look in the eye...



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Maharishi has always given me great energy even just through his videos and literature. You really can just look at him and see happiness. Even the way he talks has always made me engaged and his sense of humor always gets me :lol: I'm happy to know Ramma that you have delved into some of his work.

I won't sell you the idea of TM being life changing or being a car salesmen about it but I quite enjoy it. I try to at least do it twice a day for at least 15 minutes each. 20 minutes at best. Good relaxer and stress releaser.

I was told to stop smoking weed for TM to be efficient but it hasn't stopped my DMT use. Can say after TM and entering hyperspace I don't feel so overloaded.
WanderingCat said:
Maharishi has always given me great energy even just through his videos and literature. You really can just look at him and see happiness. Even the way he talks has always made me engaged and his sense of humor always gets me :lol: I'm happy to know Ramma that you have delved into some of his work.

I won't sell you the idea of TM being life changing or being a car salesmen about it but I quite enjoy it. I try to at least do it twice a day for at least 15 minutes each. 20 minutes at best. Good relaxer and stress releaser.

I was told to stop smoking weed for TM to be efficient but it hasn't stopped my DMT use. Can say after TM and entering hyperspace I don't feel so overloaded.

This is really good to know. I meditate daily but have been looking into TM myself and about ready to commit to carving out some time in the morning and evening to do the 2x20min sessions a day. I have considered how this may impact the DMT experience and am glad to hear that helps. Thank you for sharing.
Th3_tRuTh said:
This is really good to know. I meditate daily but have been looking into TM myself and about ready to commit to carving out some time in the morning and evening to do the 2x20min sessions a day. I have considered how this may impact the DMT experience and am glad to hear that helps. Thank you for sharing.

I hope this does benefit you ;) Its definitely helped me in many aspects of my life. It may be difficult to keep up on if you think the meditation will show you visions or anything as crazy as DMT because for the most part it doesn't do anything flashy. Granted I have had visions lasting a minute to 10 seconds before in this meditation but either than that just keep things effortless and this will be a relaxing experience :) Hope it goes well!
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