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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I thought I'd start a thread so people could share travel tips, recommendations and warnings.

I'll start the ball rolling: I am going to Thailand for 3 weeks +_in december or January (with GF and 2year old son). Does anyone have any cool must-sees, retsaurants, activities or even warnings to share?

Anything would be appreciated. And on my end, I have travelled quite a bit, so I will keep my eyes on this thread to see if I can recommend anything from any of the cool places I have had the fortune to visit.

Machu Picchu

planning a trip there for late next year, gonna stay at least a week. Wondering if

(1) any of you have been or live nearby?

(2) If so what are the must see sights nearby?

(3) I would really like to blast off there as the sun rises but would need my pipe.
Thinking I could mail it from home to the hotel maybe?, thoughts?
Im off to India in January for three weeks, always wanted to go now its happening I cant wait! Im going to goa for a week then getting the train to kerala for a week then back to goa. Ill ask my dad about thailand as hes been before, would love to hear if anyone has any tips for India? Cheers
Infinite I said:
Im off to India in January for three weeks, always wanted to go now its happening I cant wait! Im going to goa for a week then getting the train to kerala for a week then back to goa. Ill ask my dad about thailand as hes been before, would love to hear if anyone has any tips for India? Cheers

I spent almost 3 months in India 4 or 5 years ago. I'll try and dig up some stuff about the south for you (are you staying exclusively south?) also, is your goa experience to be a party filled no sleep venture, or are you looking for some super quiet down time (I know a couple of choice spots in Goa and some places to stay that are about as peaceful as you'll find there). Also, if you have the time to head inland for a couple of days, it's well worth the trip to boulder hewn Hampi. Magical.

The south is generally less hectic, friendlier, warmer and more hospitable than the south. But the north is more of an adventure!!

Im not sure about partys in goa, from what I gather there isnt much happening these days, theres a few clubs but from what ive been reading on indiamike, a forum about India, there isnt much happening at all, unfortunately as I love a good rave! :) Im going with my Dad so wont be clubbing it every night. Were based in north goa then were going to cochin in kerala for a week or so. Our plan was to have a base then work things out from there as we both want to travel about as much as we can, but the main trip while there is the train to cochin, kerala and stay there for a week, any advice would be great! :)
jbark said:
I thought I'd start a thread so people could share travel tips, recommendations and warnings.

I'll start the ball rolling: I am going to Thailand for 3 weeks +_in december or January (with GF and 2year old son). Does anyone have any cool must-sees, retsaurants, activities or even warnings to share?

Anything would be appreciated. And on my end, I have travelled quite a bit, so I will keep my eyes on this thread to see if I can recommend anything from any of the cool places I have had the fortune to visit.


An excellent choice of destination.

There's a few places in Bangkok worth seeing - the ocean world in the paragon mall is fantastic, all of your family will enjoy it.

There's also a bar on the very top of a skyscraper (think it's called sirroco?), it's expensive to buy a drink, and you have to dress smartly, but go there at night and the view....absolutely breathtaking, worth going there and buying one drink to take in the view.

The grand palace is worth a visit as well - beware any taxi drivers trying to tell you it's closed and offering you some kind of tour instead - they are lying, walk round to the front and it's business as usual, the murals surrounding the place are astounding, and the emerald Buddha even more so (no photos allowed though :( and don't point your feet at it!).

You should also know, do not bad mouth the King....ever. This includes stepping on money notes if they blow out of your hand or something, it's an incredible insult to Thai people (as a side note, if you happen to visit a cinema, they play the national anthem before the film starts, and you have to stand up for it whilst they play a short video - it's quite moving actually, I had a lump in my throat by the end).

Generally though, Bangkok gets tiring quickly, I throughly recommend heading down to the islands of Koi Samoi and/or Koi Phangnan. It's hard for me to recommend specifically what to check out given that you are going with family (I went with a group of guys so obviously different tastes). Obviously the water is beautiful for swimming/snorkelling, you can go on day long boat trips fishing in various areas if that's your thing.

There's a buddist temple with a mummified monk in a glass case - thr story goes that he was a highly regarded monk and when he died his body didn't appear to decompose as it should have, they attribute this to his holyness...worth a visit anyway!

There's a place in the middle of the island of koi samui the higher regions called Paradise farm, ran by a small family, they have all sorts of animals there that largely roam free, the animals all appear very happy and it was a wonderful place to visit and get close to the animals, we stayed there for hours chatting to the owners, can't recommend it enough.

That's all I can think of now...if I remember more I'll update!


When abroad I always carry two wallets with me; one with a little bit of cash in, the other with the rest of my cash and my cards etc.

Just in case someone does demand my money, I have something to give over without losing all my stuff. You can even go as far to put old random cards in there (like old bus passes) to make it look a bit more convincing if the robber decides to take a look before letting you go.

Its always better to be safe than sorry!

Hope thats useful
Happy travelling :D

Infinite I said:
Im off to India in January for three weeks, always wanted to go now its happening I cant wait! Im going to goa for a week then getting the train to kerala for a week then back to goa. Ill ask my dad about thailand as hes been before, would love to hear if anyone has any tips for India? Cheers

cool, yeah ive been there, got plenty of tips :D

Be careful with drugs, it can end your trip in a very bad way. You may get away with baksheesh (bribe) or you may be the unlucky one and be the example that they want to show they are doing their job to the bosses or the news, and really go to prison. Better not risk it!

As for places, I suggest you go to Anjuna, maybe a bit overhyped, there's plenty of fake hippies and what not, but its still very cool. You can potentially rent a room there and could be good. I suggest you rent a bike, but please please be careful driving! Always use honk in every corner! Do not stay on the south part of the baga river, at baga beach, thats for mainstream tourists! I think staying around the anjuna/vagator area is muuuch better.

For renting bikes, (highly recommended) a lot of people will be able to find for you, but I suggest, if you can find, to talk to the petrol lady in a little wooden shack in one of the small streets just next to the church near to the orchard stores (little market where you can get good cheese and stuff like this). She wont steal you (much :p) like many others do

You really MUST chill out and eat often at the german bakery in anjuna. Its a super cool place with amazing food of all kinds (vegetable curry, aloo gobi, all kinds of breads like naan, chapati, all of their juices, etc etc), and theres many nice travelers hanging out there.

Having a bike is really the way to go, to be mobile.. Then you can go have breakfast in chapora, in Scarlet's.. Ask for a fruit salad with icecream :D Dont worry about the dirty looks or the cockroaches, its awesome hahaha. Careful with cows passing by, they might want a little taste of your fruit bowl :D

I also suggest you make the trip to Arambol. Its also a kinda famous beach for hippies.. On the right side of the beach (looking towards the sea), you can go through this little town and around the rocks to get to a more empty beach with a lake and some hills surrounding it, its nice! Also sometimes there are parties around arambol.

In any case, the way to check for parties is to be driving around and just ask people if they know of anything. Ninebar, a super commercial trance bar that ends kinda early, is a place for sure music and meeting some people, asking for parties later on, but there are LOADS of police there and its really commercial music.

There might be party in hilltop too, its on the way to nine bar. There are other places like bamboo forest and so on, but you'll just have to ask people and see whats happening. Many parties will end with police, others will be very commercial, and there might, if you're lucky, be some super awesome party at some point. Just be driving around, dont expect much and you might have fun.

If you're in goa, please make a side-trip to Hampi. Its in karnataka, but not too far, like a night bus away (crazy bus lol). You'll REALLY thank me for this tip if you go there, I promiss.. Such a surreal scenario with some amazing temples and monkeys in the middle of some crazy hills made of huge bolders.

I dont know man there are so many things I could probably say, but for now I'll leave it at this and if I remember something else important Ill tell you
Thats great endlessness thanks for that. I was actually meaning to pm you as Id seen you had been to India. Ill pass this on to my dad too. I was thinking of renting a bike but I was reading some stuff about needing a license and it put me off, I dont have any driving licenses, is it cool to just hire one yes?

I dont think ill mess about with drugs at all just not worth it, my mates dads friend is doing ten years in a jail in goa for an ounce of hash :shock: I dont really like hash that much though I do like your dark hash sometimes, what you get in India lol and my dad is a heavy stoner but Il be steering clear, too risky!

Can I ask did you take malaria medication? Im quite worried about this after reading a lot of bad things about side effects. Cheers
For a normal bike you need license but not for the ones under 100cc or something of the sort (gearless scooters).

I didnt take malaria medication and neither did anybody that was with me, didnt hear of one single person getting malaria in the whole trip, but of course you have to decide.

Oh more tips: You can go to martha's breakfast place in the temple road, they have some rooms or appartments to rent, can be nice (and good breakfast). Also for eating nice dinner, go to Bean me up, they had some really good food and its a nice place.

On wednesdays is market day in anjuna, you gotta check it out, its kinda overwhelming.. Dont spend too much on first day, ask for prices in many shops to get an idea on prices, but know that the first price people say are always very very overpriced, try to get it at least half price down, sometimes you can pay like a fifth of what they ask for in the first place..

ok more tips will probably eventually come.
Great keep them coming! :) A lot of folks on indiamike forum say you have to take anti-malarials in goa as its quite bad for it, but I also read as many people like yourself who dont take them. I dont want the holiday ruined by being ill from them, im really undecided. My mates going to south east asia for ten weeks and hes not taking any either, im thinking if they make me ill stop taking them and be careful.
Yeah I dont want to offer medical advices because im no doctor, all I can say is what I did, which was some years ago, dont know if something changed since then in terms of malaria cases. You have to make an informed decision. Good luck either way

By the way, independent of malaria, do be sure that you'll most likely than not pass at least a day quite sick, with diarrhea and possibly vomiting.. Its very common, some kind of food poisoning, and it can come even eating from more "fancy" places (sometimes specially so... some irony of destiny). In any case its very recommended that you only drink bottled water (which sucks in terms of ecological impact, and in india there's basically no garbage collection, its either thrown somewhere or burnt) or fruit juice witout ice. Another option is bottled drinks which the glass is reused.
Vision farmer said:
Machu Picchu

planning a trip there for late next year, gonna stay at least a week. Wondering if

(1) any of you have been or live nearby?

(2) If so what are the must see sights nearby?

(3) I would really like to blast off there as the sun rises but would need my pipe.
Thinking I could mail it from home to the hotel maybe?, thoughts?

Yes yes yes. This has to be one of the most amazing places on earth. The town nearby is called aguas calientes, it's brilliant. Check out the hot springs (where the name comes from) at the top of town. Cusco is also nearby, and whilst touristy, is a great place to spend time. Just be very wary of buying any coke / MJ etc there (it's always on offer), as you are at risk of being set up by people in cahoots with the police. I very nearly got in trouble in Cusco when I was younger and more stupid than I am now!

When you are at macchu picchu, take the extra time to climb wayna picchu (the tallest part of the site) The top of this place is simply magical. The energy of the place blew me away. When you get to the top, go past the rocky summit, and follow the path down the back side of the mountain. (it's on the right of wayna picchu when viewed from the main site) There is a now disued ancient trail that you can explore, and a few quiet rocky outcrops that overlook the ruins that very few other tourists venture to. If you have your heart set on blasting off, this would be the best place to do it. I sat there and smoked a spliff with a couple of people I was with, and I still remember that moment fondly. I dont think you can climb wayna before dawn as the climb is too steep and dangerous. But definately get to the site before dawn. It is incredible as the mist rises to reveal the ruins.

If you are spending any time in peru, san pedro grows in abundance in many places. I recommend a trip to the colca canyon. Hike through it for a couple of days. There are literally millions of enormous san pedros growing. chop some down, boil it up at your camp, and have the most amazing night in the bottom of a canyon. :d

I wouldnt mail a pipe to the hotel. It just isnt worth the risks IMO. In Arequipa or Cusco I am sure you will be able to pick something suitable up. I would absolutely love to go back there - have fun, and be careful.
Methtical said:
jbark said:
There's also a bar on the very top of a skyscraper (think it's called sirroco?), it's expensive to buy a drink, and you have to dress smartly, but go there at night and the view....absolutely breathtaking, worth going there and buying one drink to take in the view.

I think there are two roof top restaurants. I have been to the Banyan Tree, it has an amazing bar and reasonable restaurant on the top of a 5 star hotel. It's worth the money. If you dont have much cash, then just go for a drink. You need to dress up a bit (no flip flops and shorts)

Infinite I said:
Im off to India in January for three weeks, always wanted to go now its happening I cant wait! Im going to goa for a week then getting the train to kerala for a week then back to goa. Ill ask my dad about thailand as hes been before, would love to hear if anyone has any tips for India? Cheers

Ohm Beach in Gokarna, Karnataka is the nicest beach I have ever been to. Recommended!! You could stop off there en route to Kerala.
Vision farmer said:
Machu Picchu

planning a trip there for late next year, gonna stay at least a week. Wondering if

(1) any of you have been or live nearby?

(2) If so what are the must see sights nearby?

(3) I would really like to blast off there as the sun rises but would need my pipe.
Thinking I could mail it from home to the hotel maybe?, thoughts?

I merged this post you made elsewhere with this thread, seemed better fitted, but when moving its ordered by date, so now its the second post in this thread. Sorry for any confusion
jbark said:
I thought I'd start a thread so people could share travel tips, recommendations and warnings.

I'll start the ball rolling: I am going to Thailand for 3 weeks +_in december or January (with GF and 2year old son). Does anyone have any cool must-sees, retsaurants, activities or even warnings to share?

Anything would be appreciated. And on my end, I have travelled quite a bit, so I will keep my eyes on this thread to see if I can recommend anything from any of the cool places I have had the fortune to visit.


Hi jbark

If you’re heading up chiang Mia way, I would highly recommend going a bit further to chiang rai to see the White Temple.
Its not temple ruins, it was built not that long age but imo its one of the best temples in Thailand (I have seen many temples there)

The White Temple

The outside of it is amazing but the real treat is inside it!
endlessness said:
Yeah I dont want to offer medical advices because im no doctor, all I can say is what I did, which was some years ago, dont know if something changed since then in terms of malaria cases. You have to make an informed decision. Good luck either way

By the way, independent of malaria, do be sure that you'll most likely than not pass at least a day quite sick, with diarrhea and possibly vomiting.. Its very common, some kind of food poisoning, and it can come even eating from more "fancy" places (sometimes specially so... some irony of destiny). In any case its very recommended that you only drink bottled water (which sucks in terms of ecological impact, and in india there's basically no garbage collection, its either thrown somewhere or burnt) or fruit juice without ice Another option is bottled drinks which the glass is reused.

Great cheers, did you take any precautions before going? Ive been taking pro-biotics and I plan on taking something called swedish bitters, both to strenghthen my stomach. I was also thinking of taking cats claw for two months before to boost my immune system. Someone said rohdiola rodesia (sp) also boosts the immune system so might look into it, hopefully do all I can before I go as ive heard people going there and their whole holiday ruined by food poisoning. Theres a thread here about prevention, its long but lots of good info: India Travel Forum | IndiaMike.com
Thailand is a good choice Jbark.

As mentioned already Bangkok gets pretty oppressive quickly.My favorite place down that part of the world is on the island Koh Pha Ngan-famous for the 'Full Moon Parties (which in actual fact are a bit of a let-down!); its a place on the North of the island called Bottle Beach.Last time I was ther (2000) there was no overland route to it and to get there you needed to take a short boatride.It has a limited number of chalets/bamboo huts so never gets overcrowded; it has electricity from 6-10pm only and its a great place to just veg-out in a hammock reading books etc.The only thing youre obliged to do there is breathe!:lol: 😉

Also, Cambodia is just a 40 minute flight away (Phnom Penh).Now THAT was a seriously debauched wild place!!!!!If you go there, you must visit Angkor Wat-totally mind-blowing!!
Infinite I said:
Im not sure about partys in goa, from what I gather there isnt much happening these days, theres a few clubs but from what ive been reading on indiamike, a forum about India, there isnt much happening at all, unfortunately as I love a good rave! :) Im going with my Dad so wont be clubbing it every night. Were based in north goa then were going to cochin in kerala for a week or so. Our plan was to have a base then work things out from there as we both want to travel about as much as we can, but the main trip while there is the train to cochin, kerala and stay there for a week, any advice would be great! :)

The place in Goa is called patnem, a stones throw from Palolem (also fairly quiet, but a bit more touristy). In patnem we stayed at a place called HOME http://www.homeispatnem.com/Pages_e/Kontakt_e.html which was fantastic but not cheap by indian standards (35-40 bucks a night). along the beach are all kinds of cool restaurants with different indian cuisine, and one of my highlights was the table-in-th-sand sunset beach dinners with a table full of friends. Patnem is very quiet, delightful and void of everything i was fearing of encountering in Goa (aged disgruntled and aimless hippies, young obnoxious uber-high revelers...).

Cochi (fort kochi) is nice, but I was quickly bored there (there were however some pretty cool tabla concerts in small bars - the town is a bit of a keralan cultural hub). I highly recommend taking a houseboat through the keralan canals for a couple of nights. The boats are equipped with a crew, a chef, and all have rooms to sleep in. We were there over christmas, and it was fantastic to be there at this time (Kerala harbours many christian indians, so the ambience was pretty cool, and a different side of india).

If I think of anything else, I'll post later.


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