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Trip recall and intensifying trips

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Rising Star
Hey everyone! I have two questions concerning my trips on spice that are bugging me:

After reading through the hyperspace lexicon I got the impression, that I probably don't remember half as much from my trips as some of you guys do. I read through this forum and found some interesting hints, but maybe you can help me a little more.
I'm already working on my dream recall and had some good success with it. Usually, when I wake up I can only remember fractions of my dream, but as soon as I start recording them, a lot of additional details come up to my mind.
Unfortunately, this does not apply to my trips on spice. Often, I only remember only little details or even just feelings of my trip.
I usually dose 35 to 40 mg using a vapor genie and breakthrough on one toke nearly every time. Most of the time I'm traveling with the mindset that I'm open to everything shown. I think it's possible, that remembering trips on DMT is a skill I can learn by trying it over and over again, but maybe some of you guys can give me an additional thought on that.

My second question is if you guys have any methods to intensify your trip experience. In my experience it helps me if I'm physically active before launching off and I always try to not smoke when I'm tired because this seems to depress the intensity of my trip. Also, clearing my mind using meditation seems beneficial to me. Anyway, I'm not skilled in visualization at all, but trying to improve on that one as well at the moment. Furthermore, I'm still a pretty scientific mind, which seems to be a disadvantage while tripping. Don't get me wrong - I also had some very intense trips with thoughts splitting up into multiple branches visualized in crazy, brilliant rays of color while observing this with my consciousness, so I know I'm able to have really bright trips. Anyway, I'd be glad for any further recommendations to get the best out of my experiences.
Your dosages are large. If you inhale that amount in one took, it can be too much. I suggest taking less. This likely results in a sub break through. As for me, you too might experience good recollection in contrast to a break through that mostly leaves a black hole.

In response to your second paragraph I can only say that sub break throughs do intensify my trips because I am (partly) aware of what happens. While a break through only generates amnesia.
Thanks for that hint... I already experimented on different dosages, but for me a breakthrough is always the target. But I think I'll try to reduce the dosages to have breakthroughs less crazy.
I found that over time with alot of trips I began to remember more details.
Working gradually in helped with remembering.
DMT by itself without harmalas at higher doses can make it difficult to remember.
Write the stuff down draw pictures journal it out. That also helps with dreams.
Hey dude, I had a similar experience with the trip recall. I could bring back bits and pieces but it was like the memory didn't do it justice.. Sometimes I was just left with the feeling that "something" very profound happened. :| I still can't remember everything but I've figured out a few tricks that help. Do it earlier in the day, lower doses (not too low!) Clear head. Make sure you're not mentally drained. Focused mindset and if you want, set your intent. Practice some meditation and visualization and the skills will be applied on your journeys. Good luck brother. :thumb_up:
I've had some of my best visions on sub breakthrough doses.

There is no need to completely eliminate reality every time if you are welcome to the mirror, just with your eyes closed on medium doses it can show you more than you expected.

There is much depth and intensity to be had by presence of mind. I don't think we need to push the envelope until it snaps every time, there is wonder in the shallow pools.
Thanks again for the input. I'll experiment on the doses and keep on going. I have the feeling, that training my memory for trips works basically like with dream recall. Maybe I'm still lacking some neurons in that specific brain region :p
Expander said:
Thanks for that hint... I already experimented on different dosages, but for me a breakthrough is always the target. But I think I'll try to reduce the dosages to have breakthroughs less crazy.

Just to complete the thread:
I finally received my GVG (used the wooden one so far) and experimented on lower doses (20-30mgs).
I definitely recall more and the bright colors came back.
Sometimes less is more I guess 😉
My experience with gvg is 20-25 is pretty good for me. I havnt purposely done more than 25 with gvg. i am pretty confident i preloaded 20 before became busy for a few days and forgot about the preload. I don't remember much except a few clips of it.

Ever try writing down in a journal what you felt saw and experienced? Maybe doing that will help the immediate recall as you come back and the details will be finer.
Expander said:
After reading through the hyperspace lexicon I got the impression, that I probably don't remember half as much from my trips as some of you guys do. I read through this forum and found some interesting hints, but maybe you can help me a little more.
I'm already working on my dream recall and had some good success with it. Usually, when I wake up I can only remember fractions of my dream, but as soon as I start recording them, a lot of additional details come up to my mind.
Unfortunately, this does not apply to my trips on spice. Often, I only remember only little details or even just feelings of my trip.
I usually dose 35 to 40 mg using a vapor genie and breakthrough on one toke nearly every time. Most of the time I'm traveling with the mindset that I'm open to everything shown. I think it's possible, that remembering trips on DMT is a skill I can learn by trying it over and over again, but maybe some of you guys can give me an additional thought on that.

Idk, for me personally as time goes on and the years pass by it seems like more and more things remind me of Hyperspace. The smallest triggers setting forth a variety of memories, some hazy, some fairly clear and concise. The strongest facilitators for me have been certain music/songs [especially songs I'd played during many of my deepest experiences].

Reading certain peoples writings has also done very much the same thing as the music ime. Certain words, the way sentences are written and how they attempt to describe the experience - all that strung together for me does something inside my head, not entirely sure what tbh. For instance I was reading Mystery School of Hyperspace' some time ago, and mid-way through there had been a random experience report, and I remember I was sitting outside the evening that I was reading this passage, sun setting. I remember shortly into reading the passage I started to get hit by specific details/pieces of some of my breakthroughs, much like with music, though the difference this time was that as I was reading and looking down at the page I started noticing that tryptamine hum/buzz and started seeing the distinct concentric circles, connected, grabbing each other in unison with that tryptamine-flow in between them, slightly gyrating, turning on end, becoming multi-dimensional. It's exactly what I experience in the first few seconds with dmt, there was no question to me what was happening. Nothing came of it, as soon as I ever so slightly pulled my attention away from what was happening it all dissipated as quickly as it began. [/quote]

Expander said:
My second question is if you guys have any methods to intensify your trip experience.

If you're just vaporizing freebase, you could dose a tiny bit of sublingual harmalas then vape dmt shortly after it's dissolved under the tongue [30-40mg harmala freebase]. Just a tiny dose to help slow the experience down jussst a step, nothing too intrusive ime, same experience more or less, just slowed down ever slightly, things sink in a bit moar. This small dose of harmalas could also be said for what we're talking about above - remembering the experience, I would say that they definitely can do this.

And also, bigger hits and possibly a sliiightly higher dosage [I know , the obvious :D but true!]. Train them lungs with the bigger hits 😁 :twisted:

A very powerful one [ime] is 30-50mg harmala freebase sublingual, then about 5 minutes after it dissolves use some 1:1 enhanced leaf [dmt:herb], load a smaller bong [preferably glass], ice cold water, try to get as big of a hit as possible, go for broke. If intensity is really what you're seeking then that there can certainly get you there without question. [changa in a bong can be equally as powerful, just got to watch the harmala ratios in the changa blend ime].
That's some really good suggestions... Writing/recording Trip reports is a good one since it helped me with dream recall as well. Harmalas seem to be a good option too. I'll keep on experimenting.
My lung volume is pretty good since I'm an athlete since >15 years - I can clear 45mg easily with one toke which is beneficial for reducing the struggle with 2nd and 3rd hits while having strong visuals already.
I can just lean back and wait for the bang.
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