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Trip report with Art

Migrated topic.
DMT_Tom said:
I am SO glad I clicked on this thread.

You are an amazing artist,. Before reading the story, I spent several good minutes just staring at the picture and relating it to my experiences with DMT on the level of sheer absurdity!
How long did you spend on that picture? I think anyone here would love to depict their experiences in such a vivid way for others to see!

The report was unbelievable man, sounds absolutely far out and weird. I am really curious for the opinions of those who are experienced with DMT and Salvia separately now!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond. I'm glad you guys like it. This took about maybe 2-3 weeks from start to finish I believe, give or take. I might do another one I'm not really sure where to go next.
A true virtuoso, you have found the alphabet for salvia space. Thank you :)
I just smoked some 10x (hard to find a cutting in Australia :( ) half an hour ago and it felt so similar to that big Ol' pasta maker that mr blue and yellow is spinning in your picture, although I couldn't see his face I could see his arm spinning my head around the contraption. Remarkable the likeness.
That beats Netflix anyday.
BringsUsTogether said:
Salvia trip reports frighten me but your report made it seem like there is something worthwhile to experience.

Thank you for your amazing art and report.

Salvia itself scares the hell outta me. $#!+ mind-raped me, but SD seems to have a good relationship with it.
I am just dipping my toes into salvia, this image is amazing it's both inspiring and terrifying, salvia is a teacher I so desperately want to build a relationship with I have 6 young plants at the moment and this image makes me want to get things moving quickly, but I am afraid of going there, Salvia Droid is definitely a massive source of inspiration through his art and trip reports, great work SD thank you for the work you do :thumb_up:

How on earth was this image made?
I think you're still in salvia world.
Just about to try salvia for the first time.
Did you smoke the leaves or the extract?

Wonderful report !!
Heh - I had never noticed a gallery of 'beings' before, but the other night as I was chewing the leaf I saw 'bleachers' off to the side filled with beings. I perceived them to be various characters/voices that usually are there narrating my experiences...but I thought of your artwork immediately :)
YES!!..That guy in your picture.[in first post].thats me!... lying down flat as a wet rug also and sliced into sections !..on one of my amoked salvia extract 40x trips ...

And that was just a pinch of extract!

Yup ..i felt flat as a wet rug :lol: as my bodily sensations were so altered and i could feel my little heart pulsing under the middle of that rug..

That rug felt more like a thin wet blanket!:lol:

This stage i experianced..may have been the beginning of a transition out of my physical body to lucid dream like experiance where i would solidly be emersed into a dream world compleate with dream body...
SalviaDroid said:
Created a Trip report to accompany this visual translation I just recently made. Hope you enjoy.


,.-·✧"The Conductor of Consciousness"✧·-.,¸

As I exhaled the second breathe of sage I closed my eyes and started to patiently await for the onset arrival. The familiar feeling once again began to take hold of my body and I knew this was going to be a deep dive. Once I released the smoke I knew there was no going back. There are certainly no exits within this oblivion.

At first I could only see darkness, but soon I began to see a light just ahead that gave the impression of me being in a tunnel. My arms and body were then being pulled upwards from my bed by chains into this tunnel and towards the light at the end. As the opening of this tunnel drew closer I could then see the machinery that was responsible for pulling my body into this new realm. It was composed of colorful geometric shaped gears, levers, pulleys, chains, conveyer belts and engines. A machine world of colors that only Terence McKenna could adequately describe.

From here my body was pulled into a massive wheel that began to flatten my body into some kind of tiled stone blanket. I felt every part of my body compressing into this roller and had a moment of fright as to whether this was going to collapse my lungs or not. I reminded myself that this was only a trip and continued to pay close attention to the moment. Flattening between the rollers gave off a claustrophobic feeling but it soon passed as I was then shot outwards into an open area of snow white light that stretched infinitely in all directions. The light was so bright that it made everything appear as if they were shadows in comparison. As the first roller shot my leveled body outward I began to break down into small cubes that were moving rapidly towards a second roller ahead and to the left of the first. At this point my perspective shifted to the 3rd person and I could witness everything happening from behind and above. The appearance of my body that had left the rollers was no longer unique, but made now to look like that of an expressionless masked mannequin.

When the pieces of my separated body came close to the second roller I witnessed my body reassemble back into its stone blanket shape perfectly. It was as if it had never been broken apart, and I now began to wrap around this roller. After being shot out once more I took notice that there were many more of these rolling wheels positioned in all directions as far as the white fog allowed viewable. They were perfectly aligned in rows and columns above, below, to the right and left of mine. There were other people being flattened and assembled just as I was. I could then watch them go through the same motions as I was. Their appearance was identical to my own, which made me question as to whether these were duplicates of myself or simply other individuals. I pondered that if these were other individuals, were they conscious of what was happening to them in this exact moment?

As this went on and on I then noticed out of the bright white light an island ahead in the distance approaching. When it came closer the perspective shifted back to first person. This island had the appearance of some kind of prison factory. Not only that but this room was inhabited by a very large amount of beings who were all caged inside by a metallic fence. They were all looking in my direction as if they were expecting my arrival. Their behavior became ecstatic in seeing me. Some were cheering with excitement, while others had mixed emotions of apprehension, playfulness, anger and curiosity. Their primary color was that of yellow, followed by a dark blue. Plastic people these were, which were reminiscent to that of traffic light reflectors or construction site markings. Some were so comical and absurd to the point of resembling electrical material, blenders, toasters and vacuums.

A creature composed of plastic ribbons colored blue and yellow stood outside of the gate. He was the only one not locked within this prison type factory. He gave me a sinister grin and a laugh that left me feeling a bit uneasy. He reached out with his claw like hands as if to grab me and I felt my wanting desire to remain within this realm diminish rapidly. I opened my eyes unsure if I would be able to return yet and I just barely was. I could still see the figure and the factory island but that world began to melt away as a dream does. Slowly fading back into the distance of my mind as if it were nothing more than a perplexing thought. -SalviaDroid

Awesome report!

How did you manage such a good detailed memory of your experiance/?

Also i usually see a lot of greens and reds in s SD trips.. but it appears you got many more colors?

What were you smoking 10 20 or 40x and how much?
I'm in love with your art SalviaDroid, so terrifying and oppressive but playful and cartoonish - such a perfect rendering of getting unzipped. Your art reminds me 21st Century Robert Williams (think of the inside illustration in Appetite For Destruction.) Very, very cool.
Thanks to everyone who commented. I created a second trip report with Artwork to accompany it. Hope you enjoy.


,.-·✧"Kappa Factory"✧·-.,¸

Wave after wave of fractals began to tear my field of vision apart. Colors became more vivid and patterns more intricate. Each passing wave felt similar to the turning of a page, and I soon realized that my existence began to unfold like that of a book. Within it contained the "Story of life." My life flashed before me. Everything I thought was real leading up to this moment slowly began to fade away. Myself and everyone I knew were shown to be like the characters in a Novel. An over exaggerated theatrical play with overwhelming excitement and hoorays. As each page turned I noticed on each resided a new plane of existence that was meant to experienced. But not just as a human, but also as an animal or other conscious life forms. But with the passing of each page I saw that the life forms became more and more degraded as the book drew closer and closer to it's "End." And this upset me because I felt that I would be trapped within this endless cycle of degradation.

But this was not to be the "End." This book of life began to tear apart and from those openings I witnessed numerous life forms coming forth from the book. At first their form was limited. Made from a semitransparent silver goo. As they moved away from the book and onto some type of conveyor belt they grew in form. Matured they became and took a form of solidity resembling mankind. They were being conveyed throughout this machine world towards what seemed to be the mind of the machine or the center of the matrix. Upon entering this domain I witnessed them being formed into plastic shaped toys that reminded me of chess pawns. Their uniqueness and originality was removed and replaced with a unifying archetypal appearance. A sort of "Santa's workshop."

And I saw a Jester of sorts. Similar to ones I have seen before that is always playing tricks and grinning. It was turning a wheel that had some sort of significance. I felt as though this whole operation was some type of game. That each of these plastic pawns were unaware that they were being played in a much larger game they knew nothing about. I thought that it was this Jester who was responsible for this whole scenario, but I remember feeling as though it too was merely a slave in this whole operation. It too was perhaps working for something higher or lower. And at last I remember seeing the pawns dissemble into cubes to be melted back down into their original liquid form so that they could re enter the cycle. And so this would continue on and on until the colorful carpet workers released me from their world. Always desiring for me to stay longer.

Perhaps me being relinquished from this world was me waking up from the dream... or perhaps it was me falling back asleep...
Holy shit. Insane trip report. I've always wanted to try Salvia, but don't know where to source it in Aus.

What tools do you use to make your drawings? I'm the most laziest artist in the world.
:shock: :shock: :shock:

SalviaDroid, that first drawing is mind boggling, this is Alex Grey level work. You nailed it.

Love the second one, but would love it even more if the smoking area (ie the couch & living room in the 1st drawing) was somehow included.

You have a gift for representing the psychedelic. Can't wait for more.

Edit: just saw you have a website and gallery. I take back that Alex Grey insult. Your stuff is beyond anything.
Bodhisativa said:
Holy shit. Insane trip report. I've always wanted to try Salvia, but don't know where to source it in Aus.

What tools do you use to make your drawings? I'm the most laziest artist in the world.
Yes! I would like to know something about the process you used to create this work as well. Super amazing artwork!!
This video shows the creation process of the second drawing called "Kappa Factory." This is all I have as far as the creation process goes. It's digital art / Wacom tablet / Manga Studio 5 program.

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