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Trip reports


Rising Star
90mg 1 to 1 Pau D'Arco changa with 40mg spice on top.

Not so much launched but engulfed into the presence of intelligence that transcends space and time. Not necessarily god but but life or intelligence and awareness that is not bound to this point in space. Unbelievable!!!
I can't give a report. There's no way I'll ever be able to convey hyperspace! I felt everyones love and excitement, though. That made for a good blast off.

what a dimension....
slidewinder said:
I can't give a report. There's no way I'll ever be able to convey hyperspace! I felt everyones love and excitement, though. That made for a good blast off.

what a dimension....

maybe once the enigmaticus is done..you will be!
woahooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! that was intense. My first launch with new batch of rue extract. I am still feeling the effects. Will definitely post on the S.H.E.website in detail in a few hours.

heres my glyph btw ... sorry about the large filesize
it was me and about 6 other people who blasted off together. a few people had stuff so we all packed different bowls. a few people were first timers and they said being in a group with that much energy was intense. plus a few of us were really close already and a few were new comers to the group but after that everyone was everyones best friend.
Just read the 3rd SHE reports, some amazing ones!

Glad you made it back intact Traveler, that was harrowing.

Timeloop, brilliant report again. I don't envy you, being picked out of 6+ billion by these hyper-intelligences ;) My sub-breakthrough multicolored fractals of this SHE resemble your glyph.

Idtravlr, I couldn't believe it when I read about your troubles with the lighter - same thing here! I almost feel the urge to apologize: who knows I caused this, radiating my own clumsy attempt ;)
I hope you don't mind I quote you, Timeloop:

"The human race is living in a cocooned state where we are all unaware of other intelligent beings in the universe. This time is coming to an end. They are coming and when they arrive nothing is ever going to be the same again. This time is coming very soon. It may have something to do with 2012, im not sure, it could be happening now. There is so much going on on the other side of this event horizon that we cannot begin to comprehend. I get tiny elements of this every time, new pieces slowly being added to the cosmic puzzle. One thing that was stronger this time is that we will all be physically changed once they arrive. They are going to change us. It seems like perhaps we will become hybridized. This feels like some kind of experiment, but there is an underlying urgent reason for this to occur. There is some kind of struggle going on over there. I do not know the extent of it, but something is happening that we are connected to. The changes that will occur will be to prepare us for the totality of what is coming. I do not want to focus on dualities but that feeling is there. A struggle of forces within a vast ocean of consciousness that is so far beyond our own. But not for much longer. It is coming and we are going to have to deal with it weather we like it or not. "

I wanted to thank you for this.
slidewinder said:
I hope you don't mind I quote you, Timeloop:

"The human race is living in a cocooned state where we are all unaware of other intelligent beings in the universe. This time is coming to an end. They are coming and when they arrive nothing is ever going to be the same again. This time is coming very soon. It may have something to do with 2012, im not sure, it could be happening now. There is so much going on on the other side of this event horizon that we cannot begin to comprehend. I get tiny elements of this every time, new pieces slowly being added to the cosmic puzzle. One thing that was stronger this time is that we will all be physically changed once they arrive. They are going to change us. It seems like perhaps we will become hybridized. This feels like some kind of experiment, but there is an underlying urgent reason for this to occur. There is some kind of struggle going on over there. I do not know the extent of it, but something is happening that we are connected to. The changes that will occur will be to prepare us for the totality of what is coming. I do not want to focus on dualities but that feeling is there. A struggle of forces within a vast ocean of consciousness that is so far beyond our own. But not for much longer. It is coming and we are going to have to deal with it weather we like it or not. "

I wanted to thank you for this.

yes... that was a very good report. Remembers me about a tv show related with UFO's on the discovery channel... or maybe history channel, there were people talking about hybridation and being abducted or summoned before hybrid people.
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