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Turned into a toad (Smoked YOPO)

Migrated topic.


The future's uncertain and The End is always near.
So I dried and peeled 3 Anadenanthera PEREGRINA seeds.
I took some BIG hits from them in my pipe.
Here is what happened :

After two small cautious hits :

I felt an intense pressure/headache right infront of where my Pineal gland is.
I then got a bodyload very similar to DMT, only with moderate muscle cramps.
Strangely enough I was void of any fear...
(I was actually advised to try 5-MeO-DMT by Alex Grey after explaining to him that I was stuck in a bad-trip rut)
(Everytime I smoke DMT I get horrifying demonic hellish visions)

After countless other big hits :

The DMT-feeling grew stronger but I began to feel reptilian/amphibian.
Everything I did was experienced from the reptilian mind.
I became nauseous, I burped and I felt as a toad croaking. My throat was expanding like a frog's throat.
I perceived my body as I were a toad or a frog.
My legs and skin were frog-like. I felt like my eyes looked like a frog.
Impossible to understand what I mean from those words, unless you directly experience it.

I laid down and began to have light visions of a big strong beautiful Eagle.
This inspired me to write poetry as I were that Eagle trapped in the cage of society.
I felt incredible body energy after the cramps wore off.
I was energized and strengthened after surviving the poison.
I went outside and strangely enough all the cats in the neighborhood approached me and started rubbing against me and meowing crazily... Very good energy!
(This NEVER happens, btw. They always avoid me)

My question to you : Have you ever perceived yourself as being reptilian or amphibian after doing Yopo seeds or 5-MeO-DMT?
The implications of this are quite strange...
It had happened to me with colorado river toad venom (sapito). My whole perception of reality became that of a toad.(i know this will make no sense to many)
After the second inhalation time started to run very slow and everything in my visual field started to be perceived in infrared colors and my ears were overwhelmed by a infinity of sounds. Wonderful and bizarre. Lasted 20 minutes but to me it felt like a hundred years.
mexico-magico said:
It had happened to me with colorado river toad venom (sapito). My whole perception of reality became that of a toad.(i know this will make no sense to many)
After the second inhalation time started to run very slow and everything in my visual field started to be perceived in infrared colors and my ears were overwhelmed by a infinity of sounds. Wonderful and bizarre. Lasted 20 minutes but to me it felt like a hundred years.
I know what you mean to a high degree.
It sounds like you went further into the experience than I did.
Did you get any lasting benefits from the experience?
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