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Turning Tryptamine into spice

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was reading The Spirit Molecule, and I got to the pages where Strassman is comparing the structures of all these different psychoactive chems, and he says, "DMT is also a tryptamine and is the simplest psychedelic. Simply
add two methyl groups to the tryptamine molecule and the result is
"di-methyl-tryptamine": DMT." This made a light bulb appear over my head. Would it not be really simple to methylate tryptamine? Sorry if this question was already posted, I looked through twenty pages of posts and didn't find it.
Has anyone tried this before?
Hallo oiswert!

That exactly how synthesis of dmt is done in the lab actually. Mind you that this route is pretty much tricky and yields of dmt are not very good, let alone the fact that the procedure is very risky for kitchen chemists.
On this forum we actually don't get into actual synthesis of illegal chemicals. This is probably why you didn't see much about it.

As Infundibulum said, this stuff is not for kitchen chemists to be trying. It also may attract attention that no one on this forum wants.

I repectfully ask that you end discussion on synthesis of illegals and precursors of illegals.

While synthesis is off limits there is a wealth of other information you may find useful on this forum. Welcome!
it seems strange to me that synthesis is off limits yet extraction is ok, seeing as the two are equally illegal and could both land someone in a buttload of jail time.
nope, these are "theoretical discussions" (all the SWIM dialogue) of extractions with legal entheogens. we do not condone any illegal activities.

besides, synthesis should be reserved for those who can at the very least balance a reaction equation and adjust stoichiometric ratios to down/upscale as necessary. making dmt from tryptamine is not quite as easy as making a carbon dioxide volcano.

still, we don't discuss synthesis, because paranoia is sometimes a good thing.
read the D.EA Microgram lately? people get busted all the time for turning their apartments into a clandestine lab; more than likely, their downfall is linked to online sources and paper trails
(not to mention websites which have been shut down because of allowing the discussion of intent to commit illegal activities.)
Apart from safety issues there is also the hypothetical issue of intent to supply.

Extracting plant material with 1% max dmt is quite different from trying to synth up a couple hundred grams of DMT.

The D....E..a is alot less interested in some guy who extracts 2 grams of spice for personal use than some guy who just synthed a nice batch for sale to all his friends, and their friends, and so on.
2 grams, that's quite a good supply. SWIM has only had 600mg at the most, but of course he only had about 80g of MHRB to go on at that time. He's curious about his remaining 120mg of MHRB that he'll destine for FASA.
benzyme said:
nope, these are "theoretical discussions" (all the SWIM dialogue) of extractions with legal entheogens. we do not condone any illegal activities.

I love how people keep telling themselves that as if it is gonna help them out in court some day :roll:

acolon, I understand what your saying and that makes sense to me. I guess i never really looked into the yields of a synth as compared to an extraction.

honestly tho I wish people would stop with the whole swim thing as if its fooling someone. Also, isnt the dmt-nexus hosted in the Netherlands?
Hey I'm with you on the SWIM thing.

If people are more comfortable using it though, it is their right.

If the DEA comes knocking on someones door the last thing they should be worried about is internet postings. If they've got a MHRB extraction going on, a mushroom cultivation, or any other drugs in the house other evidence is really not needed. The case is kinda already lost. I'm not a lawyer but I bet that's probably the case.

Not that anyone on this forum is ACTUALLY extracting or using dmt or any other illegal drug.
Just think about it

for one to get their house searched, a warrant is necessary.. for a warrant to be made, considerable evidence is needed. A person saying on some forum that in a dream, someone who isnt them did this and that, I really think is much less likely to be targeted than shroomery style kid saying "yo I just got xxx grams of such and such drug and I sold it for xxx $, and I got it all stashed under my bed, here's a pic of my house"

they got so much works on their hands, that I really do think that SWIM could make a difference.. Its like locking a car.. If someone REALLY wants your car, no door lock will be enough, but if there is a car just next to yours that looks exactly the same but is unlocked, for sure the 'robber' will go to that one first

but of course, when people say SWIM, they really do mean its not them ;)
I see your argument but I don't think it works in this case. I am pretty sure there is a "code word" law where they can basically just say "SWIM is a code word used for I/me/us". Even if there isn't I don't think it'd be any harder to convence a judge to issue a warrant just because someone uses the word "SWIM". I mean cops as it is just make up evidence for raids
for raids anyway, why would using an acronym make it any more difficult? As much as you want to believe it, saying saying "a guy who isn't me was extracting a schedule one substance from a plant and found this out" won't keep you out of jail anymore than saying "I'll give you this comb for $100 and a free gift of weed" will prevent you from getting a dealing charge.

The real protection comes from flying under the radar. No one wants to use their resources looking for someone who reported extracting <5g of a substance which would involve first serving a warrant to this site to logs for what IP's posted what with the chance that logs aren't even kept, then to serve another warrant to the ISP for those IP's to get a name and address which might not even be the right guy (open wireless) to raid their house who knows how long after the supposed extraction to maybe find that everything has already been used up and all thats in the house is a little bit of weed.

They could just as easily wait for a CI to tell them so and so has X amount of Y drugs in his house right now and bust that guy for possibly dealing which looks a whole lot better for their career than some hippie who had small quantities some almost unheard of natural drug that took multiple warrants and relatively tons of resources to track down.
yes well said

one factor to note is there is also a difference in country laws... I guess what you wrote applied more to USA, while many ppl in this forum are from other countries, so it might be a bit different..

but in any case, flying under the radar is always the way to go... discretion is a must
acolon_5 said:
On this forum we actually don't get into actual synthesis of illegal chemicals. This is probably why you didn't see much about it.

As Infundibulum said, this stuff is not for kitchen chemists to be trying. It also may attract attention that no one on this forum wants.

I repectfully ask that you end discussion on synthesis of illegals and precursors of illegals.

While synthesis is off limits there is a wealth of other information you may find useful on this forum. Welcome!

Plus just cuzz it sounds easy, adding this, methylating that, doesnt mean it is. Plus everything alcon said.:)
Since it is against the rules to talk about the actual synth process, I will just say that it is not as easy as methylating tryptamine, sorry. It forms a quaternary ammonium salt, which is inactive and thus the way to obtain DMT from tryptamine is more complex than that.
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