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UFO releases intelligent moving spheres

Migrated topic.


Sun Dragon
Senior Member
Found this video on youtube and it is quite amazing. The speech is in spanish but with English subtitles. I'm usually skeptical about UFO videos on youtube, but this one is quite extraordinary. Gets really good at around 4:30 in.

Let me know what you think...

Nice video diffo oneof the better ones Ive seen.

But when it comes to UFOs and aliens i have to be skeptical...i just cant see it happening imo. But hey stranger things have happened. :)
Yup, That is a weird alright...

This vid was in the "more from" list on your link......HOLY FREAKING SHEEEET!!!!
I think this might be the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my life!!!

just watched this video rite after it thought it quite interesting, dunno what you guys think of crop circles but photoshopped or not some of these are quite impressive.
warrensaged said:
Yup, That is a weird shaped rock alright...

This vid was in the "more from" list on your link......HOLY FREAKING SHEEEET!!!!
I think this might be the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my life!!!


Wow, holy shit is right! That poor guy...
Looks alot like the UFO I saw 2 years ago in vancouver right over jerico beach just after sunset..it was night time but had that same orangy yellow dlow to it..like a glowing sphere in the sky..it hovered for a bit, zoomed off and made some impossible turns(impossible for airplaine or helicopters) and then shot off over the north shore mountains..over a hundred other people saw it as well. Never saw one again.
That's a pretty awesome video. Here's another coming from Mexico which is actual Mexican air force footage...ya, who knew Mexico had an air force?:) Maybe they aren't as shy around Mexicans because of their relation to the Aztec, Inca, and Mayans?

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