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UK GVG Store?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey Nexus, I briefly saw a message that a GVG could be ordered within the UK! As I don't wish to order one from US or Amsterdam I got excited but the link quickly disappeared as did my GVG hopes :( .
A google search didn't get me anywhere so if anyone can help me find the store I'd appreciate it.
Incal said:
As I don't wish to order one from US or Amsterdam

Why not? You won't get raided for having a pipe sent to your door. They normally describe it as an "aromatherapy kit", you could even ask them to do it.

From my searches it looks like you might just be stuck with the standard vapor genie that sells on ebay... or, go to amsterdam lol
Hi everyone

I just made the site quickly so please don't judge it too badly on that side of things, you can use Paypal so will have full buyer protection etc.

I will place an order with VG very soon if you are interested.

Here is the link: http://www.glassvaporgenie.co.uk/

Any questions just message me, ideally via the site I made as I cannot reply on here due to being a new member.
Azarius in Holland is the European supplier of VG goods and they normally arrive in 3 days. At least when I last looked they weren't doing the liquid pads for VG though so if you wanted these you'd have to go to VG in the US.
After asking, Azarius said "We do not sell them at the moment." without a prognosis if-or-when they will sell them, so it's a bit unclear on that part. I expect they will eventually.
Haekon said:
Was it Azarius or something like that maybe?
I cant remember.. It wasn't Azarius .. I have used them before for other bits n bobs..

All I can recall is that it was from Amsterdam.. I bought a little case with it at the same time.

I did buy a spare ceramic filter from USA recently ..To load up with..

If I remember ill post it..
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